This is the face of a mako addict

This is the face of a mako addict.

Mako: not even once.

mako is one helluva drug

I'm addicted to Mako!

this is the face of a materia addict

materia: not even once

how do you even pronounce that? Make-oh?

Why do they always forget to model triceps in games do people not know how a fucking arm of an atleast a bit fit guy looks?

no, that's the face of lightning copy/pasted onto cloud's body.

You telling me that if I try Materia, I'll become a cute grill?

no, youll become a dickass thief and cause misery

They're trying to go as close to clouds original drawings whilst trying to make him look good in 3D

How do you guys pronounce mako

Is it





FFVII writers stole the "magical plutonium meth" concept from Warhammer.

The only difference is that in warhammer, it's a stone, which you can grind to dust and snort, rather than a fluid you can shoot up. But in both cases it fucks with your brain, makes you mutate, gives you superpowers and can be used to generate electricity and build superweapons. And also kills you.
and it's green.


Because Cloud always looked like a wiry cunt. His strength is mostly due to chemical/magical bullshit infusion.


Could explain why she spends the second half of the game vomiting on the ship.

Maybe because the position his arm is in he's not engaging his triceps.
His biceps are contracted, which leaves the triceps to relax.
To be fair though very few games actually model proper muscle deformation when animating. It's quite a lot of effort to rig and skin all those muscles, for something quite subtle.

Is it almost made out of dead people?


She gets motion sickness, if you get her before Junon she does the same on the cargo ship.

All I see is Lightning on meth

Uh-Oh. Better get Maaco.

Mostly yes. It's made out of dead people's feelings.