Steam Sale Thread

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Anything I definitely should or should not get?
I can spend at most 50 or 60 Freedombux

FTL is Legit. Get the Advanced version

Gotta make it simple:

Aces Wild + Sonic CD
Titan Souls
or bumping into enemies simulator

Recettear is solid, it's more fun than you would guess just by looking at it.

Convince me not to buy this.

Don't, you'll get dick cancer

Prepare to be rekt though, I've only beaten it 3 times total.

Aces Wild got that cheap? Definitely get it, co-op is hella fun.

I play ARMA3 a lot(exile mod), but I'm in a unit with 7 different others. If you more into solo play this is probably not the game for you, but if you're looking for the best military sim, this is the game for you

Has anyone tried Forced Showdown? Looking at it and it seems pretty good, just want some opinions.

Clicked wrong.

>If you more into solo play
What if you are? Any recs?

I dont see an "advanced" version on steam

Prepare to be a depressed sabotuer/lone wolf on any server. This is a game of patience, not twitch like reflex.
Not sure what that user is smoking, the Advanced version is included with the original FTL.

Yeah, I tried it a good while ago and I liked it a lot.

Suggest me something please.

I need a game that costs a dollar or less so I can spend what I made selling cards.

LIS to play with gf
HM2 cuz enjoyed HM
Savant cuz cheap
N++ cuz nostalgia and that trailer
Braid cuz never finished it back then
Roguelands cuz enjoyed Magicite

y or n?

Poorfag List of Good Games Under $5 You Might Not Have Played: Almost the End Edition

1001 Spikes
100% Orange Juice
A Story About My Uncle
AaAaAA!!! for the Awesome
Bit Blaster XL
Chroma Squad
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Door Kickers
Dungeon of the Endless
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Electronic Super Joy
GemCraft - Chasing Shadows
Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming (the first game comes bundled with it too)
Hexcells Infinite
Journey of a Roach
Lethal League
Lovely Planet
Mark of the Ninja
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
One Finger Death Punch
One Way Heroics
Pathologic Classic HD
Pharaoh Rebirth+
Puzzle Agent
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Risk of Rain
Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Satellite Reign
Splatter - Zombie Apocalypse
SteamWorld Dig
Super Hexagon
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Super Meat Boy
Tales of Maj'Eyal
The Next Penelope
The Swapper
This War of Mine

Suggestions for additions and removals (or if you just wanna call me a faggot) are always welcome. I'm avoiding larger AAA games, so no New Vegas or anything like that because the list would get too fucking big.

I've already said this in last thread, but Ring Runners maybe? It's only 0,5 dollars.


back off hotline miami 2 dude you are gonna be disapointed (except by the music)

Is Rebel Galaxy good?

Skylines has a subtly fucked traffic sim. Something where the Europoors that designed it believing roundabouts are the apex of traffic design, but the game doesn't treat them properly.

That and drivers get into turn lanes way too early, which fucks traffic.

You'll see cool shots of other peoples' cities and struggle to do anything that works.

Add Aces Wild and maybe Awesomenauts. Nice list.

It's okay, for once IGNs review is pretty spot on. &

gets repetitive in a couple hours

Thanks dad.


Add Ghost Master

Reminder that this old gem is on Steam

How is Armello or Necropolis with friends?



N++ is a fantastic game so far, but holy shit it gets difficult.


Git gud, easily the best game I bought this sale.



>Ori and the Blind Forest


>Project Nimbus




>Enter the Gungeon and something else

Which one?

All Ubisoft games require Uplay, right? Far Cry 3 if it matters.

Ori followed by subautica. I don't like EA better wait untill release.

Undertale, story is pretty fucking gud (altough fanbase is pure cancer)

Yep it says so under the info box on the right.

arma 3 sucks because everyone plays faggy mods and performance is always shit because even if you have a top-tier comp, your fps is tied to server performance

>mfw SFV and Kerbal Space meme ended up being my 2 favourite purchases of the sale despite my doubts about them

I played ori a bit and its fun

Divine divinity if you like old rpgs, its pretty long too.

I accidental purchased wrong pack of dlc, how can i refund them?
When i go to refund menu in account page i only can refund separate dlc.
Okay, i could do a refund request for each of them, but for some reason i can't. It says that request is already pending, but i didn't do refund request for that dlc yet.
I don't get it, do i need to wait for 1st one to be confirmed/declined to submit 2nd request for next dlc?

are there any good steam games with hot beefy dudes in them

Ys Origin or Oath?

your gay

Both but origin is first chronologically.


Resident Evil 5.


Are ghostbusters still laggy?

is it?

That list looks fuckin solid
You gonna have some fun, user.

pls respond

Should I remove something? Considering to get 100% Orange Juice, but it might be too weeb for me.

FTL is the type of game you will fail over and over, until you realize there's a sort of "golden path" that you can follow which will generally lead to victory.

Basically saving scrap until stores, making due with whatever they have to make a decent build, and upgrading only when necessary.

Upgrade shields and engines, most other upgrades aren't as useful.

Flak 1, Burst Laser 2, and even BL1 are OP weapons are almost always good buys if you need firepower.

If I had to pick one? I've played 1+2 chronicles.

It's about as weeb as Sorry! would be if it were made by Japanese people instead. Nothing in it glorifies Japan or its culture and/or promotes it as superior.

Seems pretty good, i'd pirate game dev tycoon though.

Crysis is a good game but it runs really shitty on 64bit systems and there isn't much fixing you can do

I've heard mixed things about 35mm

Oath is universally thought of as one of the best ys games, but origins has 3 main characters. They do the same things but all have different story which complete each another. And it has no cities or no hub it's more of a dungeon crawler. Take oath first, then origins, then ark. Then you can pirate eng version of chinese version of ys memories pf celceta or play it on vita and pirate ys 7 for ppsspp or play it on psp.


But is it good as game? I'm interested.

do i?

Before people meme about SFV being shit if you actually like street fighter you will like V.

I would reconsidor SFV, but mushihisama is a beatiful PC port of the arcade original.

Hey thanks a lot user! I went ahead and bought Oath.

pls rate

Heavy Bullets fucking sucks, and this is coming from a fan of roguelikes/lites and shooters.

Suggest me some mindless games to play while listening to audiobooks. I already have stuff like isaac, risk of rain and ftl.

i just bout mushi five minutes ago before i saw the thread. spoopy.

I had the same reaction to Undertale.

Nobody recommends that game on here, but it actually ended up being a great game.

Played FTL, Necrodancer, Dungeon of the Endless, and Risk of Rain. Loved the first three to death, Risk of Rain wasn't my cup of tea but I know a lot of people love it as well.
Only issue I have with your cart is a lot of the games are same-y.


i still cant get it to run right, on my bad computer it lags and on the good one it frequently starts going too fast

whats the -1 for?

N++ is fucking fun. Also get a friend to play it with.

I didn't play lethal league so I can't say nothing about it. The others are good and worth it.

Is it actually good, legit? I always hear it has an awful fanbase that overrates/hypes it but I hear that about a lot of games.

Just cause 3
Dishonored 2
Earth defense force 4.1

Are they worth it? Should I get any of the dlc for edf?

how is dishonored without the add ons? i don't have ten buckaroos to spare

Solid. The addons are about the other guy but they are good. Buy them later.

S... s-should I buy 100% orange juice?

Add Spelunky

Soma is good shit

Why are you buying Championship Edition DX+ with some of the DLC when you could just buy the all you can eat edition with the game and all the DLC?

My only purchases this entire sale.

Blood bowl CE or 2?

>Something where the Europoors that designed it believing roundabouts are the apex of traffic design, but the game doesn't treat them properly. That and drivers get into turn lanes way too early, which fucks traffic.

That's a pretty accurate description of finnish traffic.

It's an alright game for its price. The AI can get really fucking annoying and a lot of the fun is playing with friends or Sup Forums rather than randoms.

Drop Just Cause 3. It still runs like shit and is all around just not a very fun game. Get Just Cause 2 instead.

I don't have EDF but I've heard it's fun with friends.

I already own just cause 2. That's too bad, I hoped that they would at least improve on the destruction.

I got $12 on my steam wallet and some paypal dosh. What can I get? I'm thinking of TW3. loved 1, loved 2, pirated 3, and I think it's overrated mediocre shit but then again, i'm only a couple hours in. I wanted Dark Arisen, but I have it for 360 would love to play it on PC, but it's not ultrawide compatible and it' s mission to get the menu to scale to 21:9. Don't know what to do. Any suggestions? Please Sup Forums, help me waste my money.

Talk me into it Todd.

> i'm only a couple hours in.
nigga you didn't even give it a chance.

Thinking about Stardew Valley and Subnautica.

I thought Subnautica had multiplayer.

Sell me or scare me on any of these.

What's that one game that gets posted in webm threads from time to time. It's underwater and it has the sonar pinging the submarine with the giant spider.