>be college age
>want to make friends who have similar interests and love video games like I do
>Can't stand 90% of the people my age with this interest
Why the fuck is this?
Be college age
Just because someone else enjoys a popular hobby doesn't mean you have something in common with them. Playing games isn't a personality quirk. How many of the people who listen to the same music as you are the kinds of people who you'd hang out with? Hint: go to a concert and see who's all there sometime.
What makes a good friend? From my experience its either similar interests or shared experiences that can make a lasting friendship. If you have nothing to talk about, nothing in common, or nothing that keeps you engaged or at least continually interacting with each other, it will be a very short lived friendship.
Personalities in this world vary greatly from person to person, but would having a compatible personality alone make you willing to be friends?
Or are you saying it would require both?
I've tried this before. I always either get
>competitive tourneyfags who are way too serious to have fun, or can't be bros unless you area top tier player
>Autists who get triggered or sperg out hyper easily, love their headcannons or affection to fictional characters and have fragile egos
>Outgoing but highly liberal youths who are very easily offended and delicate to anything not considered PC. Almost dedicate their lives to not stepping on anyone's toes. Not necessarily SJW, but can be
>Super casuals who just play the latest installments of AAA games, regardless of how bad they are
I just want to meet people who can just have fun playing games, chill out, and make each other laugh without caring how "offensive" we can be.
You browse Sup Forums
Shouldn't you just assume all gamers are terrible people?
My college experience was different. Found plenty of gamers. I wouldn't call them "literally play and talk about games all day" but still enjoyed a variety of games
If you're in Toronto we should be pals, I'm just a man who loves boozing and games and isn't an autist.
Its you having dumb standards. Especially when you probably were doing the very things that you found annoying in others.
Friendship is about accepting people's flaws. Not avoiding everyone until you find a flawless person. Because that person doesn't exist.
It's interests and compatibility. Some personalities clash. Like me, my main hobby is video games. However, I'm not one to bring up or talk about video games in a social setting as being social is usually an escape from video games and vise versa.
So when I meet someone who wears gamer shirts, is unclean and constantly talks about video games, I usually back away.
Not him, but you don't need to have things in common to be friends. If you have someone you click with you can shoot the shit about nonsense.
>Friendship is about accepting people's flaws
One of my best friends is a massive weeb who plays everything with japanese audio if given the opportunity
but the nigga loves video games, and not just AAA bullshit or just indie bullshit
In school all of my friends were gamers and they talked about video games all the time. They were pretty good people. I couldn't stay friends with them though, I never knew how to talk about video games.
People who share the same hobby/interest/fanbase with you are usual equally shutins or realize they cant powerlevel for something without finding the nutters.
>Why I dont talk about anime much
Not op but in toronto.
I like to smoke and game, no booze. Lets be Vidya hosers together
>Friendship is about accepting people's flaws.
get the fuck out of here with that friendship is magic bullshit.
friendship is about give and take, about having social value and utility.
It's college. Just go to parties and you will inevitably meet people who have similar interests but are also socialized. If you seek out strictly gamers, you'll find a lot of self-centered and awkward people.
There's lots of factors. As a college fag who's tried to make fellow manchildren friends here for the last few years, I've run into the following issues.
>Women into vidya are all drama whores who keep dragging you into their shit regardless of how much you avoid it. Regardless of desperation for friends, it just stops being worth it.
>Dudes are either obnoxious neckbeards, dull conversationlists, or do nothing but play League.
I've met one guy who's okay but he and I have entirely different taste in vidya. At least he doesn't play LoL.
But see, I have plenty of friends IRL, that's no problem. My issue is I want more friends who are also into vidya, but who have personalities I like.
I had a thought that went something like this-
I fear people don't really understand me, my perspective, or my thought process very much. I'd like to find people who can think similarly to me, but are still different enough where we can enrich each other. However while you do have a point, and I think I could put more effort into calming my flaws for the sake of others, but I don't think my standards are asking for too much. Someone who enjoys vidya as a hobby, loves to laugh and have fun, and isn't a cunt.
Parties are full of the most self centered people that I have ever met. Almost everybody in college is self centered and lies to themselves about it by saying that they are "finding out who they are"
Done, what is your SteamID my Canuck brother.
Well I wasn't guaranteeing you'd find good people. Simply that there are way more people there so the chances of finding a decent human being is a lot higher.
Sorry, I'm a burger from Virginia.
For some reason mutual hate has a stronger compatability for people than mutual love/like. for instance if two people hate the same thing they are more compatible than 2 who like or love the same thing.
When I was in high school, back in the stone age, all my friends were Final Fantasy, One Piece obsessed goobers. But that didn't mean I had to spend all my time talking to them about those two limited subjects. They grew to understand my interests and we talked about other things.
