There are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who let this man die

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who let this man die

Care to explain yourself?

hes a boring faggot

Thanks man


Ashley is a boring faggot too, to clarify. It was between two turds.

women and children first. That is my way of oppressing women.

Why is every human character in Mass Effect a boring piece of shit?

Both humans fucking sucked, I don't think there was a single person that consistently made the choice to have one of those 2 fuckheads stick on their squad.

i let him die so I can at the very least fuck ashley's ash hole

Zaeed was the only good human character in the series.

It felt like Kaidan's story had ended and Ashley's had only begun, so from a narrative sense I thought it made more sense for her to live and come into herself as a person, while the older and regretful but satisfied Kaidan - who has a deeper relationship with Shepard to boot - made more tragic sense to die on Virmire.

Is it autistic of me to play vidya like that?

I think you just have autism in general

Actually, it would have made sense for Ashley to die considering her family has a legacy of absolute failure. Her sacrificing herself to help save the galaxy would have been a more fitting end to her story.

He's boring and gay

>hey bb wan sum fuck
>no, kaidan
>cmon gurl do me
>no thanks
>man don't be like that sugar
>i'm dating the blueberry

this is why i let kaidan die
it was the wrong choice, as it turns out

It makes more sense in a militaristic way to let him die instead of Ashley. Kaiden was in a tower with the nuke, Ashley was in your retreat path.

Kaiden was the biggest cuck since Carth Onasi.
He was easily the worst character out of the crew.
I was happy I didn't have to see his face in ME3.

i think this influenced my decision as well

fuck that cricket

kaiden is more high value as a biotic, also higher ranking. ashley's just a grunt.

i wish both could die though.

I was tricked.

There was no right choice of romance in ME1.

>Kaiden, the ME incarnation of Carth
>Ashley, the racist bitch
>Liara, the generic one-dimensional waifu

The actual right choice is to stay single for ME2.

I was younger back then and went "of course I'm sacrificing a guy, I can't let a girl die". I didn't care much about either of them desu.

I regretted it though. Ashley is a cunt and Kaidan's armor barrier thingy in 3 is great.

if ashley was attractive she'd be perfect, shes hardcore conservative

Because there was only room for one biotic on the team.

Let Ashley die on Virmire, shoot Kaidan on the Citadel.

Only option.

this. they're both terrible.

No, she just remembers a time when the Turians treated first contact as an excuse to murder a whole bunch of people based on a misunderstanding

>wanting kaidan to live longer

I started Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 so I started with the interactive comic. Because tits, I went with Ashley over Kaiden.
Glad I did too, when I finally had the 'luxory' of playing ME1 I was glad I did. He was a terrible character and even worse teamate. Who the fuck actually enjoys Sentinels?

I'd let both Ashley and Kaiden die if I could.

I sent him to arm the bomb and I sent Ashley with the salarians. It made more sense to save more people than save one person.

The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few.

Ashley and Kaiden are both painfully boring.
>My mom stood around near spaceships so now I get headaches sometimes. :(
>I don't trust those god damn Krogans, or space-niggers as I like to call them.


Krogans ARE space-niggers.

Because I hate his voice

>not letting Kaidance die because it made the most sense and because you aren't playing a soldier and thus can have Ashley and her Immunity
>not railing Jack in ME2
>not shooting Ashley in ME3
Of course that requires playing ME3, so there's that.

>Can't send both of them to make sure the bomb goes off

>It made more sense to save more people than save one person.
That's why you made destroying the cloning facility a priority, because the lives of your Gunnery Chief and a few special forces soldiers don't mean dick compared to a rampaging army of indoctrinated, berserker raging Krogan


>Breed uncontrollably
>Used by others
>Only know breaking shit
>Were fucking stupid before someone else found them
Holy shit, they are!

Anderson was cool

I wonder how many people actually talked to Kaidan and how many just wrote him off because he shared a VA with a character they loathed.

I mean, it's not like his backstory was wonderfully written or anything, but it also wasn't nonexistent.

Well, just like humans have done

A lot of the squad minus Wrex and, in my opinion, Ashley were pretty average in Mass Effect 1

But yes Kaiden was the most boring in that game.

