ITT: We post videogame characters that frequent Sup Forums. Pic related

ITT: We post videogame characters that frequent Sup Forums. Pic related



>All this bara




eggman, that fat fucking nerd


What is with all the Jak and Daxter posts lately?


Some Sup Forumsirgin made A post about it and it reminded everyone how much they love the Jak series

Same with Ratchet

What about Rosalina?

The Murray

Always kinda felt bad for him. Just Out on a walk entire race disappears.






/m/ and Sup Forums

yeah, me too. but its quite possibly better than being the skin of an interdimensional robot god. why the shit does he hang out with the lepers, anyway? i thought i remember someone saying he doesnt have it



>Physically impaired
>Good with computers
>Likes FAST
>Likes robutts
>He got his own robutt (EDI)
>Has a wicked sense of humor


he said video game not digital book