Nintendo Switch

Are you looking forward to the Switch?
What are you hoping to see in the direct?
Less than two weeks boys, its almost time

I just want to know how much money I'm gonna have to spend on it.

The switch is the worst commercial product of all time. It will struggle to sell out its initial stock, and barely sell 500,000 units by the end of 2017

>when we design games, we design them to appeal to all ages, which is why we always try to include a tutorial to basic concepts of our games. We received some complaints about Skyward Sword taking too long for the game to begin, but we include these so our games will be able to be played from anyone aged 3 to 103.
-Shigeru Miyamoto

>ages 3 and up
>BOTW literally made for infants and babies

This. I want to know what it is and what to expect from it so I can know whether to save my money or not.

3 years olds cant read the instructions theyre way too young lol

I'm WAY more excited to see the launch line up
I don't care how much it costs if it has good games at launch

The Switch could be $100 and I'd probably still skip out on it until a year or so later if Zelda is all its getting at first

>With Nintendo E literally means for Everyone
>Sup Forums thinks this means its only for children

They have literally always tried to make games that anyone can enjoy, thats why they rely mostly on body language and gestures instead of voiced dialogue in their games.

user pls, there are always threads up for shitposting about Nintendo.
Are you truly so addicted to (you)s that you can't let other people talk about things without trying to derail the thread for attention?

Do people honestly think this isn't going to just be an under powered flop?

I wanna see price info.
Launch games.
What makes this a hybrid and not just a handheld that comes with a cooling dock and has AV out support.

Im interested in getting it, and probably will but whether i get it at launch or not is the question.

I want Switch to be great and above all have a good quantity of quality games.

I'm 100% certain Sup Forums will shitpost about it regardless of what it is

All I care about is the games though, doesn't matter to me how many other people buy it if it has fun games that I want to play

Nintendo is gonna pull a nintendo were they release just a few consoles to give themselves a pat on the shoulders because they were sold out.

>What makes this a hybrid and not just a handheld that comes with a cooling dock and has AV out support
What features would you like to see that solidify it as a hybrid to you. I mean technically just an AV out makes it a "hybrid". The term itself is pretty meaningless. Curious what sorts of things people would like to see it do in dock mode differently.

Power up would be a pretty obvious choice, but you can't go too far there cause then the games get this weird "only in dock mode" thing going on which they want to avoid for obvious reasons. No one wants to dev two games and sell them as one, and it's confusing for consumers which is never a good thing.


I'm curious to see the games and the specs, but i'm 90% sure i'm going to buy one.

It's basically a Vita 2.0 with Nintendo's console and handheld games consolidated on one system. It can also dock and instantly turn into a console. I like the convenience there.

The Switch is really what the Wii U should have been.

Man, I only bought wii/wiiU for smash.
I think This'll be the generation I'm done with consoles for good.
Especially since consoles lost everything that made them good after PS2 era.
Now they have all the drawbacks of a PC.
>tfw zelda, mario and metroid have run their course.

I sure am. Although I don't think I'm even slightly interested in buying it. It's just an interesting piece of technology.

I think it will be under powered, but definitely not a flop.

I think Nintendo has been smart to focus on branding with mobile games, the NES classic, the amusement park, etc.

They are getting their name back in the public light. Normies don't care about specs either, the Wii proved back. It's going to sell like hotcakes.


>Are you looking forward to the Switch?
Yes, I have no plans in buying it though
>What are you hoping to see in the direct?

I agree with this. They've been making a lot of smart decisions lately, like they are in their A game. So it would seem sort of ridiculous for their flagship idea to fail spectacularly.

Would be hilarious if it did though. But then they'd double down on nostalgia and focus on legacy probably.

If you're posting on a Sup Forums these days you're probably a normie yourself.

No 4k steaming will kill once the fad wears out.

which games


If you don't think slapping 4k on something doesn't makes it sell you're an idiot.

Just look at the Holiday roku sales. The average retard still assumes the PS4 can support 4k bluray/streaming also.

I'm sure it sells, I just don't give a fuck about 4K and any early adopters either have more money than they know what to do with or they're fucking retarded

barely any TV owners in the US have 4k TVs, even after the holiday sales. It will draw in the hardcore and the rich, but its just another buzzword like HDR.

Brand power > new technology

12 days and counting down, im hype as hell because anything could happen.

>Less than two weeks boys, its almost time
Almost time for Nintendo's marketing department to stop making these threads.

