Who else is deranking to get away from the cancerous ana meta?
Who else is deranking to get away from the cancerous ana meta?
you can get banned for deranking on purpose
just you I guess.
>deranking to get away from cancerous meta
I wish I knew that feel. Level 15 here and I can't win games I don't carry. I ask people to group up/focus healers/go for objectives yet I get almost no response and then we lose (unless I carry) fuck this game.
I did it in season 2 to 1600 and didn't get banned. Pretty sure you can only get mutes from reports
>openly admitting on Sup Forums that you play ranked overwatch and take it seriously
Been playing winter mystery mostly for loot boxes. I just had a game where I asked 3-5 times for our team to focus the mercy... they never went for her. Only I went for her. The focused the hog they could never take out and then finally on their final push when my team finally killed just about everyone- mercy revived everyone and they won. Go figure.
this is as old as kek
Honor before rank, citizen
Have you no shame?
>I main torbjorn
>Saying I take comp seriously
Why not just not played ranked if the meta is cancerous?
I don't understand. If you're giving up on rank and just deranking so you can play ranked casually without the meta shitting it up, why not just play QP? Are all overwatch players this stupid?
Then why are you playing it?
these are the excuses people use for sucking
which i don't even care if people suck in comp, I hate it when they don't actually try
how is your SR 1738 but you're still diamond?
He wants to get golden weapons
so what class did you play to derank, spare more details on how you played or lack of playing?
>op states he is deranking to get away from meta
>taking it seriously
dafq is wrong with (you)
You had this same exact thread yesterday you fuck
QP is even more of a mess than competitive, at least people try in competitive. in QP people do what they want and it generally makes for a really unpleasant time.
I'm rank 67 kek the strats here are much better than diamond
yeah but don't you get those from having a high rank?
Because qp elo is even worse. It's literally comp except with no side switching. Also widowmaker is all over quickplay and it's aids to play against.
Yeah and?
mods don't give a shit here
Mercy+Zen killing combo or just going to their spawn as tracer and being friendly
You get it from your max rank so once you hit high rank, you can just go back down
>tfw in season 1 there was no limit on groups and i deranked to boost people to top 500 easier
This meta is the easiest to ever get GM. It's nothing special. I got it playing Torbjorn and it wasn't any different being in a GM game than a Diamond game.
didnt really need to block smurf accounts name anyway
shadowburn and twoeasy there too lel
Just hit bronze bois :^)
Why did you hide your name, Dindu?