To be fair, without Wrex the Krogans really are a bunch of savage war-mongering pricks.

this whole 'adult' (thing seen as childish) movement is so stupid. people have enjoyed childish things in adulthood throughout history. The difference is that they didn't feel the need to validate it with everyone else on social media

fucking ridiculous. no such thing as a guilty pleasure anymore, it's "I LIKE IT AND YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING SAY A WORD ABOUT IT, IN FACT, YOU BETTER ENJOY IT TOO"

what does that make Batarians? Double Niggers?

I saved Ashley and romanced her

She's not my favorite girl but I don't base my romance choices on which one I like best, I do it based on which one I think makes the most sense for the character.

Not that I don't consider krogans niggers but they are pretty intelligent, they developed nukes at some point

they know their audience

they should make mass effect themed dildo's, would sell out instantly

>The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few.
This is a retarded trekkie thinking.

Half of Switzerland's population is more valuable than the entirety of Saudi Arabia's.

t. racist xenophobic bigot

Muslim roaches.

>religious zealots
>terrorists everywhere they go
>fucking retarded

Wrex yes but also Eve (and most likely the other females supporting their efforts) play a part in this as well.

Because if Wrex is ever killed, things go back to a bloodier more vengeance-fueled Krogan Rebellions

I wish we could order her to back up Kaiden on that bomb.

The bomb was already going to explode. Going back to get the party member that stayed behind is useless.

I'm sure World War 1 wasn't the only instance in human history where wars were ignited because of a misunderstanding.

I don't count sandniggers as people, so I didn't count them.

I like how ME3 went full SJW with the Krogans.

>hurr all the males except Wrex are bloodthirsty psychopaths but the women are the smart and reasonable ones who should hold the real power!

No, see, what you do is you make absolutely sure nothing goes wrong because there's a mechanical space god coming to kick your shit in and you wont ever get a second chance to destroy the facility without convincing the Council to send an entire fleet

There is literally no reason to go save Ashley, even if you are fucking her

And he's just one guy. Even with Eve he'll die out or be usurped eventually. These niggers bombed themselves into extinction before they've been uplifted.

Besides, Mordin said it already that Genophage won't extinct them. They adapted to it and are now low in numbers but still surviving in the long run.

Best outcome is:
>let Ashley/Kaidan shoot Wrex when he chimps out
>destroy the antidote in 2
>let Eve die because she's a shitty shoehorned MUH FEMALES ARE SO FUCKING SMART character
>convince Mordin not to sacrifice himself because Krogans are shit and he's just feeling guilty and old
>sabotage the cure and get the Krogan and Salarian army


>Forgetting about Charr
Why user why?

>The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few.
So 51% of people on Earth should live like kings while the other 49% work like slaves to fuel the lifestyle of the many?



Right next to Jacob, he's one of the most boring characters in ME. All I got out of him was "muh biotic struggle". Ashley at least talked about her family, her beliefs, her history regarding the first contact war. She's far from the most interesting ME character, but she's well rounded, and that makes her plenty more interesting then Kaidan.

Yes, definitely.

He's a boring, lawful-good doormat - i'd have killed him myself given the chance.

This user is correct.

Kirrahe is your second Salarian bro next to Mordin

1. Based Ashley is the only human in the cosmos acting like humanity actually would. We just got off an unprovoked war where these shitty aliens tried to wipe us out and the second we got the upper hand they pulled "h-heh, we were just kidding, friends?" Ashley hates aliens and you should too.

2. Kaiden, while initially a bro, gets rewritten into a fag. Based Ashley always remains purely hetero.

3. All romance options from ME1 go through rewrites except Ashley. Kaiden becomes Bi, Liara becomes a scheming Shadow Broker (the fuck?), Ashley is who she always was and so represents the only consistent romance in the game.

4. "Alenko" That's Hungarian-Romanian. We already have Tali, do we need a literal gypsy on board stealing power convertors and slitting our throats while we sleep? Look at his face. Swarthy complexion, black hair, dark eyes, thick brows, always hairy face... you know what he is.

True, but without Wrex everything falls apart. He is the fulcrum that holds everything together.

Well by the time he dies it's possible that there will have been enough time for the Krogan to change their way of thinking, especially as the many children being born are instilled with these new ideals.

