Who would win? Augs allowed, only standard weapons (No explosives or dragon tooth swords)

Who would win? Augs allowed, only standard weapons (No explosives or dragon tooth swords)

Jensen, point of nano is ability to blend in with regular people unless you go full Omar, then JC.

JC is a faggot with no willpower or personality. No one that bland can survive/be creative enough in combat

JC, he is too fast for Jensen.

Nice bait, faggot.

If they're both in their prime, Jensen probably

If Jensen is fighting JC in 2052 then JC would win since Jensen would be very old and would likely have a killphrase.

World dominatoion vs some shitty augs

My legs are OK

Jensen's augs are OP as fuck but nanotech is basically magical bullshit so I don't know. Assuming gameplay is an accurate reflection of JC's abilities he may have the upper hand.

Not bait. JC is a very bland character and bends over to NATCO like an idiot. He trusts the government blindly. He's very stupid

jensen would be about 20~ years older at that point. also depends on the spehshul augs he would get for being a MC. even then, he would be a metal man, not like JC

Depends, are they both fully powered with JC having all possible augs fully upgraded and Jensen having full augs as of post-Mankind Divided?

JC would have a lead with his augs since they're insanely powerful, granting him shit like super speed and strength, and crazy defenses against plasma and bullets. No explosives rule is a plus for Jensen though, since JC has that one bullshit aug that can make explosives magically explode the second you shoot one out.

Jensen could still win though if he can get the jump on JC, especially if he can get a hit in with his new Mankind Divided augs at the right time, plus Jensen has plenty of experience fighting augs by that point.

He's a naive indoctrinated rookie at the start but the perfect candidate for Helios so he's a pretty cool dude.

OK. So describe his personality

He is unflappable, sardonic, erudite and knows how to build a booby trap.

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.

Jensen if he gets the drop on JC. JC wins in a straight fight.

>it actually kinda fits
Memes have gone too far.

How bad/good has original deus ex aged? Does it suck really bad or just slightly? Not worried about muh graphics, I can deal with that. I had stupid A.I. in mind mostly and real, real shitty voice acting

Jensen is more skilled due to 10 years of extra experience but JC's tech utterly shits on him.

JC. Jensen is an old model and would need some serious modifications to stand against the nanomachines of JC,

>Turn on regeneration
>Turn on legs

or take out a booby trap
he's talented

Why would Jensen fight himself are you retarded, of course old Jensen wins because he has extra augs.

The voice acting ranges from mediocre to amusingly bad. The gameplay generally holds up pretty well but it's not perfect. AI isn't that smart but doesn't need to be.

JC would wipe the floor with Jensen. His augs are utterly top of the line twenty years in Jensen's future. While they're is an experience gap, though not a large one if we are going with end game JC, JC's augments are let him sprint circles around Jensen while completely regenerating any and all damage, invisible and firing with pinpoint accuracy, no recoil and more strength than Jensen's arms can muster.

Jensen is an outdated mech so he'd lose

>Jensen runs up to JC and tries to perform a Melee Takedown
>per Jensen's rules he is locked in place as he performs a scripted animation
>JC is free to just run to the side and start whacking on him

>Implying melee animations won't fuck over Adam, like in HR's bosses

Jensen would be easily defeated by a greasel in a vent.

But that's straight up what he said

Denton will autoheal is way to victory

I misread as JC sequence-breaking the animation, then. oops.

that is misleading
>per Jensen's rules, Jensen is locked in place as Jensen performs a scripted animation
there we go :)

>No explosives
What about Jensen's typhoon aug thing? He could just spam the shit outta that.


JC has the aggressive defense system, Jensen would detonate himself.

Jensen I think was made before a Killphrase was added (Likely done in response to him being an OP shitter)

>all these faggots saying Adam

Nano augs are literally superior to mech ones, didn't these people play the game?

Jensen has a killphrase probably

JC's got nerves of steel

I've played both and prefer the first game, and I think there's no contest Adam would win.
In HR/MD you're just way more of a powerhouse. Combat is much simpler, and Adam has better augs than JC.
On the other hand, as said it's likely that they gave Adam a killswitch during his stay at the dubious Illuminati facility, so, if JC can find that somehow, Adam doesn't have a chance.

End game JC is pretty whacky, Adam is like molasses compared to him.

>Adam more of a powerhouse
I find it hard to believe you played the first one. You have to try not to be overpowered, you aug upgrades trivialize all combat with ease. Jensen gets his shit pushed in by exoskeleton wearing troopers and mechs by comparison. JC tears through everything.

Aren't Nanoaugmented bodies superior to mechanical? Then again Adam's body was moving to nanotech slowly

I dunno senpai. The one who would win is pic related

I dunno, I guess I'm just shit, because I've always found combat in DE1 way too easy to die in and the game overall is a lot more stealth focused.
A few poorly placed bullets fuckin' drop you in seconds. I suppose ballistic shield and regeneration offset that, but I'm just saying when Adam can shoot fucking superheated nanoblades out of his arms and has fucking clusterbombs embedded in his torso, the odds seem pretty stacked against JC.

Isn't JC's augs supposed to be more advance than Jensen? Isn't Jensen like the first real aug and like a progenitor for augs?
Shouldnt JC be more powerful by that logic? Simply having access to way better augs.

You forgot that he was rebuilt by DeBeers after HR and very likely has a killswitch now

Well, HR and MD do this weird thing where they don't really respect the technological progression of the lore, i.e. everything in the prequels is all clean and futuristic with sci-fi holo monitors everywhere, while DE1 has you running around grungy as fuck city-scapes reading newspapers and fuckin CRT televisions out of disgusting, dirty apartment buildings.
I suppose they can justify this in the last game where some horrible incident will end up pushing technological progression back 50 years or so, but that's up in the air.

You're confusing flash for power. Only early game Denton has any issues, late game he is invincible and has pinpoint accuracy. And the DTS is basically a lightsaber, though not included by OP.

JC can roll over everybody after Hong Kong even without DTS, stealth was a lot easier in HR/MD in my experience.

isn't JC god at that point?

yeah but thats unfair because jay sea is then powered by a computer deity

coming to think of it - I've never played invisible war, only saw a few cinematics, dialogue here and there, think I'll play it someday this year

but you can still beat him in game

i didnt know that. yet to beat iw. also,

>jc become a god
>Morpheus tells him "You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands."