Why are beta male sjws so triggered by sexy women?
Why are beta male sjws so triggered by sexy women?
these people need to be gassed
sour grapes
that octahedral ass is sexy?
How do I dodge like that?
Why are beta male virgins triggered by Neogaf?
That's clearly satire
what geam
why is Sup Forums so triggered by beta male sjws?
Triggered has become such a buzzword it has lost its meaning
it just means "react" now
You know how people on here have certain opinions in order to fit in? That's all that is. Were it not for the internet I bet that guy wouldn't give a fuck.
Why are Sup Forums normalfags cuck so triggered by loli?
Nier Automata demo
>Assuming the worst case scenario of being triggered
>It's obvious the man doesn't want his dick to explode during gameplay
because they are betas, things like this make them remember what they can never have, so the only thing they can do is being a white knight and hope that a male-now-female will fall in love with them.
If whatever you're reading contains the word "problematic" then that's a sure sign that you should probably stop reading whatever you're reading.
I really like this design. It somehow has a better appeal.
I hope he actually means he wants to pay for different designs of panties.
Honestly I'm glad booth babes are less common now. It was always really awkward sad shit
Posting neogaf is cheating
someone told me that these type of bans are not a big deal, and temporary bans are just 'a slap on the wrist' at neogaf
is he right?
>women dress sexy
>it's empowering
>men dress women sexy
>it's sexism
Fucking. What.
god who cares, the idiots who make threads about le panty girl constantly need to be flogged too
Strip/danceclubs must be awkward for you as well? Fuck off underage
>Being triggered by sexy women
>In a Drakengard universe game
These guys are going to lose their mind if they play the actual game when it releases aren't they. That shit is like the tamest thing in these games.
keep making those threads, sure the new NieR is gonna break /v.
cause they really like loli but want to impress their gfs so they virtueflag
Have you ever been to a strip club, user? It is the most awkward shit in the world.
it's a stupid comparison anyway because gaming conventions and tradeshows are not strip/dance clubs.
My penis is triggered by oppai loli.
>Still pretending to act "good" for pussy and brownie points
It's like if you cranked up this board's false flagging beyond the borders of irony.
Honestly sounds like a good idea
Make the regular game lewd as fuck and make the SJWs pay if they wanna cover them up
I've heard a lot of closeted gay people say this sort of stuff.
You have children dressing even skimpier today but you are offended by a video game?
I don't understand the priorities with todays society. I think it has to do with them being too afraid to face reality
>I hope I get to pay even more money to remove a feature I don't like in a game
this is now considered acceptable.
If you are still reading my post, I want you to take a minute or two to think about this.
this is genius actually
>have a skimpy woman in frilly clothing
>triggered numales have to pay extra to get her covered up
the perfect answer to japs import censorship problem
why didn't the nips think of it sooner
Landwhales, and cuck-faggots.
Simple as that - they need to be exterminated!
Not joking, they literally think that a qt girl will read their progressive and correct posts and start PM'ing them and give them some pussy.
Same thing when Cologne Germany happened last year, hundreds of girls molested and assaulted in the streets on new year by freshly imported mudslimes and the beta-male response was to literally put on skirts and blame the molesting on how they were all dressed.
Implying with shorts, pants she woulnt be equally sexy.
Two reasons:
They like it and publicly denounce it to hide the fact.
Also, to appease/impress their hamplanet sjw friends they are hoping to be given the privilege of jabbing at ineffectually with their pasty and greasy micropenises.
Because most of them are ugly themselves, both on the outside and the inside.
gonna need some source on that
at first i thought he was asking for dlc pantsu but then i realized he's yet another jealous male that can't pull off wearing a skirt
literally all these people are JUST JEALOUS
sorry honey, you never gonna look like 2b, yall never gonna pull off fit like that, yu fuckin disgusting beareded plaid shirt n jeans nerdo
>I won't play this game unless it has microtransactions.
>my wife's daughter just...ugh I'm sorry I'm literally shaking right now....my wife's daughter just saw this and she was going to make 2B the fictional character from a video game she idolized and wanted to be when she grows up but now....now that we've seen her panties.....I'm afraid the shaking has gotten so bad we are all literally destroying the immediate area by shaking all over the room. Please delete this game.
One thing Sup Forums taught me is that there is no such thing as "no one is is this stupid".
Sup Forums of the left (talking about SJWs, not leftypol) is only a tiny bit less retarded than the actual Sup Forums. And actual Sup Forums is beyond the point where you can strawman it and not find a lot of Sup Forumstards who have same exact opinions as your strawman.
>XIII had a great battle system
>every other FF is shit
>didn't even finish any of them
That's what happens when normies invade games.
Really, it's because when Microsoft entered the vidya business they began dropping millions of dollars onto shills and sell-outs to bash japanese eroticism and champion the inept, shittier products made by western developers. Industry corruption fuels the bashing of japanese games since they're competition for sales. 80s and 90s was nothing but warm, fuzzy feelings for japanese games because the western industry was nothing but young dorks making games in their garages instead of being an industry of multimillion dollar corporate suits.
They give ugly people a bad name. Just because I'm ugly doesn't mean I want video game characters to also be ugly and wear burkas. It's a FANTASY.