How long do Krogan live anyway? I know they live longer than Asari and Wrex is about a thousand years old.


That's a good joke.

yes, in fact thats how the world works currently.

>Right next to Jacob

Entirely irrelevant. The Turians saw a human ship doing something only they knew to be potentially dangerous and opened fire.

Then they found where the ship had come from and occupied it. And then when the fighting got under way, starting killing civilians under the retarded excuse of "but Turians don't have civilians so they don't know it's bad". Which is horseshit because they became a Council species and learned that literally every other race DOES have non-combatants it's not okay to kill.

"But human history!" doesn't mean squat. The Turians acted like faggots with no justification. If the Asari or the Salarians had been there it would have ended with a stern lecture and maybe mind sex, not wanton violence on people who couldn't know any better.

What a brilliant fucking comparison. It's like you completely miss the point.

Krogan live centuries with rare cases reaching a thousand years.

Asari don't hit their Matriarch stage until 700 or so, so most outlive Krogan.

I could've said Japan or Norway or pretty much any high IQ/low crime-rate secular country. I'd still be right.

I'd rather take in 500 Swiss refugees than a dozen of Saudis and you would too.

Reminded me of Carth and I hated Carth.

>God tier ME Humans
Zaeed, Hackett

>High tier ME Humans
Jack, Miranda, TIM (ME2), Anderson

>Mid tier ME Humans
Kasumi, Ashley, Joker, Vega

>Low tier ME Humans
Kaidan, Udina

>Shit tier ME Humans

>Nigger tier ME Humans

>Pisses in you apartment and eats your cereal tier ME Humans
Kai Leng

lol no

Depends, just how old is The Patriach

And why didn't the Shitty Omega DLC not have all the best characters from Omega?

Mudslime detected.

lol no

I might bounce a few of those up or down one based on personal preference, but by and large, it's accurate as fuck.

Jack & Miranda is just the sci-fi version of Leliana & Alistair & Morrigan - best party for bants and bitching.

>Ashely in ME1 is not at all a bit titted bimbo in ME1
>Has pretty fucking specific conversation indicating that she's not some big titted bimbo
>ME3 turns her into a big titted bimbo
Bioware: not even once

How is she a bimbo? She craves Shepherd's dick but is still willing to shoot him and/or die for her duty.

TIM was crap in ME2

>Cerberus isn't evil Shepard
>what about all those Cerberus experiments I trashed in the last game
>Rogue cells
>what about all the Cerberus experiments I've trashed in this game
>Rogue. Cells.
>what about the ambush you just sent me into
>Ends justify the means, risking all the many billions I've spent on you and your ship without warning was a smart thing to do

c'mon jacob was boring but he was cool with shep
you know blacks=/=niggers, right?

There was one Krogan in I think ME2 who was really polite and businesslike towards you. The Krogan aren't terminally thick, they at least developed a fair amount of technology up to and including nukes. The main thing is that most of the Krogan the player runs in to are mercenaries or warriors. Also, most of Krogan politics tends somewhat towards the outrageously dickish, but you can say that about most of the races as well.

Wears armour, has hair in a bun, says she'll be caught dead before walking around in a tinfoil mini skirt
Wears a skintight leather suit, hair undone and draped over face

They were just trying to make her a shitty rehash of Miranda and it failed.

>missing father
>only love interest to cheat on you
>becomes more focused on learning his father raped white women every day for the last ten years

>muh "you'll never see me wearing a skirt" blurb

>Based Ashley is the only human in the cosmos acting like humanity actually would. We just got off an unprovoked war where these shitty aliens tried to wipe us out and the second we got the upper hand they pulled "h-heh, we were just kidding, friends?" Ashley hates aliens and you should too.
Don't forget about XO Pressley.


Oh yeah he was a real bro after ME2.

I'm sure those 6 months walking on a beach and impregnating FemHawke was a big help to impending galactic extinction.

>missing father
>father is a literal harem collecting, brainwashing rapist on a tribal island

Because Ashley wants my dick, and I want her pussy.
She might be a cunt sometimes, but she's my cunt.

>they censored an invisible dick

>knocks up some slut and leaves you in ME3.