You DID preorder this game, right?
Kingdom Hearts thread
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Currently playing the series for the first time.
This might be a weird thing to say but I imagine I'd enjoy it much more if it wasn't for all the Disney stuff. I mean, the whole shonen anime plot about these kids in silly clothes is already a bit corny but still fun, yet when you have them interacting with a bunch of cartoon characters it crosses the line from cheesy to kinda cringe.
Am I just being an asshole?
You faggots tricked me into buying Final Fantasy XV
Why should i trust you this time?
these games are cringefests
expect a lot of corny "darkness" "heart" and "friendship" type crap
Not at all, the entire plot is fucking retarded, but it has its charm. The gameplay is gud tho, which is what matters.
The thing about the Disney stuff is that it fits perfectly within the motif, mind if you omitted some parts.
You have to realize that all Disney movies exist in the same, but separate universes--Tarzan doesn't exist alongside Hercules, who doesn't exist alongside Beauty and the Beats, ie. parallel universes.
Essentially, Sora and the gang are universe tripping through different Disney world. You can even go as far as to pretend that the gummi ship abomination doesn't exist, and that Sora is simply finding hidden doors between universes that lead to different worlds, Traverse Town being the hub of all these days, considering both the name, and the fact there are several locked doors that lead to nowhere.
Can someone give me a catch up on the story? I've not played any of the games since KH II
Because Nomura has a history of well regarded Kingdom Hearts games. Meanwhile, Tabata's only previous directing credits were 3 shitty to middling psp games.
Yea that is said a lot, but half the reason the series was made is because disney commissioned it
Aqua's gonna die
Not playing this until the collection comes out and i finish all those first
>doesn't contain 2
You may just want to watch a walk through of 0.2
and watch the movie that comes with the game as well on youtube DDD is still shit even in 60FPS
May nomura's autistic story have mercy on you
You might as well request that infograph while you're at it.
Easily one of the weakest points of the series is when it full-retard with the story after the first game. I can only assume started when they transitioned with Squeenix, because they just LOVE fucking secret organizations and fashion-over-function cinematic combat.
>You know realize that this game was a precursor to FFXV
It's not so much that it doesn't make sense as that I find it difficult to take seriously. It might just be because I don't have a lot of emotional attachment to most of these movies and their characters. And that, by extension, makes it hard for me to become emotionally attached to Soras quest which is a shame because honestly, I do care what happens to him and his friends.
There's an infograph?
everybody is sora
everyone else is xehanort
i am also half xehanort
Prepare your anus
>This is simply just one infograph
>There's a certified Sup Forums one floting around somewhere
Preordering a remaster of a mediocre spinoff title, a tech demo for KH3 and a 2 hour cutscene.
>Preordering in general.
I regret my decision.
I don't think this is the case for the first game. It hits that Final Fantasy edginess and Disney wonder mix just right.
Every other game treats Disney as an afterthought though.
I agree to a certain extent. Sora, Donald and Goofy's dynamic in the first game is one of my favorite things about it, although Donald and Goofy have basically reduced to background characters in all the subsequent games. Everything about Mickey has been consistently cringe but there's not much that can be done about that when Disney won't allow Nomura to do anything with him that's more interesting than being put in a leather hoodie.
As for the Disney worlds, I don't think they're much better or worse than the filler in any other JRPG, although a few of them, like Timeless River and Space Paranoids, are really fantastic tributes to their source materials and elevate the overall experience of the game for me.
Fuck this series.
Birth By Sleep: Ten years before the events of KH1 there were 3 Keyblade weilders Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Ventus looks exactly like Roxas. They train to become masters at their base, the Land of Departure, under their Master, Master Eraqus. There's also another old man Master who comes to visit called Master Xehanort. One day a bunch of monsters called Unversed show up across the worlds so they go to fight them. There is also a strange boy in a mask called Vanitus who commands the Unversed. In the end, it turns out Master Xehanort was behind it all. Ventus was his former student who he fucked up so bad that he had to break him into two people one of pure light and pure dark, Ventus and Vanitus. The Unversed come from Vanitus's pure darkness. A pure light and a pure darkness fighting is supposed to bring about Kingdom Hearts, so Xehanort makes them fight. It doesn't work and in the end they recombine but Ventus' heart is so fucked up it has to leave it's body, leaving the body a lifeless husk like Kairi in KH1. The heat finds Sora and takes refuge inside him to heal, which is why Ventus looks like Roxas and so he's the only nobody that looks different. Also the two hearts is why Sora can dual weild. Terra meanwhile, is manipulated by Xehanort into killing Eraqus, and then Xehanort steals his body so he can become young again. Aqua is unable to stop any of this, and after it happens she brings Ventus's body to the now abandoned Land of Departure, and uses a secret technique taught to her by Eraqus to turn it into Castle Oblivion, and hides Ventus's there. He's presumably still hidden there. She then goes to fight the Terra-Xehanort combo and almost wins, but Terra -Xehanort is almost pulled overcome by darkness and pulled into the land of darkness. She pulls him out and gets pulled in instead, and has been trapped there all this time. Terra-Xehanort becomes Amsem's apprentice and you know the rest.