It just sounds like you want someone who will only talk about and do what you want, right from the start. Again, that's not how friendship works.
>get the fuck out of here with that friendship is magic bullshit.
But I never said that.
>friendship is about give and take
That's literally what I was describing? Are you dumb?
me neither op. I walked by the nerd club and all I saw was stinky fat fucks. I already have my vidya friends but goddamn I can't make any new ones if they can't even take a shower. I also don't want to play vidya in front of everyone in the fucking main hall.
I'm here for poon anyways.
>I fear people don't really understand me, my perspective, or my thought process very much. I'd like to find people who can think similarly to me, but are still different enough where we can enrich each other.
you sound literally autistic. and that isn't an insult, that's my opinion from experience.
if you fear people don't understand you, then you don't understand people, much less how to make people like you.
protip: being accepted for who you are is underrated bullshit, you make a persona that's easy for people to understand.
It may have to do with that video gamers are full of introverts, who either don't want to make friends or are genuinely bad at it. If this is the case, you should be more compassionate and willing to work with them.
I myself am an extrovert, and deal with this.
>I'm here for poon anyways.
>implying you're getting any
main hall of college, yes these autist are playing ds/smash/fifa with a double door open so anyone who walks by will see them. MTG plays right outside the door.
Who /diagnosedautist/ here?
>Can't stand 90% of the people my age with this interest
Maybe the problem is with you.
holy shit, I think you're right. And here I was thinking I enjoyed the company of people, but I think I'm really just an asshole who's become more and more unaccepting of people over the years. Thanks for the eye opener.
Reportin. I'm 23 and only recently brought my social skills up to that of an awkward teenager.
I actually wanted to join the MTG club at my school. But they had a strict rule of no beginners and weren't willing to teach anyone.
>That's literally what I was describing?
where did you literally say give and take? where did you literally say anything about a relationship of support?
you said none of that. you only agreed with that user about accepting people's flaws and being friends with a weeb simply because he's a gamer.
that's not a healthy relationship, much less a healthy friendship.
don't confuse only accepting perfectionist friends with accepting people who don't give back in a one-way friendship.
The reality of it is, while you probably grew up with a family that had an ounce of moderation and discipline, some people grew up in families where video games was a cheap babysitter.
And that's all they did--they didn't play outside or interact with other people. In fact, that's all they know, which is why they insist on taking their hobby/fetish everywhere they go, including school and college.
I'm not harking on people that are passionate about why they love and do, but if it doesn't evolve into something that is eventually productive, then you're really just playing around with toys all day.
I sympathize with you, OP. But really, you're better off hiding your power level.
>Try to hide my power level throughout my professional career
>Every once and awhile, my co-worker insists on bringing up video games while there's other normies in the room
>I involuntarily cringe everytime
Hey man, that's progress. You're getting somewhere.
This must be a common thing in universities since it's the same deal with my school. Tons of kids playing smash and skyrim. 8 or so people who regularly play MTG at a fold out table just outside.
>brought my social skills up to that of an awkward teenager
Good on you m8. I aspire to those heights.
>If you have nothing to talk about, nothing in common
Neither of these things are actual issues with real human beings. If you think they are, you are the issue. There is literally not a single person on this planet that you don't have anything in common with.
You should seek out friends based on personality, not hobbies. If you get a good mix of both, then that's even better.
>you said none of that. you only agreed with that user about accepting people's flaws and being friends with a weeb simply because he's a gamer.
These are my posts dummy.
And keep in mind, I work at an action-sports apparel company, where they do anything else but stay inside and play video games
>Casually mention a popular game to a co-worker
>"I haven't played video games since I was in college."
>That fucking disdain in his voice
>but I think I'm really just an asshole who's become more and more unaccepting of people over the years. Thanks for the eye opener.
i'm not sure if you're deliberately being retarded and missing the point, or you just don't comprehend socializing.
but either way i hope you realize you don't understand a single fucking thing about what i said, and i have no idea why you came to that conclusion.
and i'm not surprised in the least you fear people don't understand you, if you can't even understand a straightforward, frank post on a mongolian knitting internet forum.
Friends are literal rng bullshit. No matter what you do you can go your entire life without finding someone you truly enjoy as a friend. Having common hobbies can kick off a good friendship, but it won't go anywhere if your personalities don't go well together. People change according to their own life and circumstances, and rarely can you ever cause people to change on their own. I was lucky and found a group of people who I love and respect all for different reasons, and it all happened cause I stuck with one of my good friends. Find people you can at the very least tolerate, and from there try to find the good in them, stick with them and meet more people and develop a network of people you know. Once you have a decent amount of people you talk to/hang out with, start hanging with the people you enjoy more and further your goals in life. That's my input, although I'm sure it is much harder when you didn't maintain any contacts and are starting from scratch. Also, and a huge one especially for 4-chan, is you need self-awareness. Look in the mirror, listen to yourself speak, take note of your actions, and truly ask yourself if you are someone that you would like to spend time with. If the answer is no then you have something to work toward, if it is yes then just relax and be cool, you'll find some cool people eventually user.
so where and what exactly did you describe give and take?
i can wait.
