No matter how much you yearn for it, wish it, and pray for it Poison used to be a man meme will never, has never, and will never be canon.
How does that make you feel?
No matter how much you yearn for it, wish it, and pray for it Poison used to be a man meme will never, has never, and will never be canon.
How does that make you feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
i don't give a fuck
mightn't be canon but would still let poison throat fuck me to death
Doesn't affect me one bit, but I'm going to keep using it, because it's a meme by now, and now I know it triggers you.
>if I deny it hard enough people will believe it's not canon
That ain't how the world works kiddo
You're wrong thou, and even CAPCOM acknowledged the meme by now.
You won't be satisfied until it says "Poison (male)" thou, so there's no point arguing this.
And the infinite amount of Poison trap porn makes me feel great, thanks.
Poison is likely trans.
But since China and Middle East are territories where Capcom wants to sell the game(s) they won't admit the queerness of some characters.
China doesn't mind censoring, it's politically convenient and they don't like Japan.
ME can get your imprisoned at least.
Probably the reason they removed the Jesus statue from the Brazil stage.
> even CAPCOM acknowledged the meme by now
Faggots making sourceless statements?!?! Shocker!!
Says who? It's clear as day Poison has a dick.
What's "heterogametic"? Anyway, Bridget has a dick. Poison may or may not have a dick but has XY hard settings. The latter was considered hilarious but true for, like, from the fucking birth of the publicly accessed internet, and is only now being questioned by retarded anti-left kids that want to fight tumblr even where it's not. Hard evidence: in most Poison porn she has a dick. It's not some western localization horseshit even if western retardation was the cause to the trap thing.
>literally pandering to western faggots by retconing a character
kys yourself
>angry that Poison has a dick
Are you angry that you also have a dick?
she was never a man, she's a trans woman
>faggots are newfags
Who knew
>will never, has never, and will never
Guess again asshole
>Dick lover is a phone poster
Its impossible to fabricate this situation
I don't even know what game poison is from nor do I care about what gender it is. I just linked a post that you ignored but I'll reply to you until this thread prunes, user.
Like so. Western version is a shitty trap, Eastern version is a cute female
YES! I beat it every night!
Badum tsh
Basically Ono went back on his comment saying she was post op in the West, and pre op in Japan. So now the official stance is she was designed as a woman and anything else isn't canon.
Dont reply to my post ever again
>Japan was nuked twice
>Produce some of the weirdest fetishes in the world
>Somehow still not as degenerate as the west
Really activated my almond
Is fuck both.
user, you replied to both of my posts.
>tripfag desperately trying to deny being gay because he thought poison was hot and then found it she has a dick
I-i-its not c-canon guys! she doesnt have a d-d-dick! im n-not gay now, r-right?
cant make this shit up. thanks for the laff, OP.
Yeah id fuck poison if she had an axe wound or a pulsating man pounder.
>shitty trap
If it's got tits, it ain't a trap.
has never? but that's factually wrong
Think of the localized version being lesser than the original.
Basically, treat it like a treehouse translation.
West=trans because female extremists
East=female because intended to be
Traps can have tits too.
> p-p-pandering
Man that goalpost is getting faaaaaar.
Like I said, you'll never be satisfied.
I hope you only play nihonji imports of CAPCOM games faggot, otherwise you are literally playing with a tranny.
Enjoy the dick, newly admitted faggot.
Very correct. Just because you weren't here when the term was coined doesn't give you the right to be a revisionist.
Passable trannies can be called traps and they can have tits. Though to be as big as poison, they'd need implants.
A trap is a man with no tits but still passes as female.
A shemale is a man with tits who passes as female.
A futa is a shemale with the inclusion of a vagina and possibly the exclusion of testicles.
There is a whole wiki on this, user.
Who here fell for the trap?
>You will never be this in denial about tugging your steamboat to a dude as people on Sup Forums.
Feels good.
>Dev headcanon having any bearing in the official product
Never ceases to be amusing.
I only wish real trannies were as fuckable as poison.
Trap is a general and broad term but remains true to its original definition.
A trap is going in and expecting a girl but the pants fall and you get a well disguised/feminine guy or a trans "girl". It can work in reverse as well too which it'd be a reverse trap.
My pic is a trans "guy" who still has a vagina, they're still considered a trap.
Currently trap is used mainly to mean crossdressers, but you're correct that it technically includes shemales.
That's a reverse trap / cuntboy.
I forgot to type reverse but my point stands.
Yep. That's all I wanted to get out.
Later user(s), have a good New Year as well
Ono said Poison is gender neutral
>over there they have this mentality to try and take money from anyone who's profiting. regardless of the reason
shots fired
no wonder they don't take amerikeks seriously