Best classic megaman.
> inb4 nostalgiafags will deny this fact
Best classic megaman
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9 is the best
Does it still count as classic when it does things that NES wasnt able to do at the time
That game came at such a wrong time. I legitimately feel depressed whenever I see that game.
why would a megaman game bother you, user?
If you like your Mega Man games to have terrible level design then yes it is.
>implying this is great level design
Who is this post aimed at? There are probably 2 people in the world that think MM1 is good.
How it isnt?
While not great that actually has some level of challenge.
The level design in SFxMM is just straight pathways with beefy enemies.
Hell Chun-Li's stage is literally a straight line.
I forgot this existed, is it officially counted as a game? Capcom did release it themselves making it more than just a romhack..
3 is probably my favorite despite the rehashed levels at the end.
You can't be serious. Even in terms of fangames, there are way better, more well-made ones. Such a damn shame this and Unlimited get all the attention despite being shit.
Such as?
Rock Force
Super Fighting Robot
Rokko Chan
The Rosenkreuzstillette games
Don't remind me.
Super Fighting Robot Mega Man is also pretty good.
The Design a Mega Man Stage contest game thing has some solid levels in it. But most are shit.
No it's trash for one reason. All the Street Fighter characters are sprite edits of Megaman. Why do people do this? None of the Robot masters in the original games are edited from Megaman nor do they share his stance. But look at that screenshot, Ryu is an edit from Megaman. Looks fuckin awful, bro.
Not with that awful levels design boyo. Boss battles are cool thought.
I'm honestly surprised there was never an option to just skip to the bosses like MM10 as that's the only thing SFxMM did well really.
Why are Megaman sprite edits so popular now? They even sell them as Perlers now, they're all just so ugly
I don't understand the hate for unlimited. Has a fantastic soundtrack, fun bosses (even if some of the design are visually kinda dumb) and a cool little ending
My only complaint is that the stages are a touch too long
doing original spritework is hard,man.
9 and 10 are the best classic series games
10 has the best soundtrack
2 honestly isn't very good, only slightly better than 1 which was the worst of the bunch
You're saying that to a sprite artist bro, it would have been super easy to give them stances like their SF2 art.
Anyone got a download for this? I think the link on Capcom Unity was removed.
The stages are legitimately bad. They're 20 screens longer on average than the NES stages were (so they all drag on forever), and they're all filled with instakill spikes because muh hardcore.
>10 has the best soundtrack
Nah you're crazy 9 is way more catchy
Wrong user, even the non 8-bit Megaman games were better.
>songs that sound like they took two different tracks and wrote a transition to squish them together after the fact
>best soundtrack
9 had We're the Robots, and Galaxy Man's stage. Nothing else really stuck out to me
But all of 10's Wily stages are fantastic, and the robot stage themes are really some of the most diverse in the series. probably because 10 had a bunch of different composers who worked on it
Holy shit that is bad. Pure trial and error
tbf that isn't the first time those platforms appear in the stage, so by that point you should know what they do. The real issue is that the stage is way too fucking long.
Other themes were great on 9 like Hornetman, Plugman and Jewelman's stages, and others themes sucked, like Splashwoman's and the boss fight theme.
The main problem with 10's sound track is they had so many composers on the thing that it's all over the place.
The Wily stages also do that MM2 thing where there's only one checkpoint, but the stage is still fucking huge.
This can leave you with no choice but to farm weapon energy for Rush Jet in one stage if you end up dying.
Hell even the boss rushes have mini-stages.
They didn't suck what are you talking about. Tornado Man's theme is baller, Concrete Man's theme is incredibly catchy, Wily Machine is fucking amazing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Splash Woman's theme too no idea what your problem with it is
>Rush Jet
One better example of what you are implying is fucking up accidently wasting a Crash Bomb on the 4th Wily boss will force you to kill yourself and killing Joes to refill the damn weapon.
Why do people like 2 so much? Is it literally just for the wily stage theme? Because 2 really wasn't very good. Had some wonky ass stage design, genuinely poorly designed moments like what you mentioned, and still had the weird slippery controls from the first game
No idea why it's the poster child of the series
I was talking about Unlimited, it like MM2 only has one checkpoint per Wily stage.
It was the one most people bought so it's a nostalgia thing.
At this point I'm pretty sure it's the Wily stage theme. Whatever small things the game has (Item get order on stage progression) pale in comparison to the numerous flaws that plague 2.
Unlimited level design is absolute shit. Just imagine if Quick Man stage was nothing but the one hit kill lasers.
That's the issue with Unlimited as a whole. The stages are fucking twice as long as any normal Mega Man stage. It's obnoxious.
Funny thing is there have been other clones that did "DEATH LASERS: THE STAGE" and have it not suck by actually designing them fairly.
>implying Rainbow Man's stage wasn't 10x worse than Quick Man's
Because Con Man said it was his favorite game of the series and it caught on.
>The stages are fucking twice as long as any normal Mega Man stage
Even longer than 8? And that's the game with the longest levels of the classic series
They were the very first case of sprite editing, after Mighty.
Same here. I tried to be optimistic when it came out but I just didn't like it. Now it only serves as a reminder to me how Capcom hasn't cared about Mega Man in years.
Let me rephrase that then. Doing original spritework is hard for people who aren't sprite artists,man.
Stop using Inafune as a scapegoat for everything. MM2 was the poster child way before he said anything about it.
It was because it was such a massive upgrade from MM1 and it really turned people's heads at the time. It's pretty much loved because of the legacy despite better games coming after it.
what's the average age of people posting in this thread? I'm curious as to the sort of people on Sup Forums who like classic mega man
You know, shit on Unlimited as much as you want, but it gave me this theme so it's okay in my book
15 probably.
I am 27 but I like X and Zero more.
Classic is too simple.
I only first played megaman earlier this year
On paper I like X more, but the games just started adding in too much bullshit that slowed it down
All of the text boxes, the whole satellite thing in 5, saving POWs in 6, 7 being 7, 8 having a dumb gimmick for every other stage etc
If the series had just been X1 with new bosses and stages, I would have fucking loved it
Meh theme.
I didn't grow up with the Classic games, my first Mega Man games were X4, X5 and Mega Man 64.
I didn't play a Classic Mega Man game until 2010 or so.
I'm 20 and I like the Classic and Zero series. Never had much occasion to play the X series(besides the first, emulated it and had a good time), but I like much of its music. Got the Zero Collection on DS and loved it.
>Sup Forums is THIS casual
mega man 3 the first mega man game with the slide move which changed the game some
best mega man game ever coming through
Good music and not too hard probably.
Please, actually play Unlimited and then afterwards feel free to tell us that the stages aren't pointlessly long and spikefilled.
23. My first title was MMX and only played classic MM until 2005~. I used to like MMX more than classic but nowadays I like classic more because it feels a bit more focused and when it shits the bed it's nowhere near as messy compared to when X does it.
This is the best Megaman fangame/romhack.
I played it at launch. It was pretty good. The only real flaw is the explosion of shitty, unskippable fanfc-tier writing in the last couple stages.
It's no Minus Infinity, but you need to git gud.
23. My first Mega Man game was MM6, then I got MM8, X4 and X5 for playstation. The rest I didn't play until they came out on the Anniversary and X collections. I can't decide whether I like classic or X more, they're both great to me.
Despite it's problems I always thought 3 was the better game. When I didn't even know 2 was that popular I didn't really like it.
>Minus Infinity