Tell me your new years gaming resolution for 2017 or you're under arrest!
Tell me your new years gaming resolution for 2017 or you're under arrest!
Stop playing modern games
Play more video games and finally quit Sup Forums
only play games that I like
Grow up finnaly
Reduce my backlog from 140 to 130.
finish bloodborne
Play less games in general and really work on my meme game here on Sup Forums
I will make sure that my Eastern to Western game purchase ration is 9 to 1.
Start a game on the hardest difficulty for once
Lol Japan isn't eastern STUPID
Loose the last 10 kg I need to be beneath 100kg. I've lost 20 since June. I'm starting to see the light.
The day I do I really don't know what will I do. It's been 8 years since I was at a healthy weight...
Resolutions are stupid.
If you aren't doing whatever you planned on doing now, you aren't going to do it ever. Stop wasting everyone's time.
How do you know unless you play them first?
Finally play a Final Fantasy game that isn't 7 or 15.
thats not a gaming resolution user. try again
>muh blog
Mine is 3840 × 2160
>eastern only applies to japanese
To get a hella cool vidya tattoo like this.
Stop always forcing myself to play the first games in the series even though the games don't really connect to each other.
I always had to go through the trouble of playing really old shitty games just to play the new ones that I actually want to play, and if I don't do this it'll make me uncomfortable playing the new game.
Super sick my dude
Fap to loli more.
>Stop calling my black girlfriend a NIGGER
I'll repeat the one for 2016:
Quit Sup Forums.
I will finish that goddamn 1cc
Just hack hiroshimoot
Well.. how difficult can it be?
Learn how to emulate gamecube
Hack my 3ds have YOU done it yet?
doesn't dolphin already do that? if so it should be easy
Get better at street fighter and give guilty gear a shot.
>finish games I start
>tackle my backlog
>get wasting time on the internet and stop reading the comments
>play video games
I managed to lose 85 pounds after seeing myself in a mirror on New Year's Eve and realizing how fat and disgusting I was and that I would fix it in 2017.
It's not stupid. It's just a way to get motivated that works for some people.
Read a book a week.
Start living life how it should be instead of pleasing my piece of shit friends
disgusting. get with the times pleb. 1440p or 4k
Still git gud at fighting games and try not to be a huge nintendofag. I've been playing a lot more PSX games recently (Crash 1, MGS, every FF game on PSX, and Castlevania SOTN so far, with Spyro, Suikoden, Silent Hill, and RE2 on the way); I may try and see if I can fix my old PS2 soon
Buy a ps4 and a switch.
holy fuck I knew Sup Forums was pretty faggy but this is a bit much. At least tell me your husband has a decent dick
Gonna try to start up that youtube channel I always wanted to make. Then I'm gonna finish the storyboard for my RPG.
Also I swore this year to be nicer to my ex and to drink less.
up to 8k with dsr
Finish more of the games I begin.
My completion ratio for this year was 52%
>He doesn't read
>Also I swore this year to be nicer to my ex and to drink less.
Try to be less trashy in general.
finally get into europa universalis 4 and hearts of iron 4.
im excited
I can't ever seem to find a book I actually enjoy.
>not snuggling with your boyfriend while reading a book
Think of a topic you like.
Now find a book of said topic.
Cunts like you don't deserve the social advantages being literate brings.
school completely turned me off reading for fun/enjoyment
I need to stop playing DayZ
I will give Dragon Quest a chance
I'll finish my Wii U, 3DS and Xbox 360 backlogs. Also, I'll stop buying games that I don't really want to play.
Nobody reads book nowadays. If you want literature there is always VNs and RPGs. They are literally interactive books
I will make my (video game) waifu real.
How the fuck do you still play it? Assuming you mean the standalone.
You realize the devs don't give a single rotten fuck about you and have practically absconded with every cent everyone has given them, right?
And that the game is fucking unoptimized shit? Hows walking up and down ladders going for you nowadays?
Finally finish Rome Total War like god damn I've started like three campaigns over 10 years and never finished any of them. Meanwhile I finished a campaign for every faction in Shogun 2 and several campaigns for Rome 2.
I probably need to finish some other games that I start but never finish but they're not coming to me right now.
Go back and play some of the classics I've either never played of haven't played since I was a really young kid. FFVII, Spyro, Xenogears, Rayman, Banjo-Kazooie, ect.
make more interesting vidya projects. the bumps were a cool side thing, but i'd like to have a more creative concept for posting gayman shit other than some 20-something second clips with music slapped on top. maybe work on some short-form reviews or something.
Beat DaS2. I overcame the biggest vidya hurdle of my life this year by beating DaS, now time to try and beat 2 while resisting the urge to play 3/BB.
Also git gud with marth. He's literally free wins and people are too busy cunting about fax and smashboxes to realize he's god of the current meta.
To get a vive
Also a gf__
I want to make some more gamer friends.
1920x1200 borderless fullscreen
I will spend less time on vidya and especially on Sup Forums and rather focus on something productive.
>That image
Remove the women, make everyone pale as fuck and overweight. Also have them swearing at each other and giving them the finger. Then it'd resemble something halfway accurate.
Cut out the women and make everyone on the other side of the screen black, then it's authentic.
>Beat DaS2. I overcame the biggest vidya hurdle of my life this year by beating DaS, now time to try and beat 2 while resisting the urge to play 3/BB.
If you find DaS 2 dull midway then skip to DaS 3. DaS 2 is universally recognized as the black sheep in the series.
already beat 3, twice. Love it to pieces. Something about 2 feels... flaccid? Hits felt wimpy, the insane amounts of tracking on enemies with an anti-backstab drove me crazy, and the level design was schizo as FUCK. Just overall not impressed with it, but I feel like at this point it's the only souls game I need to finish. Maybe one day we'll get a Demon's Souls remaster, but until then this is #1 on my chopping block.
Ah ok, in that case go on and finish it. I guess finishing 2 is something that's just mandatory for Souls fans.
Only kind of vidja related, but my NY resolution is to get as close to being Guts as I can. I've already got all the information and stuff that I need, the tough part is putting it into practice.
I've accepted that it's cringy as fuck, but at least I'm not nearly as bad as this guy
Stop coming to this website, I realized I spend too much time on here
Spend less money on plastic butts and more on vidyajuegos.