Will you buy it when it comes out on January 31?
Will you buy it when it comes out on January 31?
>multiple 60 dollar games
>Episodic content
Actually, I've decided that I am never, ever buying another Square Enix published title ever again. I will never buy another episodic game ever again.
But you're getting more content. Making long, quality games requires more resources and people than they used to.
If you got just one game, it would be condensed like FF XV
>january 31st
Final Fantasy 7 remake being released in the first half of 2017 is about as likely as me getting a GF in the first half of 2017.
It's been a year since the gameplay trailer, you don't think they're close to finishing the Midgar stuff by now?
f*** no
not a fan of the episodic format, or the action rpg conversion or the no world map
ill pop back my old ps1 version when this time come.
i WOULD have bought it if they just put a modern coat of paint on the old ff7. but have you LOOKED at new squarenix folks? look more like a boyband than a developper studio
I don't know, I would certainly hope so. We are definitely overdue for a new trailer. I'd think we would get some news before E3, especially now that KH2.8 is coming out next month and FFXV is out of development hell.
I doubt they even know how to make the game, S-E lacks planification, they just throw a trailer and then think about how the game will be.
FF7R will suffer the same fate as FFXV
there's no way they're gonna release it so close to XV
hell yes, most hyped game of the century for me
can't wait
reveal had me tearing up was so fucking awesome in everyway
I'll read some user reviews before I make my decision, but I'm not optimistic
>January 31st
You dumbass mongoloid piece of shit
That's when the date for SE's 30th anniversary for Final Fantasy is, not when the first episode is coming out
If we're lucky, that'll be when they announce the release date, not the release date itself
I'm not optimistic at all
You just know they're going to change all kinds of shit
That's what they want you to think, so when they release it, it'll be a big surprise. They've been keeping quiet about this game for a reason.
>releasing it on the 20th anniversary
user that would be a fantastic surprise, that would be a kodaka level surprise. But I don't think you should get your hopes up
>i want a game that took 3 discs to complete scaled down to 1 disc with next gen graphics with all the insignificant tome texts with absolutely no compromise whatsoever.
what the fuck kind of name is "Cloud" anyway? It's like being named "Grass"
If it has combat system identical to XV then no. Fucking horrible and annoying combat
I'm stealing that, hope square doesn't beat me to it like they did with Lightning
If it had XV combat it would actually be good, but unfortunately it's not going to and instead having much worse canned shit instead.