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Don't say a word. Just post your face when.


>That image
What goes on in the mind of the person who thought that was a good idea?

>disable shields with hacking
>1 shot ships after coming out of stealth
??? what is the problem here

>only 3 shields
>no engines
>3 beam weapons

Good lord.

>He didn't have enough engine power to reach 100% evade during cloak
That was your first mistake.

It's quite heavy on the drones and without the scrambler enemy drones give you a bad time.

>99 scrap just unused while fighting the final boss

Great lord.

It's a wonder you made it that far honestly.

You must be playing on Easy.

I'm curious to know the percentage of your total scrap through the course of the run was spent on repairs.

>1 shield
>Nothing but beams
>1 engine power

Pro tip: it wasn't the games fault

It's clearly hacking shields.

Yeah, I just saw that after posting.

>these casuals

Flak with weapon pre-igniters is fucking hilarious





Oh, I didn't know there was a second one. I was just about to buy the first one. Should I skip it?

What the fuck am I looking at?



Someone not knowing how to play FTL.


One time I beat the flagship using just ions and a fire beam.

Man I sure hope the next ship doesn't have mis-


what happens if you kill the crew without damaging it?


Nothing wrong with that, I kept my anti-bio beam few times when running slug.

>4(four) mantids
>they warp RIGHT into your med bay
>kill it 1/2 a second
>no hope of killing them off now

>going to the final boss with no evasion nor teleporting crew
it's like you didn't want to win.

>what is venting

AI takes over

Someone please explain. I haven't played in ages.

AI takes over, venting the whole ship and enabling auto-repair on all systems.

>door memes

stop this, it is not viable and a waste of 3 reactor energy
>they kill oxygen room

I love this game but I had to quit when I died at the last possible moment before getting the crystal ship.


Zoltans provide one power bar to the system they operate

does that still count as a win?

Always get door upgrades hombre, then you can buttfuck intruders with the long hard vacuum of space.

Green dudes give you pip of energy in the room they're in.

3 reactor energy? What?
Subsystems take no energy, nigga. Upgrading doors to level 2 is a good investment.
>letting them kill oxygen after they kill medbay
It's like you don't even pause or know how to game them with venting.


>ftl 2 never

>sub systems require energy
This is probably my favorite FTL meme.
Depends on timing.

wow that blows

>inb4 he greentexts the word pausing

FTL 2 when?

If they explode too late into your death animation then no. A near simultaneous death, yes.

Guess how I know you suck shit at this game.

they don't need to operate it they just need to physically be in the room, that's the joke I guess.

I would agree that it is a waste, even if the upgrades are

I posted that pic and it counted like a win.

I destroyed him before he destroyed me, so I guess it was fair.

Then quit being shit, I can typically afford level 2 doors even on hard runs.
I bet you think level 2 oxygen is useless too.

>Oh, I didn't know there was a second one
there isn't, both pictures are the same game

You should be airlocking intruders any chance you get, and you will get the chance to do so. You should only be worrying about combat levels if you are going boarding party and even then, spacing intruders is incredibly handy when you are in a heated battle.


Well, now i know what the problem is

Told ya.



The first door upgrade is a paltry 35 scrap, chuck a guy in there to man the station if you ever get boarded - which is not a particularly rare event - and you've got level 3 doors that will stop practically anything long enough to choke them out. It's a savvy investment even if you don't take into account that upgraded doors also slow the spread of fire.

Do people really play this game without using the pause function?

That's the stupidest thing I think I've ever heard.

The pause function is literally the most important gameplay mechanic.

Why do you think THE BIGGEST BUTTON on your keyboard mapped to pause?

If you are familiar with redlettermedia, Rich Evans did a no pause run on their stream.

Took 3 hours, he won in the end. Was a good watch.

I have never once paused in any run I've had. Do people really need such a crutch?

Oh neat I gotta watch that sometime

Yeah just go to the pre rec youtube and look around for the no pause run.

It's solo Rich Evans as well incase you hate Jack.

There's also LethalFrag, think he did all ships on hard AE without pause?

I don't mind Aids Moby that much, but that's still good

Yeah he did, he said afterward it was definitely not as fun as just playing the game and it required a lot of lucky shit going your way.

I like Jack, he takes some getting used to, and you just have to ignore the extreme hipster nonsense that comes out of his mouth. Him and Rich Evans balance each other out well enough.

He isn't Rich Evans though.

oh come on those comics are funny & qt as fuck

this is probably the only bullshit game I've ever completed

only cause it was actually fun to play.
The ups in this game are way better than the downs in most rogue likes.
If you know what upgrades to look for you can coast through a galaxy.

also boarding was the shit.


You're playing Stealth B when this happens. What do you do?

give more power to the engines and escape as soon as possible.

>when your shields regenerate right before their attacks everytime

It isnt a crutch though.

It's a basic gameplay mechanic.

The very first instructions you get from the game are how to pause and unpause.

I can understand not using it for some kind of hardcore run, but it's meant to be used as part of the game. It's like saying that using guns in a shooter is a crutch.

Don't forget to play this while doing it


>realize my mistake of picking stealth b and start a new game with an actual fun ship

But the Stealth B is fun, user.


Only thing more fun in the Stealth C.

What a fucking shit show

>all those sector 1 restarts
Literally all drones


>ever deleting a game with such a great fun/size ratio in the first place

Let's go for one adventure!

1-2-3 choose the ship
4-5-6 name the ship
7-8-9 name the crew


>Ghost Ship for Gays
>Token Gay, Token Lesbian, Token Hetero

Also, you should've made your own thread.



Stealth B
The Cook
Rocco, Christian, Mark

>Fed Cruiser A
>Shit Boat
>Todd Howard, Anthony Burch, Chris-chan

Rock B
name already taken
Chad Warden, C-Wizzy, Big Papi, Chad Daddy

Mr.Butts as captain

Engie b

this user is right, come join the FUN