This is true. In my entire life I have only found 3 friends I still talk to. And they were all met during grade school.
Holy shit, this
I acknowledge, I'm a weird as fuck person, but like hell I let that one to people
I work IT, and knowing first-hand, you have to put on a lot of fucking masks throughout the day just to appease people
>A little bit of me dies everyday
I only made good friends after an ex-girlfriend invited me to hang out with her boyfriend and their friends. Obviously life happened and we aren't friends anymore but it was one of the fonder points of my life. Friends come and go user. Don't put too much energy into them
hang out at gay bars.
i had this same problem and i realized, one day when i was talking to a really boring girl that was attractive how much i was placating her, and pretending to like her, and saying shit to make her happy, and i was like, i wish someone would do those things for me.
and then it hit me.
gay bar.
let me tell you, they treat you right. has anyone ever bought you a drink before
well, it feels pretty fucking good
The second post.
>b-but you didn't specifically use the terms give and take! You only talked about learning each others interests and gaining mutual interests!
Yeah. That's called give and take dumbass.
You have to put a mask on with every single person in your life. If you don't you may end up like some the autists in this thread that can't get friend and yet blame everyone but themselves.
>old people are browsing Sup Forums
is it Dick's?
>has anyone ever bought you a drink before
Being a cute girl must be real nice
tfw I don't even try and still have like 10 close friends.
My socializing is just too good or some shit. I haven't made new friends after high school though. College had too many normie friends. "yeah I fucking hate video games, my friend got addicted to them , but you're cool bro" ...I never mentioned vidya to him. FUCK OFF
Let me make my train of thought a little more clear then.
>if you fear people don't understand you, then you don't understand people
This statement is very true. I fear people do not understand me, and that most likely stems from me not being willing to understand people, and only see their face value. If I am unwilling to get to know someone and thrive off only analyzing them from my own perspective without them having to tell me about who they are, how can I expect someone to understand the same from me? Or even care about me?
It may not have been the point you were making, but friends are the one group of people I don't want to live being fake with. I can be that way for work or in business, sure, but what is the point of having friends if I cannot be the real me? If I am an undesirable person, I'd rather strive to change myself than fake myself in front of people I would love and care about.
Friendship is mainly about understanding one another, about mental and material solidarity in times of needs. Friendship is not, was not and will never be about let's go out haeb party tonite. The best friends often have fuck all in common with you, that's why you know they are. That's why the older you get, the harder it gets to have real friends, because such bonds are formed over decades, as people get to know you and you get to know them, and as men get older and are snatched away by that ugly ass last train gf they find, they tend to get more and more selective with their male company.
What OP wants is near impossible at his age, he basically wants people who can understand him and talk with him freely, but all starting from a casual hobby meeting. What people want instead is cheap company le play Smesch smoke pot le listen to dyke straits le drink beer insert emoticon in spoiler xD.
The sooner you understand this, OP, the better for you. 99% of what people call friends are called ACQUAINTANCES. Big fucking difference.
The only guy I regularly talk with every day at university and consider a friend has no clue about videogames or such, he reads mainstream manga and that's about the only thing our hobbies overlap, he has a gf and TONS of friends. One day I saw he had 500+ friends on facebook, when I said that I barely reached 80 he was legit shocked. We talk about the most random topics, literally everything that comes in our mind, from politics to "dude how comes that you have to pee when you shit?"
How the fuck do I talk to people?
What the fuck am I supposed to say? How the fuck does anyone ever come up with anything to say, I have no idea how it's done. How do they do it, it's like fucking magic, what the fuck.
And what in the name of god is 'fun'? People have fun? How the fuck is that possible?
Where in Toronto?
No, and if it's any point of reference, I work on the corporate side of things
Thankfully, I work at a company that has a nice healthy slice of demographics--where I can casually talk to some fitness-nut about computers and video games, and then turn around a have a drink with some fucking hipster
But I was at one company where all they did was ate, slept and drank surfing, and all I gotta say was that was a hostile-as-fuck environment because it must be a requirement for anyone surfing to have a chip off of their shoulder.
I have a good friend who has a GF and plenty of friends. He was the one who talked me into creating a Kikebook only a few months ago.
Even though he is pretty much a normie we still have many things in common and get along quite well.
i think it's fun to them because they have no hobbies
I'm in my third year of uni and I've gone to the movies every Friday/Saturday alone to convince my mom that I have friends. If the movies are shit, I take a nap in my car.
