A few hours before 2017. Post your favorite Halo 3 memory.
A few hours before 2017. Post your favorite Halo 3 memory
Infection on Valhalla
>It's gonna be ten years since its original release
Well shit
Beating it on legendary solo comes to mind. But it still isn't harder on legendary on halo 2
Mine's BTB on Sandtrap.
Big Team Deathmatch on Sandtrap
the fucking vehicular mobile bases on sandtrap called the elephant
who else used to like watching Anoj's top 10 halo 3 series on machinima?
Splitscreen legendary skull-hunting through the campaign in one night with my best friend. Shit was crazy fun, no game is ever going to replicate it for me.
One of the best Halo maps of all time.
I remember those, they were fun to watch.
custom games
My favorite thing about Halo 3 is that we can point to Halo 3 as the definitive point where video gaming became the bloated mass media monstrosity it is today.
I still remember G4 had a midnight launch show for it.
Who played launch month ITT?
>Playing campaign
>Midpoint, the reveal of the ark having remade installation 04
>The music
Godtier direction, right there
I've been playing all the fun customs almost everyday for the past week. That Xbox community update makes it easy to find or host 10+ player lobbies on MCC.
I did, HUGE Halo 2 fan, was my freshman year of college playing D1 football so I couldn't play as much as I wanted. Launch day I stayed up till workouts at 6 am the next morning then went to classes. Fuck it sucked and I regretted it immediately.
What's your gt? Have mcc in right now.
But h3 was the best halo and still is. H2 is really good as well.
>tfw beat every 360 Halo on legendary solo
Feels good man
I did too and am currently going through the MCC on legendary. Already beat H3, close to beating Halo CE and need to trudge through H2.
Playing sticky balls (custom only kills count when you stick a grenade) with m8s
>not in release order
What are you doing
It's better to finish the easiest one first so you can keep trying the harder ones.
I use to be really into MLG when i was younger and was on battlegrounds with a team all that bullshit we did. Back when i was 16 in 09's summer i ate mushrooms for the first time and completely tripped my fucking balls off. Everything was good until my family showed up to the house i was at, completely spaced we were going out for dinner with grandma visiting from Colorado. In the back seat im having a silent blank faced mental breakdown, tell then im drunk there pissed but better then telling them im on fucking shrooms. Fast forward a few hours, survive dinner and log onto xbox live. Im safe. Suddenly get blown up by teammates, realizing tonight is our first match for battlegrounds. No worries, i got this. Match starts and have no idea whats going on, im just laughing hysterically but at the time i think im playing my part, making call outs and think they think they are laughing with me. One teammate leaves and have no clue why, then the others leave. Realize its been 40 minutes of me basically talking to myself, my team freaking out on me and didnt focus at all. Shrooms are fucking weird man. My halo 3 memory.
It doesnt mater to me since I have played through each numerous times in order throughout the years, I mean look at game collection.
>tfw mcc is better than halo 5
Fat kid on levels
Flying dumpster and custom game mode with crazy sticks and snipes. Dodgeball actionsack. CTF on Valhalla.
Trashing those two giant walkers.
Or was that Halo 2?
nice memory breh, I remember pwning an oldfag who claimed he was high, he was a well known youtuber at the time. He got raped.
Listening to "never forget" from halo 3
And doing fat kid on foundry
It hurts. I am only 18 but I still feel nostalgia and makes me sad to remember
We're all going to make it
I really hope halo 6 will be halo 3 2.0
Especially custom games and popularity wise
Sadly we wont. Halo 3 anniversary strictly needed.
MCC will do for now, at least the classics are fun as fuck. Better than H5
I'm willing to buy Gold right NOW if it means I can get a good night of customs going. Both 3 and Reach
My new years party is tomorrow for some reason but I want something to happen tonight.
My Halo shrine next to my computer.
Halo 6 will be better than Halo 5 at least. It will only go back to its glory if they go back to classic, which I think they will do partially.
Nice collectibles bruv
Getting my rank 50 in the MLG playlist vs MLG pros like T-squared, Str8 Rippin, Roy, and Karma. FeelsGoodMang. I miss my BR 4shots i been pounding on kids4dayz haha
>there are kids that are ten years old who don't know the existence of Halo 3
How the fuck did you beat them.
>there are kids
>no halo 3
>next to a computer, not an Xbox
Kill yourself.
Those that are 10 are lucky, they have Masterchief Collection. 10 year olds knew 2 years ago at least, probably still do.
That campaign, baby wooo! One big wild ride.
I can keep going bruv
I had over 1200 Custom game matches back in the day
>Infection on Sandtrap
>Zombies have 200% speed and are immune to bullets (Can still splater kill though) Humans spawn with Warthogs and mongooses on the other side of the map
>Zombies have Gravity Hammers and would laaaaunch a human on a mongoose
>Objective: Survive
Another fun way would be to give the humans Banshees and the Zombies Spartan Lasers
>Fat man on Forge
>Alpha Zombie has 4x Shields and a stupid amount of health, incredibly slow though
>Humans have all the OP weapons and try to hold the Fatty off for as long as they can
>New zombies spawn with super speed but low health
Jesus Christ, no other multiplayer shooter has brought me more fun than Halo 3. It didn't have a ton of mechanics too it, but it was clean, cut, and most of all fun
Pic related, anybody still have yours? Mines up in my closet
Smear the queer, fat kid, Ghostbusters on hide/seek town, predator maps, halo on halo, duck hunt, garbage man, sacrifice on lava pit, jenga. The list goes on but local custom games with 2 or 3 of my closest friends was the best times I've ever had. Throw in some of my Xbox live buds for good measure and that's it. I've never found another game that can give the same feeling that this game gave. Halo 3 is the true party game
Halo 3 is in the master chief helmet fuck face.
Fuck, the old times
Nice Reach one, you selling the ones that are in the box?
Me too especially when campaign is concerned, I want to play Master Chief and go against something equal to a Scarab with better encounters.
I played with a good group of friends, and also got paired up with Walshy + the OGRE a few times. It was a grind I'll tell you that, but what I would give to go back to those days. :'(
>spending hours at night crafting a big infection map like a giant base or mansion
>Play it with 5-8 bros
>They all compliment your map making skills
Will there ever be a game community as friendly as the Halo community? Every game has children and angry nerds, but Halo had something going for it
"SodaGod here"
>"Ma'am, squad leaders are requesting a rally point. Where should they go?"
>"To war."
god damn Halo 3 was the most comfiest FPS of all time. Will there ever be a forge better than Halo 3? I still consider 3's forge better than Reach.. it wwas just so damn comfy. And using the glitches to get items half way into walls and shit was fun too.
Slayer at level 25 or something.
This guy was killing everyone in The Pit. First to 25, he had eighteen kills and I was at ten. After I got the rocket launcher from him I got a "killtacular" and some other easy kills and evened it out. I ended up shaving the round off and winning by a couple cheap kills after that.
>mfw playing "Cortana" on Solo legendary
1v1's with my bro while drinking hot glogg. Shit was comfy.
I miss the community that used to be there. Before party chat everyone would be talking shit in the pre/post game lobbies or just having a good time. Sure I can go back and play mcc now but no one speaks, and 343 fucked up post game lobbies. It feels so empty now, it'll never be the same. Shit was hilarious back then though
Nice, that's rare as fuck. I played with phurion once in halo 4 back when it came out. I got to a 47 in team slayer, couldn't get higher.
Not currently, I also have these in box...Halo 3 on the right side.
Playing custom games with my friends all night long. Many laughs were had.
Wow. How did you go from playing Division 1 ball to posting on Sup Forums?
I beat Bungie on Bungie day and got a Steak on Halo Reach.
>Playing H3 on Heroic and Legendary
> It's a cakewalk
I want the mug spartan one and master chief, on the right.
So many good memories
>Me and two friends who are all Pittsburgh Penguins fans listening to them win the 2009 Stanley Cup while we were playing Halo 3
>Doing the Vidmaster Challenge with people you've been playing with for months
>Playing Custom Games and waiting for the timer to hit 0, then vetoing it so it goes back up to 5
>Playing Custom Games and everyone mashing veto so much that the party leader can't stop the countdown to change the game
>Getting outside of the map in Forge and making maps whereever you can
>Making a thing of Fusion Coils that respawn instantly and blowing it up
Best Game
Not even f2p, moba type games that are multiplayer online only have achieved that greatness that was Halo 3 multiplayer. Matchmaking, custom games, forge, screenshots, the DLC maps, the community, everything was handled so well until the end.
Cops and Robbers, Predator, Fatboy, and Jenga in Custom Games. Had about 6+ people in all of these games. Played them endlessly on repeat
>tfw rumors of Forge DLC for Reach
>believed it for months
Big team battle. Either assault or ctf. 6 teammates ditched on me and my bro. We masterfully kept the other team from scoring. 1-0! Our based was Valhalla on the mountain side, if that matters.
>Penguins fan
Get out.
Fuck man. Idk I guess Ice Cream Man or some of the race tracks. Potentaially also Halo on Halo.
Can you link the scene? I have holes in my brain.
>Team Doubles
>Friend and I go Hologram
>Just stand there and send out ghosts
good times
Is the pc mod Halo Online ever going to stop using Halo 4 shit?
>No Arbiter figure. No Halo 3.
You're a fucking faggot
Capture the flag on Rat Race
Everything on Sandtrap
Actually enjoyable multiplayer
>No Steel Halo 2
Yikes! Everyone laugh at the boy with no taste!
the months and weeks before release
the hype was unbearable
Fucking new era faggots. I bet you were the stereotypical squeeker dick heads when halo 3 was new.
One of my best friends came over to my house every single day for an entire summer and we just played custom games with a bunch of random kids online. I don't even remember how I came into contact with that group of kids but all 16-20 of us played custom games for like 12 hours a day, every day and I felt like they were genuinely my friends despite never meeting them in person.
That was a great time, I remember enjoying it so much at the time that I actually knew I was going to look back at it as "the good old days" one day. That summer was probably the best summer of my life.
Those kids are 18 now.
Wew lad
I excelled in sports and broke all kinds of records but loved vidya, played games any freetime I had since age 5. Now have a great career and buy anything I want/have my own PC business building custom computers etc. I just went out to my workshop and took this pic.
getting my katana
Friday nights, playing with my brother online, doing everything from Big Team Slayer, Infection, Grifball, Rocket Race, playing the campaign trying to get all of the achievements to get the katana body piece...
Didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch, does this appease you?
>you will never go back to the days of halo3 custom games
That time we got a warthog onto the Hornet and shot down banshees with it.
Why not? There's full 16-player parties every single night.
Every map was remade exactly as it was on the 360
I'd get on Reach if anyone else wants to.