Poorfag who made his way to a richfag

Poorfag who made his way to a richfag.

Just got a high end desktop.

Recommend me some vidya Sup Forums


Sniper Elite 3

How did you become a richfag?

So you became a NEET?

>buy pc for that definitive gaming experience
>wow its nothing.jpg
>proceed to download hundreds of skyrim mods
And that's how I knew Master Race wasn't for me.


A series of fortunate and unfortunate events.

Still work and all that good shit.

That doesn't tell me anything user. You could've had a very interesting rags to riches story to tell.

Tell us some stories uncle user!

Probably he inherited some money after a loss.

Probably sucked 10,000 dicks for $10 each


Or a 1000 fat guy dick's for a 100 each

League of Legends.

>Be wee lil' user
>Dreams of Master Race
>Be 18 year old user
>Out on own with girl in new town
>Live in an apartment for 2 years
>Up and down relationship
>Move back to hometown for job offer
>It's nice for about six months raking in the dough.
>Girl goes apeshit, admits a bunch of infidelities.
>Send that bitch packing
>Fuck bitches time
>Whole company falls apart
>Unemployed for six months
>Get job at Denny's
>Two more years pass
>Run that Denny's
>Get call one morning
>Dad was trying to break up a fight like a good samaritan and some backwards ass country security tased him to death
>Quit job
>Use remaining funds to hire a lawyer
>Use newfound wealth to start a rig moving company because oilfield is what's big here.
>Get money, get computer

Not the best story.


>3rd world shithole

Damn, that is pretty up and down. Glad you at least made it big in the end

Zeus and Poseidon
Submarine Warriors
Unreal Gold
Jagged Alliance 2
Hostile Waters
Mechwarrior 3
Army Men
Shogo: MAD
Populous: The Beginning

thanks for sharing your story

sorry about your dad

Damn. Kinda sad the money had to come that way. At least I'm sure your dad would be happy knowing you're in a good situation.

Thanks my dudes.

What a story, Mark

Why would you build a PC and not know what you want to play on it?

Emulating stuff with dolphin is fun.
I enjoyed MGSV Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Rising.
I don't get new AAA pc games often, usually smaller things like indie games.

lots of options

Good on you, user. Kept your self going and sucked that piece of shit who killed your dad dry. Now you've got your own business and can play vidya without worry.

I'm no master race myself, but I suppose I could recommend some good multi-plats I know of if you said what you like.

Or 10 for free

Not op, but what games can run good on an i3 6100 with a gtx 1050 ti.

>tased him to death
Brutal. At least he didn't go in vain - you didn't blow it on stupid shit and secured your future. Good shit.

Anyway, just get the flashiest shooter you can. Maybe BF1 and pump it up to max. Gotta break it in.

Don't go hog wild spending money on things you don't need, though. You do *not* want to go back to being a poorfag again.

sorry about your dad, user

DAMN that was a lot of up and down

Here's some big fat anime titty for you.

OP Here.

Got Doom and BF1 for shooting games, I'd like a couple more but I don't want that to be the only genre.

Got Subnautica and had a pretty good time.

I like base building and RTS games.

RPG's are boss and so is Co-op.

Dawn of War 2 and its expansions have great and very unique campaigns, combination of RTS and RPG. Also co-op


Not PC but Crystal Chronicles (the first one) is the best co-op game I've ever played.

How did you start the business? It seems like the #1 way to make real money is be a business-owner, in pretty much any field. I've done some basic online shops but never a physical business.

For base building try cities skylines, rimworld or banished.
RTS could be red alert 3 or Planetary Annihilation.

Wildcards; fallout and dark souls series.

Honestly, I got really lucky on that.
A lot of my friends already work in the oilfield so getting them to jump over to mine was easy,
And a good buddy of mine already owns a rig moving business. So we opened mine up as a sister branch.

Love me all the Dark Souls, played them on 360 and xboner.

I've never been a big Red Alert player, I assume I can just jump into it like any RTS?

Red alert is pretty casul, just don't play on hard.
please gift helldivers dlc for stridnikov, guvnor

Gimme some recommends,
and maybe friend.

Well I find that the trick to being a PC master race gamer is to get a double monitor, that way you can shitpost while you watch anime, and you probably stop playing video games altogether. Thats what I did and Im having fun

I want to ask Sup Forums about double monitors, how do they fucking work and can I shitpost and play vidya with TV, HDMI cable and a laptop?

If I go could go back in time and give myself a list of what to stick with
>fallout 3, new vegas and 4
>xcom enemy unknown
>metal gear phantom pain
>rainbow six siege
>garry's mod
Garry's mod might actually be extra interesting if you come from console.