Dream Drop Distance : Sora and Riku are having their Mark of Mastery exam from Yen Sid to become masters. The exam gets hijacked and a bunch of shit goes down. It's revealed that once someone's heartless and nobody are destroyed, their human body is restored. Also Xehanort is the only person who ever had a intelligent heartless, so you just killed the rest of org xiii's along the way. So they're all back as humans. Also Xehanort discovered time travel and brought a young version of himself plus his Heartless and Nobody to the present. He has made a new Org xiii out of different versions of himself through both time travel and putting pieces of himself in others. Braig(human Xigbar) and Isa(human Siax) are also members through that method. There are also several with their hoods up, probably to be revealed in KH3. Xehanort reveals that the reason his plot from Birth By Sleep didn't work is that the formula isn't one light has to fight 1 darkness. It's 7 lights has to fight 13 darknesses. He threatens that Sora and co better prepare seven Keyblade weilders or they'll just use the princesses and that wouldn't be much of a fight. Also Lea (human Axel) gets a Keyblade. So the stage is set for the final battle, the new org xiii against Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Axel, Aqua, and Ventus, the last two who they plan to rescue.
I honestly don't understand why Disney has this "durr for braindead three year olds" image. I mean, I understand HOW it happened, even Disney themselves promote this(apparently this is somehow a good business model??) I just don't understand WHY. The stories are very simplistic and the art style is colorful, but at their core they're very malleable and could easily be adapted for a more "all-ages" slant.
I miss the first game where the worlds actually somewhat tied into the main plot and weren't just thinly-veiled movie rehashes/marketing ploys.
>history of well regarded games as basis for a game to be good
Where have I heard that one before?
I play it to see dolphin Sora.
Hey remember those storyboards for the kh show well they back but now in color
No reason to get the shitty console version when they're literally porting their shit to current gen platforms to port it to PC.
so if they are already 7 keyblade wielders for the pieces of light then whats the point of saving terra and eraqus?
Because they like them?
Eh, there are definitely mainstay disney characters like mickey, donald/goofy max, etc. I wish that maleficent wasnt treated like a joke though, or at least give us a more imposing evil disney character.
Like, can we get a final boss segment that actually includes a disney enemy for g-ds sake?
I guess but I think Lea is pointless because if he didn't have a keyblade there would still be room for Terra to fit in perfectly
But no literally everyone is given a keyblade
They will probably give one to an ant terra stepped on at some point
>for g-ds sake?
Not surprised if this happens
If they do save Terra it won't be until the very end since they have to beat Xehanort first. Personally I think he and Eraqus are going to sacrifice themselves to beat Xehanort from the inside once he's been weakened enough.
Not before Sora fucks her pussy raw.
Xehanort liked darkness so he shoved it into Ventus's ass until he couldn't take it anymore, which caused him to be half Sora so he didn't die. A year or so later, Dr Robotnik convinced Knuckles to fuck everything up, Aqua had to be sent to a prison for all eternity to not kill Ventus, and Xehanort became Knuckles, then became like 13 different people, and Ventus woke up. Also the furtive pigmy was forgotten.
I pre-ordered the JP AND international versions
What is this, the seventh time they've put out an HD remake or backstory installment instead of actually giving us KH3?
Third HD collection
>instead of actually giving us KHIII
None of the HD collections have impacted KHIII's development.
Eleventh if you count everything.
>None of the HD collections have impacted KHIII's development.
You mean aside from pulling resources that could have been allocated towards finishing a game that's now 4 years on the heel of the last proper installment in the series, which was itself 7 years on the heel of the last major installment?
>You mean aside from pulling resources
But they don't pull resources from KHIII. The team developing KHIII is not impacted whatsoever and KHIII's development is on-schedule.