I've never really cared for talking about "nerdy" things in real life. I just have an incompatible personality with those type of people, and most really. For some reason it seems like most people who talk about games really grind my gears though, as opposed to those who don't.
>the second post
>replying to another user
nigga you best be clear next time, aint no one got time to go through all your forum posts.
I sincerely hope you're baiting.
Everybody tells me to just drink because that is the only way people have fun and connect with each other, but I can't.
I have no hobbies either though.
I mean, 23 is 5 years older than 18 so you're technically right.
"why dont u post more photos on facebook like your sister"
I'm not lying I swear mummy
>hostile-as-fuck environment because it must be a requirement for anyone surfing to have a chip off of their shoulder.
Story time? I thought they were all about that Namaste/Zen bullshit.
I've gone to movies alone--at that point, fuck what anybody thinks about you. They're random strangers you'll never see again and you're just their to enjoy the movie. It's only as weird as you and other people make it out to be.
Fuck theaters that require you to go with somebody.
Or you could just keep yourself from making angry, stupid comments.
Hey t.o fag whats your steam i also like booze and games
We would be good friends user.
>Fuck theaters that require you to go with somebody
This exists?
Thought it was merely a meme
>needing / wanting social interaction
but why.
Not trying to be edgy, just curious.
Eventually it starts to hurt.
Mods move this to r9k or trash please
If you're not baiting. If you're a normal healthy chemically balanced human being you need social interaction.
Because I haven't been a shut-in autist my whole life and I remember what it feels to have friends and I want that same feeling back. But I'm too old now and even if I were to go back to college I doubt people would want to be friends with a 25 year old man who already looks like their dad.
>Or you could just keep yourself from making angry, stupid comments.
lol you think this is angry, this is just my casual banter. you must american or something, you fucking pussies get a stick up your asses with the smallest things.
and how the fuck are my posts stupid if you just said i was saying the same thing
>That's literally what I was describing?
are you legitimately retarded
>Mods move this to r9k or trash please
mods are all out having a new years party fucking chink traps on a mountain of plastic gundam parts.
>literally attentionwhoring
getting diagnosed with autism is as easy as ordering a pizza
Just accept that you're a lonely autist, I'm serious.
Just do the things that make you happy. It's not healthy to try and keep a facade up.
You want to avoid anyone whose main interest is video games. As the charizard poster said, you might be normal and can moderate your usage but most guys cannot. It's great if you have friends you can play multilayer games with locally, but anything past that is pure luck meeting someone with similar tastes in real life.
My best friends with similar tastes are all people I met online ad continue to talk to about life mostly outside of games.
Don't listen to this retard, there is no point to make people like you if it's through a mask. Maybe you should learn to enjoy solitude instead of showing a false image of yourself just for social appreciation. Any person with the slightest sense of self awareness will feel uncomfortable with having to hide their thoughts and personality just to feel appreciated.
Have you ever had a friend who doesn't hurt you? It's really nice. Humans are social creatures, after all.
Pick up on stuff and pick and choose when to talk.
It's hard to learn, I was the exact same way all through highschool and the start of college.
This is complete bullshit.
Drinking works for normal people, but others get depressed or anxious when drunk as well.
The closest friends are the ones you make from going through some shit together. Sports teams, war buddies, etc. Anything that makes people willing to look past petty differences in personality.
i think half of these so-called autists are just people who had parents that totally failed them and let them do whatever they want. Never made them get a job, never made them leave their room. So they're just all failsons now.
whats the point of friends idgi
>Let me make my train of thought a little more clear then.
see that's the fucking problem right there.
you're not even attempting to understand me and make a connection, you're desperately trying to make yourself understood.
i'm not even trying to be a dick, but give me one good reason to read the rest of your post if you're not connecting with me. i read it anyway, but i don't care because you're not engaging me in a way that makes me feel comfortable.
and i bet you get that a lot.
Having spent 15 years stuffing my life with anime and games to avoid human interaction, games and anime have become stale. I found out too late that you need something else in your life to keep your hobbies fresh and interesting.
You don't seem to realize what a "mask" is. It's not an inherently bad thing, it's just the different ways you interact with different people.
Start to think about the different ways you talk to your close friends, your relatives, your mother, your acquaintances, etc. You have a different mask for all of them.
Because we need it in some way shape or form, even if it's writing letters or talking to people on steam.
That and it's really fucking awkward when you do finally make friends and can't relate to them for any number of reasons.
>there is no point to make people like you if it's through a mask. Maybe you should learn to enjoy solitude
>t. sociopath with dakimakura locked in his underground dungeon
You are probably replacing real social interaction with online games or living vicariously through TV. But it doesn't work forever.