is it EVEN possible to talk about this character without fawning over her rear end?
Is it EVEN possible to talk about this character without fawning over her rear end?
I like her tits and legs too.
Does she even have a character or is this just another one of those "buy it with your dick" games.
Good tits and i like her dress, not so much her hair.
Why is her design so fucking appealing?
I haven't even played the demo but I really want to fuck that damn robot.
She's in a series known for interesting protagonists and had a fun demeanor in the demo.
When a character has no character, their physical appearance is used to substitute discussion.
So no, your shitty stoic fuckdoll will always be that and will never have a dick.
why did they call the boy NINE ASS
Not on here. Maybe on /fit/.
No one cares about her backstory and shit.
She is a fuckin slut, thats all it matters
How does Taro feel about all this porn being drawn of his character?
I'm more interested in these fukbois
I care about her backstory, IF you catch my drift ;)
I feel great.
It's helping my newest project gain valuable attention from a consumer base that regularly makes or breaks video games.
It diverts discussion away from the self-destructive argumentsabout technical or storytelling aspects about the game, and instead entails gamers far and wide into buying this product.
If this keeps up, we may be able to combat Social Justice and win video games back to being exciting, rewarding, and most of all, fun!
and these two fuckbots
The babyface thing really ruins it a bit.
patrician taste detected
nope, its her greatest asset
who design her?
Downloaded the demo, what am I in for besides fan service?
A mediocre hack and slash with a stupid/convoluted plot.
Cuhrayzee xD and waifu fags ruin everything.
Cuhrayzee xD fags are the bronies of video games.
im more interested in her feet
Your typical Platinum game, so essentially a stylish, flashy, and fast hack and slash.
The best action game since Bayonetta with masterfully charming and tragic writing.
And booty.
Imagine if the demo was released on PC too. Sonnygers would blame PCuks for all of this, really makes you think.
Because I'm going to stick my nine inches up his ass.
Akihiko Yoshida (FF, Vagrant Story, Tactics Ogre, Bravely Default)
so should you get it for ps4pro or pc/mods ?
PC, if the port is halfway decent, could look as good as the Pro version, with more options. I don't think anyone should mod a game like this on the first playthrough unless there's some kind of technical or gameplay issue.
Wait so all the androids just have a partner look alike with them?
I'm personally just going to wait for PC but it's easy to see why you wouldn't want to wait.
Yoshida is a god among men.
Not only does he make the best vidya girls, but he is a legit great artist and I like his style regardless of fanservice.
What're you freakin gay?
Well i will gladly talk about those delicious thighs aswell OP.
Vagrant Story 2 never ever ;_;
so neither of them will be virgins
What do you want to talk about? How she feels?
buts its almost 100% guaranteed to have negative mouse acceleration and force you to use a controller
Why would you want to use mouse and keyboard for a game like Nier anyway?
>best vidya girls
but wait theres more
Because i don't own a controller and if its getting ported to PC it should work with the most prevalent controls
everything else about platinum ports are generally fine, its literally this one thing they need to fix and ill be happy
I really feel like you should invest in a controller at some point man, even though I do agree that games should work with what everyone uses. It's just that games like this are obviously designed to be played with a controller.
Why does she wear the blindfold? She didn't wear one during the reveal.
is it EVEN possible to talk about this character without fawning over her dick?
Lotta loyalty for a hired android!
Those are all very good points, im just stubborn and wish it wasnt that way
kb/mouse allows things to be more complex and faster pace.. ill eventually get a dualshocky or whatever i guess, hope i can still map autohotkey scripts to it
I wonder how that would smell
like plastic and oil
Stale milk and wet coins?
Is there newhalf/trap/futa art of her yet?
megaman is shit desu
>She didn't wear one during the reveal
Link? I don't remember this.
Reminder that this will be the game that started the loop
if megaman is so great how come the franchise is fucking dead?
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. My gut is telling me two more games. Next game will be will reveal the loop then the one after will be about breaking it. Screencap this.
2B is quite literally a perfect character design. She is fully covered head to toe, with only small patches of skin visible on her face, bust, and back. But then once the skirt starts moving more skin is revealed, and her body-shape is fully revealed with impact since it is suddenly a large injection of white into her mostly black solid design. It catches you attention very easily, just like a supernova exploding in the heavens draws you to look at it. 2B butt is the supernova of character design.
i remember that taro wanted to make and alice on wonderland game, i wonder if it will be related to nier and drakengard.