Ya Nintendo's brand power is as low as its ever been. The NES Classic has 34% 1 Star reviews on Amazon.

>Amazon reviews

I agree the brand power is low, but the nes classic negative reviews are just because of butthurt people who didn't buy one in time. It's not necessarily a bad product.

Ya reviews on the largest eretailer mean nothing.
Something Nintendo could had prevented. Instead we got $250 NES classics on scalperbay.

After the amiibo shit good luck.

>Nintendo's marketing department
Fun Fact: Nintendo is the only one out of the big three that hasn't been confirmed to have stealth shills on the internet

>Amazon Reviews

>I ordered this product but it arrived 3 days late
>0 stars

yet both the NES classic and amiibos were a success sales wise.

good games

good one

There's no perfect review system for an eretailer.
Are we talking about sales or the name here? Because Nintendo's name is in the dumps objectively between them enabling scalpers and Wii U games/censorship.

It's going to be great, especially based on how desperate and pathetic sonyggers and sony shills are on Sup Forums regarding it.

In my times, E rated games didn't meant to look like retarded Sesame Street show. They had blood, characters dying and spooky shit

>caring about scalping and censorship

Maybe you and your circle don't like Nintendo personally, which is fine. But they have made quite a few smart decisions after the Wii U debacle. The Wii U wasn't a failure because of censorship. It was a failure because it had terrible marketing, was under powered, and offered nothing compared to the PS4 and Xbone.

The mobile games, regardless or Amazon ""'reviews""" have both done wonders for Nintendo's branding. The NES classic sold 200,000 units and will go on to sell more, they are going to play a big role in the Olympics, they are going to build an amusement park, and they are financially solvent.

Thanks for the self-confirmation! Now all three are confirmed.

This holy shit. I actually want to play the 4 games they officially announced already, and that alone could go over $600.
Plus the real games announcements are this January and I might buy a Pro Controller and case.

Normies ARE the people that care about scalpers though.
Only autists go out and preorder shit day one and get it guaranteed. Normalfags aren't happy when they go out to buy something for little Timmy and it's totally sold out and can only be gotten for a 1000% mark up on eBay. They'll just say fuck it and get a PS4 instead.

Everybody loved Nintendo dropping support for Splatoon. Also cute with the strawman attempts. I didn't mention Wii U being a failure anywhere. I don't think it was either.

>It was a failure because it had terrible marketing, was under powered, and offered nothing compared to the PS4 and Xbone.
And the switch isn't that?



They don't need to, Nintoddlers shill for them. Sonyggers only shill on Neogaf and false flag on here.

What about the complementary Amiibos?

>that belly
pulled a bit of a chub. why is dead hand so sexy, bros?

>le marketing meme

It had few and terrible games compared to other Nintendo consoles, toy DLC and very limited online.

I an't buying that piece of shit again.

>just want to complete my smash amiibos collection

>Bayonetta, Cloud and Corrin are LITERALLY never coming out

Will depend on the games.
I'm hoping that Nintendo learned their lesson with Wii U, and gives us games people want.

Based on the reveal trailer, it at least seems that they've finally recognized that their core audience is 18-30 somethings

More interested in the specs than anything. If it can't perform then it's going to greatly affect whether I buy it or not. Nintendo is notorious for releasing significantly underpowered systems.

>Are you looking forward to the Switch?
No. The last home Nintendo console I liked was the SNES and the last handheld Nintendo console I've owned is the DS. Thinking about buying a 3DS.
>What are you hoping to see in the direct?
The machine's hardware and launch games lineup so I can see if Nintendo learned their lesson with the WiiU.

Screencapping for lols

>implying there won't be a Sm4sh port for Switch
>implying it won't have new characters
>implying Bayo, Cloud and Corrin won't follow such new lineup

They have a few hours to release them

>he isn't used with delays in the video game industry as of 2017 minus some hours

They're just fucking amiibos, we haven't heard anything about them since they were announced.

They could at least say "Sorry for the delay, but they'll be out soon!"

I'm personally really excited for it. I like video games.

I want to know if it's region-free. That's the break-it make-it deal for me. Would also like to know specs. I want to know that Nintendo has learned their lesson and are not making another under-powered game console that 3rd parties are going to abandon the first year. I want to see them kick ass this time and not fall behind even further.

How many days am I going to have to camp out ahead of time to get it

>3 is too young to read

user, please