This is the direction Sup Forums is heading in, by the way.
They both look like some shitty HBO character
Because you aren't all torn up inside that you'll never be a pretty girl.
These people are.
What if the robogirl was wearing sweatpants and a guy posted that he hoped there were microtransactions to remove them, or else he wouldn't play?
Would he be more or less vilified overall?
>big weapon, small girl
This guy knows his shit
That's why I clarified with the "inside and outside" thing. But it's not a coincidence that most SJWs you'll see are legit bad people, with histories in drug abuse, sexual harassment, discrimination, violence, theft, fraud etc. Just look at the tax scheme that Anita's company is running.
Whoa a Neogaf screencap thread!!!! We were really missing these!!
Im mad shes not nopan
I want them to do that, it'll be a nu-male tax, Cavia gets extra dosh, and the puritan fucks get mocked with horse armour style DLC.
Dunno why I originally brain farted and said Platinum.
>60 post thread
>that will invariably gain significantly more as the thread goes on
>to do nothing but bitch about a completely random, benign forum post
Why the fuck has this been happening so much over the last 3-5 years? The same goes for twitter posts that have all of 0 replies and 3 favourites as well.
Seems fair, we've always had to pay extra for sexy DLC it's about time that obnoxious triggered dipshits have to pay extra for what they want too.
>Frame cancels are now as important as the length of the female fighter's skirt or how much her boobs bounce. Why? Because it's part of a larger problem.
I don't even play fighting games but this is just laughable.
>if i hate the attractive women, the unattractive women will give me the vajayjay because they hate the attractive women
>Dancers who choose to dance as their profession are the same as slaves
I love how stupid people can be. It always brightens my day when I read things like this.
This is one of the few instances where "projection" is accurate to use.
Yup, but you know what's weird? You never see this people complain about a Beyonce or Nikki Minach music video, at all. Many songs out there by black entertainers talking shit and degrading women. Hundreds you can't even count them, but you never hear anything from these SJW faggots criticizing those songs or the singers. Sexy women was never a problem, but they are making it so, it's purely ideological, and the thing is, the retards that say to ignore them and they will go away are just as bad, because those SJWs even though they are a small minority are growing and they whine and complain a lot so it's bound for some developers to listen to them.
Because laughing at neogaf and other cucks in the industry is fun and a reminder to politically correct shitters browsing Sup Forums who want to "change us from the inside" that they're not welcome here and never will be.
I'm to happy about it coming to PC to care about retarded opinions from normalfag websites.
Someone promote this man.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with NeoGAF
cavia doesn't exist anymore buddy
bullet witch was an awesome game fuck the dipshits here who just ignored it on release
>Frame cancels are now as important as the length of the female fighter's skirt or how much her boobs bounce. Why? Because it's part of a larger problem.
How does that make any logical sense, and why is it making me angry
It plays into stereotypes retards love.
Pic related - it doesn't need to be true, it only needs to seem like the kind of "truth" they want to hear
>she looks like a real person now unlike the top that just looks like a videogame character
I guess these are the type of people who unironically say QTE boss fights makes every game better and want more cinematic games right?
>I want to pay additional money so I won't be offended
He's literally asking to get cucked!
Yo buddy what's your point here? You're a fucking millennial and if you aren't then i feel really bad for your 40+ ass being here on NYE.
>Gone Home is going to be free
>Not refunding all the people who honestly got scammed into buying it
I wonder; how much has it sold? Did any of the incredibly sexist joke games sell higher, like Mount Your Friends or Genital Jousting? I can't see it having sold too well.
its fun to laugh at people lesser than yourself
They aren't happy with problematic content at all, even if it's entirely optional...because providing problematic content to people who want it is LITERALLY supporting rape culture.
It's the same website so yeah.
Unlike all the politics shit, mocking people for having dumb opinions on videogames has been a tradition here since before your birth.
>beta-male response was to literally put on skirts and blame the molesting on how they were all dressed.
Wouldn't that be "victim blaming" as they call it?
That is retarded as fuck
>WAAH why is my generation so pathetic?
It makes logical sense to someone who cares more about politics than video games. They care more about whether Street Fighter makes the world a better place than whether it's a good game (never mind the fact that their definition of making the world a better place is retarded).
you dont get it
just look at the opinions these people have
their opinions are dead serious
Honestly i like the idea of pants, leggings, jean and pantyhose DLC.
>the video games in a video game are not important because there are "bigger problems" then video games
because OP feels insecure when he sees people who aren't just fapping to the game.
Its sexism when video game girls dressed sexy, doesn't matter who created it. A woman created Bayonetta's style and the feminists went on a tirade of how its sexists, soggy knees, and whatever other dumb buzzwords. Completely ignoring that it was a woman who made her, and its a female character.
However, if a real woman was to dress and act like a sexy video game character, its empowerment. The left is insane, they are the ones pushing that crap.
oh yeah, I remember that
it gave me a sensible chuckle
>old Sup Forums loved lolis
>neo Sup Forums sjws hated lolis
>neo neo Sup Forums likes little girls again
that was my point? you're a millennial, stop bitching about yourself
your fixation on suicide will end with your own
When is neo neo Sup Forums gonna happen?
jesus christ.