It's 2017 and picrelated is still the best RPG game
Sorry to burst your bubble but that title belongs to II+NotR.
Yep. I agree.
speaking of i should really try that dx11 mod
It's quite good. If you have a decent PC you can crank that view distance wayyyy up.
SInce this is a Gothic thread, I just got myself Risen 3 on the Steam sale and wanted to ask if it's any good. I enjoyed both Risen (great combat) 1 and 2 (great atmosphere, but shittier combat compared to R1), does this game deviate from the Risen formula aka "poor man's Gothic"?
Also, what are the news on PB's next game?
combat is risen 3 is much better than 2,you can actually stagger enemies when you hit them
story is still kinda meh but i would say personally better than the one in 2
i pretty much 100%-ed the game in 46 hours
it good,but nothing great
would still recommend 7.5/10
I love Risen and I thought Risen 2 was an abortion. Compared to that, Risen 3 is better but not by a wide margin. Get the upgrade on melee attack speed as fast as you can, combat's intolerable without it.
Thanks, good to know that R3 isn't worse than 2, gives me hope than PB will be able to stop their downward spiral into obscurity and shittiness.
Let's hope Elex won't be shit.
Thanks. If R3 isn't worse than R2, then I'm good.
oh it's better than risen 2,you won't have to worry about that
>Let's hope Elex won't be shit.
Based on what I've see so far, I'm not exactly holding my breath.
I don't get it either. To me, Risen was a perfect Gothic sequel, so I was all the more surprised when I saw Risen 2.
>and wanted to ask if it's any good
It's not good. At least compared to Risen.
>Risen 2
It wasn't bad in concept. The idea of making the open world a series of islands is good, and the addition of pirates and guns to the existing lore and aesthetics is good.
They just fucked up everything else in the execution. The world wasn't open, the combat is horseshit, and it was too drastic of departure from the old Gothic aesthetics. Not to mention they removed all the roleplaying elements such as immersive crafting and cooking.
And, god, that awful U.I.
>Role Playing Game game
KYS your'e self
>the combat is horseshit
This was the biggest offender, IMO. Why the fuck didn't they just copy the combat system from R1 and added guns to that? Fucking unfathomable.
Gothic 2 NTOR> Gothic 2>Gothic 1> Risen 1>Gothic 3 >Risen 3 > Risen 3
G1 was fucking garbage, even if it had a lot of cool shit in it. G2 was better on every count bar the novelty of the setting.
Are they making any more Gothic/Risen games?
Gothic 2 NOTR > Risen 1 > Gothic 2 > Gothic 1 > Risen 3 > Risen 2
Whatever problems Risen 1 had, they were counterbalanced by the best combat system the Gothic series have ever seen.
Any PB RPG is a Gothic game, because they're a one trick pony studio and literally can't do anything else. Their next game - ELEX is going to be Gothic with sci-fi elements, IIRC.
This game taught an entire generation of impressionable youths that smoking weed gives spiritual visions and magical powers.
You left out 3 though.
With the unofficial patch it's legit good.
>PB peaked with their second major release and have gotten worse ever since
kind of sad tbqh
>This was the biggest offender, IMO. Why the fuck didn't they just copy the combat system from R1 and added guns to that? Fucking unfathomable.
Because consoles.
Seriously, in Risen you had to aim your cursor instead of locking on for ranged combat. And that was a problem for the 5 console Risen players so Deep Silver pressured PB into making the entire sequel lock-on ranged combat to accommodate the console version.
And still no one bought it since everyone played Skyrim, and they pissed off their PC fans in the process. OOPS
>women in a mostly male prison colony
Top fucking kek.
>Whatever problems Risen 1 had
The end game felt rushed, but everything else was fucking top-notch. PB has some the best world-building in video game development, it's too bad most of it left the company.
There's like 2 or 3 of them and they've been imported from the outside in exchange for ore.
BÚÉK buzik
oops wrong thread
>it's actually named "Gothic 1" on Steam
Why do they do this gay shit?
At least they didn't put a fucking ™ on the title and spell it in all-caps.
Who here playing gothic mods, some of them are pretty dope, ant wait for requiem to be finished
>kill merchant
>get all his stuff
This was literally never done again outside of the gothic games.
what about morrowind?
It lets you take a full blown shit on any kind of economy management balance in the game and throw it out the window, but stat requirements allow it to work fine
kid 5
>implying it doesn't
Inb4 implying implications
>Green novice, need green novice
Risen 1 was GOAT but had shitty console port.
Lets just add cheeasy as fuck pirate theme and butcher combat.
Later try to go back to medieval roots but also keep pirates
Now in elex mix cheap generic unity assets from future medieval and postapocaliptic folders
I played it a few months ago. It was amazing. One of the best definitely. I couldn't get into to 2, i find the transition between 1 and 2 weak. The whole " i rebuild my tower here" i dont buy it.
If you crank up the visibility distance the tower is visible from onar's farm and the town, they could have found a better solution but other than that the game is awesome, dont let a minor thing stop you from enjoying it
Post favorite armor
2017 is the 20th anniversary of the greatest RPG ever made.
This is my fav from g1
anime WutFace
I leaked it :^)
Not even joking.
Old developer?
Nah, had some good contacts.
Upload it
Thanks for sharing this ^_^