>there are people who will play KH3 after only playing 2
how sad
How do these people live with themselves knowing they could emulate every game in the series RIGHT NOW but choose not to?
B-but why should I play more games in a series I like, when they don't even have a number in the title?!?!?
They're just spin-offs! They're worthless!
>KHIII's development is on-schedule.
You're saying it was PLANNED that they would release it 12+ years and 2 console generations later?
I mean going full deviantart with the series clearly appeals to enough people to make money, so more power to them, but it seems kind of silly to me to have your marketing strategy focus on selling out to maintain hype rather than generate new hype with timely releases.
>there are people who will play KH3 after only playing 2
>how sad
I'm not about to argue with that.
Judging by
some people can't deal with the new direction the series took after 2
I was going to, but I'm just going to wait until after 3 is released and they inevitably sell a collection with all the games together.
This is the best video explaining the whole KH story I could find:
Do you one better
i'd ask for sauce but every bone in my body already knows you're full of shit
>people who played this game when they were a kid are still excited for this retarded shit
Yes, of course i did
>You're saying it was PLANNED that they would release it 12+ years and 2 console generations later?
But mostly I'm saying that KHIII did not start development until 2013, when it was announced prematurely, and that other than having to change engines, its development has had very few problems, if any.
>selling out to maintain hype rather than generate new hype with timely releases
How in the world did they not have timely releases?
Days in 2009, BbS in 2010, Re:coded in 2011, DDD in 2012, that's four years straight of brand-new games.
Then 1.5 in 2013, 2.5 in 2014, so that's the Final Mixes us in the West never got before.
Unchained X in 2016, that's another new game.
And 2.8 in 2017, wherein a majority of the collection is brand-new content. Toss in 1.5+2.5 for shits and giggles since everyone wanted them on PS4 anyway.
Of course, none of this matters because "it isn't Kingdom Hearts III."
What does that mean?
What did you want out of Kingdom Hearts III?
Was it the secret movie from KHII?
Guess what, that was fuckin' BbS, so at earliest we wouldn't see KHIII until after 2010.
But DDD was already in production as assets of its demo were found in the BbSFM (2011) data. DDD teased both the reveal of KHIII and the existence of HD ReMIX, so that was definitely planned.
And then a year later KHIII is revealed.
Where the F U C K is the problem?
They're pushing out game after game and many of us are glad to get more Kingdom Hearts, but for some people, it isn't enough if it doesn't have a Roman numeral.
Why is KHIII so monumental? Why were people "waiting" for it for years before it was even announced? How do you wait for a game that doesn't exist?
What did everyone think KHIII was supposed to be? What were/are they expecting?
Sora... I'm already a heartless...
you're actually crazy if you think they planned for a 12 year gap between 2 and 3 right from the beginning.
>Only your heart is hollow enough to be a demon's
Jesus Christ, someone's defensive.
No, I don't think that they said "alright, we aren't going to do KHIII until 2013."
But they certainly DIDN'T plan to do KHIII immediately after KHII, and the evidence makes this an objective truth. Days, BbS and coded were all planned and developed simultaneously.
Then there are clear plans for DDD during BbS's development, and shortly thereafter the browser version of X (the scenario of which was written in tandem with KHIII's) releases.
That gets developed for mobile (which was originally planned to have been simultaneous with the browser launch) and released internationally.
Then, as a bonus on top of the final remaster (which was done explicitly to help the fans catch up and prepare for KHIII), we get a new movie centered around X and a revival of the fabled "Birth by Sleep Volume Two," both of which serve as a prologue to KHIII.
In effect, and this is corroborated by Nomura in some interviews, KHIII's story started with DDD (maybe even BbS if you're feeling spicy).
Not defensive so much as really goddamn sick of hearing the same bullshit every thread. Excuse me if it's aggravating that everyone and their mom is too stubborn or too dense to figure this shit out for themselves, and then constantly bitch about it.
Ugh, this is releasing in 2018 isn't it?
If a complaint gets so widely espoused that you actually get sick of hearing it, it's a sign that a lot of people feel differently than you.
Since you seem to misunderstand what that complaint is, I'll clarify: Obviously, they weren't going to release KH3 right after KH2, it makes perfect sense to have lesser installments between the big console releases. Chain of Memories is an important installment in the series because it continues the story from where KH left off and leads to the events of KH2.
