
>Uncharted 4
>Xcom 2
Video invalid

Xcom 2 was fun

Why do you care about GOTY list of others?

OP this mad angry joe has better taste

What's wrong with those games?

Overwatch is pretty fucking popular m8.

No one should fucking care that someone's Top 10 doesn't match your tastes.

xcom 2 was really fun though...


So this is what makes a "best" game? Have a (You)

XCOM 2 is good.

Didn't he give Overwatch a 7?

This is the same bullshit he pulled putting Fallout 4 ahead of Rocket League.

This is Sup Forums now

Well when it comes to a multiplayer only shooter, popularity is a major boon when it comes to quality, yeah.

No one wants to play a shooter with only 5 players worldwide.

Uncharted 4 online players do

and what is your 2016 top 10 list OP? Some obscure weebshit?

Good games are good. You can leave Sup Forums anytime you want.

>Good games
>Leave Sup Forums
>Reddit spacing
This board is dead

Sup Forums has been a place for appreciating works of substance, not pop trash. You're the one who should leave.

>le "fun is a buzzword" meme

Fuck you. XCOM would deserve top 10 even if it actually had other games to compete with.

then leave?

>Fun means it deserves to be a "best"
Watching transformers is fun, doesn't mean it's a "best movie"

I've been here longer than you've been alive

I highly doubt that.

Good thing it's a good game on top of being fun then.

Out of curiosity, what's your top 10 for this year, user?

Sup Forums has been a place for videogames, not you moaning over some guy on youtube's opinion. It's fucking New Year's Eve, go get laid or something.

Transformers isn't a video GAME, though.

You're posting here as well

>Sup Forums has been a place for appreciating works of substance

You mean the same board who considers games like Senran Kagura and whatever game without lots of fanservice a 'must play'? get the fuck out

Got me!

>Uses an analogy
>Says it's not the subject the analogy refers to