Why can't Sony design a decent controller?

Why can't Sony design a decent controller?

are you going to post an example or what?

>he's a generation z

Even Sony's worst pad, the original non-analog PS1 pad, was good and better than similar pads from the previous gen (SNES/Genesis), and the DS1 was better than the design it ripped off (N64).


There's nothing wrong with it aside from the bright-ass LED and the touch pad.

funny. the ds4 along with the xbone controller are 2 of the best controllers on the market.

stupid nigger can't get it through your head.

And even then the touch pad isn't even bad it's just gimmicky

>people will actually and literally defend the dualshock 4 when there's a share button instead of option, when there's no use for the touchpad and when the left stick is oddly placed and when the sticks are low as fuck
And those ultra sensitive triggers

And the shitty battery life. And the shitty joysticks.

>"Why can't Sony design a decent controller?"
>posts the first not shit controller Sony ever made

I was fully ready to embrace this thing.
Also DS2 a best.

The one i got with my PS4 stopped working for no reason. I kept it as a showpiece and bought a new one. Six months later for shits and giggles I plugged it into a wall charger for my tablet and after two hours it lived again.

Aside from weird stories like that, the obnoxious glow bar, and the aforementioned gimmicky touch pad, the controller is breddy gud.

Defend this sonyniggers.

What you mean is
>the first controller that isn't irredeemable trash
It's still shit but better than its predecessors.

I give you battery life but I've never had any issues with the joysticks

ITT : fat hands

I like the DS4 but does feel a little cheaply made when compared to the xbox one controller

That's not even the case here. Ds4 is as big as the x1 controller. No one can say it's small.

Extra button on pc
Picture taker on ps4

no es bad seƱor

Touch pad is literally just a huge Select button, so... what exactly is the problem with the share button?

>Share button lets me record stuff I do that is cool during gameplay really easily and show it to my friends without having to set foot on Facebook, because i can save it to my HDD and invite them over and SHOW it to them.

Your move

It feels cheaply made next to any controller.
I mean I've just had the thing for a few months and it already feels as creaky as my old Genesis controllers. A controller notorious for being frail.

The original Playstation controller had no analogue despite being vigorously advertised as a 3D console. Then when it did get analogue they just slapped it in there in the middle instead of over the Dpad which they have to acknowledge is in the primary input position since it was the only input at one time.

And people have been defending this for almost 20 years

It was the first batches of the DS4 that had horrible quality control problems with the thumbsticks. So much so that Sony changed the rubber mixture, they feel so much different.

I bought a launch PS4 and the thumbsticks tore apart in 4 months, got a free replacement and those tore just after 6 months. By the time I'd gotten around to trying to get another replacement, Sony refused since it had been 12 months from the original date or purchase.

It severely reduced the number of console players taking shitty photos of their TV screen when they want to show us something.

I just want to shout out that the worst sony controller is the DS3, which had fucked L2/R2 buttons

Thank you quads

Fucking convex thumbsticks

The touchpad has two buttons on it

Share takes instant screenshots.

blessed quads brings truth

And yet it increased the amount of console players that take shitty caps and videos in general.

Share button is the best, touch pad is underused but the games that do try to utilize it make it annoying to use, i think the only good use of it was in assassins creed black flag, where you could nagivate the map with it

The select button was always useless anyway. And the touchpad on it can bring a lot of flexibility to the menus that a select button can't.
Plus I can use it as a mouse in PC games and that's dope.

I wish we had gotten this t b h

>The touchpad has two buttons on it
You can literally count the amount of games that applies to on one hand. Usually it's just one huge start or select button that does nothing.

I bought a ps4 controller for pc gaming, I've heard modding it with xbox joysticks makes it even better.
Was there ever an important reason for the Options button to exist? Out of all my ps2 games, none of them required that button.

>The Ps4 doesn't have a select button is bad
>Usually the touchpad it's a select button this is also bad


Quad and a really valid reason over the others.

Touchpad is really useful in gtav, the features it adds with its use definitely give upper hand since most don't know to use it.

Yeah that would explain it, I only got a ps4 about 6 months ago.

>DS4 has an options and share button that could have easily been those start and select buttons
>instead start and select are RARELY this big plate in the middle of the controller that drains the battery life like a whore on a dick

You take the bad with the good, for every quality video shot on PC, there's 100 blurry videos at 10fps that show nothing interesting at all.

You just posted it.

The touchpad doesn't drain battery, it's the LED light and having a tiny battery in general

Although desu I've never had any real battery life issues, USB docks are like 3$ on AliExpress, 10ft USB cables are 4$ at dollar stores, it's easy to keep charged and less of a hassle than AA's all in all

Options is start you fucking mong
What usually pops up when you pause a game?

Two, the select button is so rarely used in videogames why shouldn't it be contextual if the game needs it

i don't know what it is, but every dualshock is fucking terrible for fighting games. quarter circles just never seem to come out right but it works perfectly on my hori pad.

If you're feeling brave, pry apart the controller and put in a 3rd party battery. I put in a 2000mAh battery (stock is 1000mAh).

Fucked up first time though and snapped a clip on the body, so I had to use a 3rd party cover.

>Put controller down
>It comes back

PS4 controllers feel sexy as fuck, only problem is how teeny they are and that share button
Never tried an Xbone controller, but if it's anything like the 360
>perfect size
>okay buttons
>better analog sticks
>better stick layout for 3D games
>garbage D-pad

Dpad on XB1 is magnitudes better than 360, however people either love or hate the LB RB buttons. They take a lot more force to press down than the 360 and they're very "clicky".

>Making gameplay recording more accessible is a problem
I don't understand you fucking people

I thought the share button was stupid at first but now I use it for screenshots and catching footage

>implying the people shitting on the Share button actually know all its functionalities
It's morons that still think it's just a Facebook button.

I played around with my friends XB1 Elite controller and that thing just feels odd to me.
Like having pressure-sensitive buttons with distinct clicks is weird.
That being said I'm sure its fine for people who actually like playing shooters on consoles


>3 broken controllers with the same stick getting stuck in a direction problem

Just ordered my fourth one and some screws to attempt to fix the others.

So since this seems to be a controller thread; has anyone had issues with the d-pad on their Xbone controller having double pressing issues after sometime of use? I've had two so far now and this second one has this problem where sometimes I press a direction and it will press it twice. It's not the game either cause I tested this out on several different games and it happens on all of them

>Game says "Press Start to Play"
>Press "Options"
>Game starts anyways


Have you tried white lithium grease in the analog mechanism after you pop off the stick

I used it when it had sensitivity issues and wouldn't make a full circle, fixed it ever since

I have a problem with mine. When I use the left stick the right stick is also used at the same time. Like I move and turn the camera at the same time. Its extremely annoying.

It's especially fucking shitty when I can plug the ds4 into a pc and turn off the lightbar. How the fuck hasn't sony implemented that in 3 fucking years???

I can't say anything wrong about it.
Bought PS4 last week and it's the thing I'm most satisfied about it as I can use it easily with both PC and phone.
Always preferred symmetrical analoges and DS4 is more comfortable than previous Sony ones.

>Wants to record gameplay And Show it to friends instead of just Playing the game
Your friends don't give a shit about your gameplay

Why can't you shut the fuck up?

At least they made it flatter. I still prefer the DS3 sticks though.


Are the face buttons on the xbone still way too convex? Hated that.