The complaint is that 12 years after KH2, there has only been one direct sequel to KH2 (DDD), and one game that adds a whole lot of backstory for things that hadn't been previously established. From a narrative standpoint, 358/2 adds nothing to the series that wasn't already known or inferred. And releasing 5 or 6 HD remakes of previous games rather than releasing the next game is shameless moneygrubbing (hence, "selling out")
I don't see it that way. The Disney characters fit in very well, like they are meant to be there. To me, a Moogle is no different than Donald Duck. I think it's retarded to call anything cringe, though.
Well it's not coming out in 2017 that's for sure. Only one KH game a year.
That was the best part of the series, actually.
>Obviously, they weren't going to release KH3 right after KH2, it makes perfect sense to have lesser installments between the big console releases.
Problem is
And get this
People were already complaining in 2010 with the release of BbS.
I want to say they were complaining in 2009 with Days too, but I can't really remember.
I firmly believe that it's transcended actual fanbase concerns and is just a meme. It's almost reactionary, like "KH doesn't make sense :^)"
It's just a line that gets regurgitated without thought.
>And releasing 5 or 6 HD remakes of previous games rather than releasing the next game is shameless moneygrubbing
Even when it cuts down on platform fragmentation (the REAL problem with the series release schedule) and delivers previously-unreleased versions to the worldwide audience? Allowing fans who missed out on some installments, or brand-new fans, to easily catch up on what they've missed so far?
Even when these have no direct impact on the progress of KHIII's development?
That's the problem with "rather than." Because it isn't rather than, it isn't instead of, it's in addition to.
The collections are separate projects with separate teams. KHIII doesn't stop being made while 1.5 is in production.
>there has only been one direct sequel to KH2
There have been two
>People were already complaining in 2010 with the release of BbS.
At which point the series had gone 5 years without a proper sequel. Which part of this are you not getting? Not all consumers are good goyim who will spend money on anything their favorite brand puts out, a lot of them actually like spending their money on things they DON'T already have, instead of buying things they already paid for.
>a proper sequel
Define this.
Oh sorry, if we get technical coded took place before the very end of 2
>le cringe
You're right but you should still go back to facebook
> noun
>a literary work, movie, etc., that is complete in itself but continues the narrative of a preceding work.
>See also: Prequel
>a film or book about an earlier stage of a story or a character's life, released because the later part of it has already been successful
2.8 was pushed back a month so it landed in 2017. 2017 is the 15th anniversary. 15th anniversaries are usually a big deal, don't know why. we got 2.8 in january, 1.5 & 2.5 on one disc in march and a ton of kh3 news. kh3 has been in development for 4 years going on to 5. who's to say it won't come out in the fall of 2017?
I'm more curious about "proper" sequel.
Chain of Memories was certainly a sequel, but is it not a "proper" sequel?
And then there's "continues the narrative."
Yes, Birth by Sleep is a prequel, but its events and revelations inform the future story that exists beyond KHII, so does it not also continue the narrative? Could it not be considered a sequel in that sense?
And why exactly should a chronological sequel be so important? I mean, plenty of people have said that KH could have straight-up ended with II. And, really, it probably could have.
I mean, let's go hypothetical for a moment. Where does KH go directly after KHII? It's 2007, and KHIII is announced.
What is that story? What do they do? KHII has CoM to back it up and reinforce its themes, cast and events, but where do we go from KHII directly to KHIII, as a narrative?
Without knowing the history of Xehanort, without the dive into the Realm of Sleep, what do we do? Or do we stuff it all into one game, somehow?
KHII almost ties everything up with a neat little bow, and then there's the BbS teaser. I can't imagine being able to move forward without first going back, unless you want the story to go full shonen battle trope and just have a new bad guy come out of nowhere with no relation to the previous ones.
>He wants to announce more new information, but the right timing is currently being determined
Well, KHIII doesn't have an MMO abortion to deal with. So that's something.
He's said for months now after 2.8 is released
we would have gotten new info already if ff15 wasn't delayed for dumb reasons, pushing back 2.8. just wait til the end of january. jeez.
Mate, if you enjoy the games and buy all of the rereleases, that's your business. I'm not judging. Thanks for supporting the economy. But not everyone is as devoted to the series as you, and their complaints about the series aren't going to go away just because one person doesn't want to accept them.
complaints that they're too poor being a cashier and a fast food restaurant to buy a game?
>complaints about the games they don't play
just shut up man.
>80 dollars
I'll wait for the first price drop.
There's speculation that Square is already hiring QA for the game, so there's hope it'll be done for Q4.
Hello Canada