>ONLY 6.5k people online on Nostalrius right now
NOSTALGIAFAGS BTFO. You hyped up this server for so long, people played it for a week and realized that vanilla sucks.
ONLY 6.5k people online on Nostalrius right now
more than the official servers number Blizzard is showing
>And the 4.4k on the PvE
>It's New Year's Eve
Step it up retailshitter.
>You think you do, but you don't
He was actually right all along. Really makes you think
Excuse me?
It's completely overrun by chinks. So any drive to play has been completely ruined.
>only 6k for pvp and 4k for pve
Might as well be dead.
>That faction imbalance on PvE server
Lol, of course the PvE carebear faggots would all pick alliance.
I'm waiting for the new server on January 7th
Why do chinks have to ruin everything
Alliance is based, horde's for commies and other cucks.
Russian server has low pop during russian new years eve. More news at 11.
It's their entire nature.
you cowards hide from us on the PvE server, because you got tired of your slutty elf whores preferring the big Orc cock.
It happened towards the end of the last Nost's life cycle too. Devs were too shit to do anything about it even though the chinks were actively botting and spamming gold selling pages because HURRR EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY GUYS
If there is EVER a way to make a penny doing a thing, believe me there is a chinaman willing to do it.
Horde is for teenage edge lords. Alliance is for sophisticated patricians of the massively multiplayer arts.
>implying nostcucks would have anywhere to go
Don't kid yourself, faglord.
>sitting alone at home while my wife is out with her Nostbull
alliance is superior for pve content in vanilla, no one doing pve seriously would pick horde.
You're here.
The fuck just happened?
Server restart
Server maintenance, you are supposed to leave.
Ah, my mistake.
That's wrong, though
Horde has better DPS because of windfury totem. All the speedrun records on Nost were set by horde guilds.
your wife might be gone for a while with the 2 second delay and 10 yard view distance to compensate for server load.
I hope she returns safely!
>implying horde cleared anything first
clearing anything first doesn't mean anything yet, because of the slow ass release schedule.
Wait until AQ is out and Horde will probably be stomping it. All the speed run records on Nost were set by horde guilds.
horde might clear faster at the top level, but progression takes longer, and there are far less guilds staying together as a result.
Isn't windfury broken on nost?
>he shills for free
They're not human, they're a disguised subspecies of hungry cockroaches.
>nost cucks
>no Fear Ward
>no BoK
its pretty obvious that vanilla wow is garbage though
maybe they'll stop crying about how wow used to be so much better now
>No Mana Tide Totem
>No Windfury Totem
>No Reincarnation
etc. Horde has the better racials overall
>10k players
>lol might as well be dead
Can you b8 harder than this? I don't think it is possible.
The fact that Alliance guilds were responsible for the vast majority of world firsts during retail vanilla is all the proof you need.
Paladins were better buffers and better healers than shaman. And Fear Ward gave Alliance a huge advantage in early progression since no Alliance warrior ever had to learn to stance dance.
>absolutely over run by chinks, they make up the majority of the server
>garbage scripting, webm related
Why the fuck did we abandon kronos for this utter shitpile?
Last i checked a Horde guild Nihilum, got world first Kel'Thuzad.
Last I check you didn't provide a source for that claim.
Brand recognition + people getting access to their old characters.
I really hope Crestfall isn't a meme.
It's a well known fact to anyone who played in real vanilla, newfriend. Google it.
Horde finally caught up after 4 raids of Alliance snow ball.
Alliance had pretty much every other Naxx world first.
Nihilum were famously proficient at no-life poopsocking too.
Burden of proof is on you, retailcuck.
Again, what happened in 2006 proves nothing. Take the best most no-life players playing optimally, and Horde is better in 2016.
Back in 2006, people didn't even know that Fury Warriors were the best dps in the game. Most warriors were running Arms spec with a 2h.
Blizzard vanilla server: 0 players
Nost: 6k+
nice try blizzcuck
A-at least we aren't Blizzcucks right guys?
>TFW VPN bans will never be possible because of the scorched earth DDOS attacks
Nothing new.
This is pretty standard practice. I have stopped posting in most any game forums because of this actually and a few other reasons. Late 90s-2000s millennial babies consider the opinion of having location locked servers racist.
fuvk u
Like always it's not about racism so much as it's about keeping the underclass intact in its place to profit from it. The chinks will keep playing forever and they'll keep providing an essential service (gold selling) forever.
>some of those trying to respond back in chinese
>fuvk you
As a chinese born in burgerland, I approve of this.
All nostralius has driven home to me is that while I don't want to play live, I don't want to play on Russian servers with a bunch of chinks either.
I think I played on a Russkie Cataclysm server that had better scripting than that. How are Warrior's dash skills in the battlegrounds on Nost?
guys, what happened to that retard reposting green image with nost threads from archives? didnt see him for a while, did he retire
Was that the Blizzard official year 2006 server?
The fan emulator having more population than Blizzard's official nostalgia server just goes to prove WoW's main hope of getting their numbers back up by going free2play, not by pandering to nostalgia goggles who collecting 10 bear asses and killing 6 boars was "better" 10 years ago than it is today.
>implying not being free2play is their problem
Their main problem is retail fucking sucks now
>shittily scripted chinese gold farming simulator
>playing WoW in 2016
find a new game lads, it's over
>CIA pose
This. WoW is over.
The server is fucking dead. Only literal trannies on /vg/ and Alexensual faggot who is getting shares from gold selling are shilling for it. Everyone else is waiting for Crestfall.
I think it's pretty obvious that GMs are getting hefty profits from gold selling services.
they literally ban you so that you have to start over and feel compelled to buy gold
like 80% of all the people are just waiting on official blizzlike servers