>implying there is any to talk about
Loop? What loop?
You mean the Nier world will become the Drakengard world?
waifufagging really ruined Nier
that and pc cucks getting their 3rd worlder hands on it
over the line
The Cathedral City in Drakengard. Its a modern-esque city that is the origin of magic that pops out of thin air in 865AD, which is where the world of Drakengard diverges from the real world, or Nier. Accord is an reality hopping android who claims came from the city. Automata is all about androids. So thats where people are connecting the dots.
You can play it with actual 4k (not sony meme """4k""") on PC so that's where I'll buy it
That huge rip on the front of her skirt freeing those thighs is a godsend. I'm glad Yoshida put that there.
Dude looks fuckin' boss.
Why is her ass so dirty?
Is clothing destruction in the actual game? Because the demo didn't have it for me.
Fuckin awesome. Only issue is that i think his boots are just a tad to small.
Well... shit
>implying its not all about the combat/gameplay
She has pancake ass. Its just faggots who like to look up skirt that care. Shes not even sexy. literally the only appeal is pathetic faggots who like to creep on women.
because I haven't licked it clean yet
Honestly I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with her, especially since Kaine was hotter.
Is it the whole idea of "robot girl that learns to love" or something?
>If this keeps up, we may be able to combat Social Justice and win video games back to being exciting, rewarding, and most of all, fun
user, pornography is a bigger part of cultural marxism than social justice is. It has a bigger chance of destroying video games than SJWs will. You've already admitted in your post that it draws attention away from what really matters in a game, why is this so hard to understand?
>ywn headpat 9S
I think you're a literal faggot is my analysis
>porn destroying vidya
This better not even be a thing.
You implying fun is a buzzword?
I want to rub his head and tell him good job.
Something tells me though he's going to be Kaine all over again and get smacked unconscious/out of commission before every boss.
we have the technology to see her chocolate fountain
too many anons are distracted by that alone
>user, pornography is a bigger part of cultural marxism than social justice is.
It began as such but now only serves to undermine the message that ethnic and gendered minorities are more valuable than majorities, with pornographic exploits helping to eroticize these two demographics until they can't be taken seriously anymore.
>It has a bigger chance of destroying video games than SJWs will.
Fucking source please. Pornographic values have been a part of video games for as long as video games have been made, going far back as Custer's Revenge and beyond. Not once has it come to limit the expression of an author or creator, in fact, through the wider appeal of pornography, games can find larger markets than they would otherwise.
However, the messages of Social Justice have instead served to censor and curtail and limit artistic expression in every game exhibited or implied to be tied with Social Justice.
>You've already admitted in your post that it draws attention away from what really matters in a game, why is this so hard to understand?
I said it draws away from discussions that only serve to shit on others' preferences in terms of graphics or storytelling. These two things are indeed what matters in a game. But the pregame debates on forums and image boards like this? That devolve into shit-flinging and poorly made image macros that widen the gap between prospective players? That's not what really matters in a game, m8.
And it's not even resorting to censoring civil discussions of graphics or storytelling, it's fostering them through the greater presence of threads and anons' awareness of the game.
Social Justice games do not want discussions based on gameplay or story preceding their projects, and will censor discussions thusly.
This, though?
None of this talk is censored, none of this talk is limited. Instead what is encouraged, is the talk of the erotic aspects of NieR.
They are the cutest taro couple.
Good fucking god no no no. If there's going to be romance with 2B at least let it be with that other girl.
I ain't even talking about the dick. 2B just isn't all that attractive. You can't see her face, her hair is meh and her ass isn't the GREATEST FUCKING THING EVER that you make it out to be. If she weren't a robot and/or didn't dress in a big gothic dress no one would find her that appealing.
You can like her if you want, but you faggots are quickly approaching Lucinafag levels of annoying.
Good job not mentioning her legs, thighs, and stockings and the skindentation. The ass is just a meme, the skirt is too long to see it but the above is fucking 10/10.
And no, one Lucina thread every month is nothing like the constant stream of worship since the demo came out.
Her legs and thighs are nothing that special. I didn't realize legfags were this obnoxious. And there aren't as many Lucina threads now because people find them fucking annoying. But ok, you're more annoying than Lucinafags. Happy?
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts my homosexual friend
And the whole is nothing special my faggot friend who projects as hard as possible.