>click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
Click quit button
>accidentally click quit button
>Doesn't ask if you want to quit
>quit game
>Program has stopped working
>accidentally click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
>accidentally hit Yes
>game is Autosaving
>game crashes
>have 3 health and in the middle of a firefight
>accidentally hit save instead of load
There's a reason why this question is there.
>bringing logic into a shitposting thread
>can't quit to desktop from pause screen
>have to quit to main menu first
That annoyance didn't seem to help
Seems like we could do with another layer of confirmation questions
>press alt / f4
>game doesn't close
>Press any button to start
>Push Power
You need to press both of them at the same time
>click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
>normal confirm button now cancels
Holy shit this makes me mad
autosave still worked
>accidentally click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
>accidentally hit Yes
>Do you want to save the game?
>accidentally hit No
>click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
>normal cancel button now confirms
>accidentaly click save over old save
>do you want to overwrite
>cursor stays at Yes
>overwrite old save
>Pause the game
>It crashes
>Didn't save for last 4 hours
>press alt&f4
>"are you sure you want to quit?"
>click Quit button
>entire game instantly closes with no prompting or saving
>game manual jokes about it
>"Life is cruel. One moment you're playing Game and then you're not."
>Quit to desktop
>game.exe has stopped working
Is this porn?
>click quit
>nothing happens
>game.exe has stopped responding
>click close game.exe
>game doesn't end
>nothing happens
>keep going back to the game
>Hit escape trying to pause
>Quits without warning
>accidentally click quit game
>confirm and cancel have swapped places for this one screen
>accidentally click confirm
>game doesn't close with alt f4
>close it in task manager to make a point
>press Q
>game quits
>the game quits but remains in your task manager
>it uses up a shitload of ram and won't quit no matter what
>horror game
>scary part or monster is about to get you
>game deliberately doesn't let you pause or quit the game
>the game is a bitcoin miner
>Gotta stay flexible dahnald, you know 'im sayin'?
>menu is f10 instead of esc
fuck you blizzard
>Game autosaves
>Save before quitting? Any unsaved progress will be lost
>game refuses to start
>remains in task manager for weeks until you randomly notice it
>Play 5 first hours of a game in one sitting and save
>Close game without going to main menu
>Next time I open the game, saves have disappeared
>Keep playing first 30 minutes and saves disappear everytime I quit and come back to load menu
>Turns out that saves are kept in memory and are only written to HDD if you exit to main menu before closing the game
>at friend's house
>he asks me to help him out with a game
>"oh wow Limbo this will be fun"
>accidentally click on New Game instead of Continue
>game immediately saves over his "Continue" save and he loses all his progress
>Press down Power button
>Pres power button again to turn off the 3ds
>Press down power button
>Enter sleep mode
>Hold down poer button
>Have to touch power off on touchscreen
>Click quit button
>Are you sure you want to quit?
>accidentally hit No
>hit F5 3 times in a row
>game freezes
>GAME.png.exe has stopped working
>spam the quit button
>about to end task
>game works again
>task ends anyway
>hours of progress lost
Mom's freaking out!
>all your settings are reset to default when you load the game again
>play jap game
>press esc
>game insta closes
>Press F4 to mark yourself as ready
>F4 closes the game for 50% of player base, 50% of the time
>Can't change bind for ready
>all your settings reset to default even if you quit the game properly
Fucking Leviathan DLC
Fucking Xenoverse 2, what the hell
I can't count how many times I've had to redo training missions because of this shit.
>setting that kills fps requires you to restart the game and it doesnt save settings
>the game will randomly crash from time to time, deleting all you progress
fucking worms armageddon. I wanted to love you, I really did
>Change graphics settings
>Are you sure you want to change
>10 seconds to confirm
>Game freezes and reverts back to normal
>press alt tab
>game crashes
Any fallout
I'm sure there is a way to bypass this bullshit with some sort of macro, because I know developers do it on purpose.
>game doesn't have autosave
>crashes without saving after hours of playing.
>press alt tab
>game returns with black screen forever
thanks witcher 2
>game crashes
>music keeps going
>press alt tab
>game shrinks like planned
>refuses to open back up
fucking christ this shit
>alt tab
>game window freaks the fuck out
>have to press alt tab numerous times to get it to work
>Play on a console for once just so I play without bullshit crashing
>The game still crashes
Modern console gaming is neat, huh?
>can't alt tab
>can't use global hotkeys
>can't use steam overlay
>it's a modern game
Should be classified as malware, fuck off.
>game has unchangeable keybinds F1-F5 to switch between critical interfaces.
>set my mouse to activate these
>have OCD, constantly switch between interfaces as a compulsion
>accidentally press alt somehow at the same time I press F4
>game won't let me log back in because my account is already logged in
>takes a whole 3 minutes to get back in
>can't make it back to grave in time
>lose my first chaotic to a frostdragon 30 seconds away from my grave
>At some points quitting prompts you with a save option
>Sometimes it doesn't and fucks you over
all of these are fucking golden. i have an entire folder dedicated to them.
I prefer these desu
Post them
They're a thousand times better than these normie shits
>my normieshit is better then your normieshit
whatever gets your peen hard
>Save and quit
>Come back
>Starts at the "last checkpoint" which is nowhere near where I saved.
>on emulator
>accidentally press load instead of save
>pressing ESC key pauses the game
>pressing ESC doesn't unpause
>Pressing ESC doesn't pause the game
>Pressing ESC quits it without even asking if you want to quit
>hl2.exe has stopped working
me on the left
shoulda upgraded your gravestone
>>game crashes
>>music keepskeepskeepskeepskeepskeepskeeps
>it actually has a rhythm
Well fucking dump that shit user.