What was Sup Forums like prior to excessive moderation?

What kind of threads were most prominent?

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Mostly LOL threads and thinly veiled offtopic crap from other boards.

>excessive moderation

It was fun.

GET threads

>ROB threads and Deepsea died because of newfags

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>excessive moderation

Pretty much a vidya themed Sup Forums. Not that the current board has that much more vidya content.

Thank fucking god those are gone.

If current Sup Forums is your idea of "excessive moderation," I'd really hate to see what your idea of lax moderation would look like.

>Sup Forums hasn't been non-porn Sup Forums for ages
>even that is going away

>Sup Forums hasn't been non-porn Sup Forums for ages
Wait about 8 hours, and then come back.

And just because there aren't outright porn or Sup Forums threads on the front page doesn't mean there aren't endless template threads, console wars, thinly-veiled off-topics, and especially fucking console wars.

>excessive moderation

Depends, early it was nice. Most of old Sup Forums was full of original content and actual discussion. At least once a day there would be one good thread that made me chuckle.

Then the separation. Then bots. Then dubs. Then shills. All this while the original content and discussion dies down because when you get too many people it just becomes a mob. You don't have to lurk anymore because everyone looks like a newfag or you get spoon fed. They started hiring mods that hadn't even been lurking for 1 month, so you got mods that banned people for saying nigger. Now there are generals instead of interesting threads.

I'd say the biggest spike of shit would be when the bots were a menace.

Also Sup Forums was never good. If you look at old Sup Forums, it was very reddit tier. You can try and deny it but the evidence is there. The shit wasn't as thick so you could actually find a good thread every so often.

That being said. I still prefer this over most other places.

Old Sup Forums humor was mostly fucking awful, even twitter nigger speak is more bearable, if only slightly so.

I still remember when we had 8-12 pokegirl shit threads, thanks god most of them got exiled to /vp/, it was the best thing after /vg/ happening.

There was a time you could post porn images without being banned. It was a very laid back community at one point. Live and let live was like old Sup Forums.

yup, it just was LUL SO RANDUMZ type of shit

>2016 almost 2017
>excessive moderation

After a while ROB threads were getting to be pretty fuckin cancer anyways.

>Modern Sup Forums
>Excessive moderation

My fucking sides, god help you you are retarded.

More like "ROFLMAO LONGCAT IS LONG 9001 INTERNETS GOOD SIR". Good riddance. Now if only we could get rid of the frog cancer and the niggerspeak and everything that would take their place.

so young

Old Sup Forums is what we would today call ironic shitposting, except it was groundbreaking and original at the time. It was like childhood, you could do stupid shit like say something was "Epic Win" and it wouldn't be weird at all. I thought Sup Forumslackup threads, get in here threads, habbo hotel invasions, and Red Leader standing by threads were amusing. I was there when Epic Fail Guy was born and watched him teleport across threads and boards. It was amazing, except not even reddit would find it amusing nowdays.

Not all that long ago we played fucking 48 rounds of Hunger Games and it was great because it was original. Now days if you see the thread it's not as fun anymore because it's no longer original. This board and this website thrives on originally and original content, something we don't get as much today as we once had in the past but it's still worth it. Like that thread yesterday with the iCarly shipping wikis.

Nonexistent, because back when it started, people lurked to understand what was going on and they got their stupid asses banned when they violated the rules. They didn't immediately hop onto their mobile phone and start treating the board like their personal Tumblr blog when their thread got deleted. They just participated in the threads which were allowed up.

The moderation right now is far more lax, if anything, because Moottwo needs that ad revenue and understands that the Twitterkids on the site would leave if they were smacked down any time they did something inappropriate. Of course, you're probably just talking about political bullshit and complaining that you can't start threads about it.

The moderation we have now is a bit stricter than say, two years ago which was practically nonexistant. Remember the constant spam of nigarell threads? Remember the constant console wars shit? Remember when mods would and succeed in forcing shitty memes such as jimmies?

I kind of miss the bots.

You know those threads you hate? There were more of them. Thank god for mods, right? They do it for free, too!

Don't you mean before reddit and newfags?

>excessive moderation

>it is now acceptable to shit on old Sup Forums

Truly we have entered a phase beyond newfags, cancer, and nu-fags.

>Remember the constant spam of nigarell threads?
Yeah, I noticed the other day that he just kind of disappeared, thank fucking god. Strictness of moderation had no effect on him, he literally lived for shitposting, rangebanning was the only thing that could keep him down.

>Remember the constant console wars shit?
The fuck do you mean "remember?"

>Remember when mods would and succeed in forcing shitty memes such as jimmies?
I wouldn't say your own paranoia is a reliable source on that claim.

>excessive moderation