How do you sit Sup Forums?
Who else sit /rogue/ here?
How do you sit Sup Forums?
Who else sit /rogue/ here?
Male novice is mega comfort.
Seiza is fucking uncomfortable. And yet almost all the girls do it.
Seiza isn't that uncomfortable if you're /fit/
gunslinger :^)
/fighter/ here
does female blacksmith squat too?
That does look super comfy
i squat like the blacksmith, that way it cuts the blood flow on my legs and it increases the blood flow for my brain making me feel smarter
swordsman here, though I do alchemist at times
fuk yeah boi
No. Female blacksmith sits way more comfy.
They're trying to not show their panties.
>huntress str8 up shows them to you
How does being fit help, exactly? I'm not talking about hamstrings or anything, it's my shins on a hard surface. Maybe that's just me.
I guess. The ones without skirts or similar could just sit with their knees up, though. It'd probably be more comfortable.
Wear comfier clothing and don't sit for long periods of time.
I only ever did it for kendo, and hakama aren't really thick enough for it to be comfy.
We didn't sit that long, I suppose. Usually. Unless someone was fucking around and took forever to get their bougu sorted or something.
what was this class again?
why does rogue sit so calmly/unaggressively compared to the edgy way the assassin sits?
thanks didn't expect rogue to look like that
New server on the 6th.
Everybody ready to watch another one die within a week?
Because it takes a cool, mature and well adjusted man to resist going the edgelord way after thief.
they literally get a skill that's supposed to scare monsters away when sitting together though
>new server
What? You mean a private server?
Me, OP. Indian style sitting is very comfortable when sitting on the floor.
It's kind of funny that a midrate server like rise of midgard is considered low rate these days.
5/5/3 is a lowrate m8
OP here
As someone who ran their own server, it won't last. RO servers are just not maintainable.
>merchant spends all day sitting
>sits in the most uncomfortable position possible
I'm not fit or overweight but I was sitting on my legs while coming into this thread. I can't sit like this for more than an hour or two, but it's pretty comfy for a while.
Damn never realized the Blacksmiths are slavs
Alchemist is the comfiest.