Is Ark worth getting?

Is Ark worth getting?

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Short answer: No

Long answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________No________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VR edition might be

yes if you want to play with hackers

>Early access game
>Release expansion for 30 bucks that is not free for early acess owners

That's straight theft

>nvidia 960
>game still runs like shit even on low settings

Hold off user, wait for better optimization.

>baaah why can't I play current gen games on my old gen toaster hardware

Nice bait. You must be new here.

You realize it's 2017 now?

twitch fotm games are done for, including all the next ones

It's just another minecraft clone, but with dinosaurs. That being said, just like minecraft I found it boring and annoying without people to play with and the actual "servers" are just full circle jerk. You join in and if you aren't apart of their clan they kill you.

>baah i can't run games on my old hardware
>y-you must be n-new here! not my fault i am poor


Yeah ark is poorly optimized but your card cant even run witcher3 close to decently. so real poor example.

>runs like shit on my i7 6700K/1080GTX

Don't support a developer that puts out expansion packs for their early access games (originally content promised in the base game of early access)


>current gen games

No, it has as much grinding as a korean MMO but is even less interesting.

ITT: poor people with laptops

The economy is the worst its ever been and you're making fun of people not able to afford a pc with 24gb ram and 4 nvidia titans to run shit indie EA games? You must be a real winner.

Good thing they've optimized for consoles. Fuck those toaster users, consoles is where it's at. Oh wait

>early access open world survival sandbox indie

Check your wage privilege

>comparing it to 4 titans

If you have 960 you honestly don't deserve to play even Minecraft

By the way, see PS4 Pro (Normal) frame rate? It runs at 720p. The (Detail) runs at 1080p and still has 2 meter shadow distance and immense popping.

This game really does need Titans in SLI to play decently at a resolution above 1080p

I didn't spend $700 on a GPU to run 1080p either.

>tfw my 960 runs all AAA games 60 fps 1080p
haha sorry you wasted your money on "superior" cards senpai

>the economy is the worst it's ever been
Is this what Republitards actually believe? Fucking kek, you're dumb.

Contrarians will contradict.

Though that's the only thing we need to know about this cashgrab.
Early access was a serious hint however, user should be more cautious.

A thousand new bugs a day, a gigabyte patch every three days to fix half of the bugs they introduce with the latest "free content update".

It won't be worth it when it's released and at a 100% discount.

6700k 32 GB RAM, GTX 1080 here:

It still runs like shit.

Do people seriously think shit like this?

Someone gifted it to me. The only early access games I'll support are sandbox MMOs (because without our money, they don't get funded and I don't want publishers shitting up the MMO genre even further) and Conan Exiles.

video related

>the actual "servers" are just full circle jerk. You join in and if you aren't apart of their clan they kill you.

No matter what servers, no matter the warm welcome they give you, they will harvest you until you quit the game so that they can enjoy their little castles alone with all their dinos.

Everyone RPs as "a woman IRL" for some reason, everyone EVERYONE will fuck you over given the slightest chance. Especially tribe-mates, since they are given access to you much easier.

Play it alone, become bored in literal seconds.
Play it with randoms, become bored in minutes.
Play it with friends, become friendless in hours.

>unfinished game already selling dlc separately

It's cool for a while. Taming dinosaurs and exploring the world is great fun, but the game is very grindy and if you play online you're just going to get griefed over and over by autistic faggots who have played thousands of hours already or hackers.

if you have a great computer and play on an official server with at least 5x rates and a good population you'll have hundreds of hours of fun.

if you lack any of those things or don't do any of those things you'll have a bad time.

don't buy scorched earth until you're tired of regular ARK so that you don't accidentally waste money (SE is good, but only if you love ARK)

it's like a 20 or 30 or even more GB download though, so expect to not be able to play it for 2 days after you buy it, and once you uninstall it you're never playing it again lol.

i stopped playing because i got used to all the fun i was having with a fully set up base and then had to change servers and could never find another server where i could get my feet off the ground

oh also major warning it's really really grindy, so if you're not the kinda guy who likes to play MMOs(or certain RPGs) you won't like this.

I had the collector's edition of that Conan mmo from Funcom. I can 100% guarantee you that Funcom will fuck you over. Those jews made the starting city ready for release, while the rest of the game was completely unstable for release. When it went f2p those fuckers also reduced my accounts character slots from 8 to 2, they wanted me to rebuy everything that was included in my ce account. Not to mention that they fucked up one of the coolest mmo settings out there. Fuck those bastards, yes i'm mad.

The executive that made those decisions are long gone. Trust me, I was pissed off too as an Age of Conan player. Tortage was misleading as hell.

They've demonstrated that they're willing to do better since The Secret World/Dreamfall Chronicles/improving Anarchy Online substantially.