Pre-Monado 3 Shulk vs Cross, who wins Sup Forums?
Pre-Monado 3 Shulk vs Cross, who wins Sup Forums?
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Stalemate. Cross may have the power to solo planet killers like Yggralith plus nigh invulnerabilty thanks to decoy arts like Ghostwalker but Shulk can more or less avoid damage from Cross all together thanks to his precog abilities, this is evident when monsters like Telethia Plume can avoid damage thanks to mind reading abilities.
Monado Eater can remove buffs from opponents so Ghostwalker is useless
Not that you'd be able to build up any monado arts considering you cant land a single hit due to ghost walker.
KOS-MOS > Weltall-Id > Shulk > Cross
grrl powah
the fuck is that
The whore wife of Jesus Christ.
I'm not joking.
A stomach vagina photon gun
how does that work
Bewitched Glaive blossom dance with core crush demolishes Weltall Kos-mos and Shulk
They need to do way instain mother
Can't hit shulk you dumb fuck. Also monado shield would ostensibly be able to block all TP arts.
This is a ridiculous comparison. When it's magic vs technology, magic wins, because it isn't playing by any rules. You try and snipe shulk with a zenith cannon from 10 miles out and he would just end up stabbing you in the dick a week before it ever happened because he's magic,or he would matrix dodge the shot and come fuck your shit up during your 6 day CD.
Shulk doesn't even need to hit you to get Monado arts, his fifth skilltree has a skill that gives you full talent gauge every time you get a vision. Cross gets absolutely shitstomped.
You can totally hit shulk you spaz, he's frail as fuck too that's why you need to keep the aggro off of him. It's dunban you can't lay a finger on. And remember Shulk has access to zero monado arts because of ghost walker unless he gets a vision to trigger glorious future but then again visions only trigger for massive attacks with huge windups where as all of cross's moves are lightning quick and strong as hell..
>KOS-MOS acts first
>Oneshots Cross with R-BLADE before Ghostwalker gets a chance to go off
Wow that was hard.
Why pre monado 3 shulk anyway?
Monado 3 Shulk is literally god.
oh it's about kos mos now ok cool fuck you too
Battle Soul + his fifth talent tree
Monado Eater
Monado Tornado
Monado 3 Shulk literally cannot be killed. also, Monado 3 means Shulk is g-d, Monados are granted only to gods.
>kos mos stronger than weltall-Id or shulk
top kek
even after you purge him shulk can't do that much damage considering most his moves require positioning unavailable in a 1v1 fight.
glad she still gets some love, too bad she cant easter egg cameos in xenoblade like she did in namco games
Omnipotent and Omniscient God, this would make Shulk impossible to beat by anyone and anything
>Space flight capable planet buster just from black box tech abilities, before you even start on all the horseshit magic Mary Magdalene/Zophar shit
Pic related.
Kirby would defeat them both
Nope, that's why Kami Tenchi vs. TOAA topics are banned on some forums, omnipotent characters cannot beat each other
Omni-potent goddesses said that Tenchi was even stronger than them.
Therefore he is in a dimension above omni-potent Gods outside of comprehension
>It's a Kami Tenchi vs The Mask vs Lain vs Haruhi vs The One Above All vs YHWH episode
>Kirby exists
what the fuck
Too bad The One Above All is literally above all
There's a term for that, it's called Nigh Omnipotence
is the one above all above himself?
not monado 3 shulk
This show has got a lot of NTR and Incest going on
>any reflect aura plus physical and ether reflect as needed
>ghostwalker during purge windup, assuming decoys don't eat it anyway or it isn't reflected
costarring EGD And Featherine
Could Shulk and Cross beat Saiyan Saga Vegeta?
Cross could do it on his own. Remember the last time Vegeta went up against a robot?
If I were to compare my melee attack damage to Vegeta's power level at the time (18,000), my Photon Saber build would curb stomp Vegeta without the need of Auras or Overdrive, maybe Secondary Cooldown though.
Oh and I'm basing this on the amount of damage I can inflict on a Eternal Millesaur which at maximum with my build is around 300,000 damage. Eternal Millesaurs have no Beam Resistances nor Weaknesses so damage total isn't effected. I could fuck over the Ginyu Force too. Imagine if I went with Longsword builds, I imagine those could just about fuck over pre Cell Saga SSJ Goku
>photon saber
my Ga Buidhe
The highest number that can be recorded in game is 99,999,999 and the highest recorded heavy hitter rank is at 99,999,984. Unless there is screencaps of people hitting harder than that, the strongest mim is over 50,000,000 points weaker than SSJ Goku (150,000,000) during the Frieza Saga.