Happy new year nerds!

Happy new year nerds!

thanks u2 mate

>christmas is over
>still has a santa hat

happy new year senpai

five minutes to go, happy new year

Happy new year faggot

Yeah you too

Happy new year frog poster

y-you too


alone reading Sup Forums on new years' eve? god, you're pathetic

Happy new year, fags. Despite everything, I'm glad to be here with you shitbags. Hope you guys are comfy.

Happy new year guys

who here got drunk alone to banish all the feelies




Fuck off pepe

inb4 this gets deleted by grinch mods
merry xmas and happy new year anons


>That kid who does the anti Pepe work for me.

Me and you user, me and you

it's a life

It is the next year
may you encounter as little jews, blacks and spics in your adventures

Happy new year. It's 2am here.

You too friend.
I'm all alone this year but I don't feel sad because I still have all of you

therea too many arabs and chinese people here and i want them to fucking LEAVE

all i want for new years is a sissy white boy

Happy new year niggers!

yo what up my man

Will billy get a sticky this year?

Nope, friends just left to sleep.

Midnight was over an hour ago here. Came here after watching some sweet fireworks in my secret fireworkwatching spot. No people, good line of sight for the firework displays, maximum comfy. Now i'm sipping on hot tea at home and browsing Sup Forums. New years eve is fucking great if you have the means to make it comfy.

>got kicked out of MOGRA
>slept in a chair in an internet cafe for New Years

that usually brings on the feels in my experience

>about to go to a party
>still sad

happy new year you tremendous faggots

-with love from the uk

I'm probably going to smoke a bowl and shitpost one last time. After wake to the next day no more Sup Forums.

I don't want frogposters to exist in 2017. If 5 frogposters should all kill themselves before 2017 starts, this meme is even more cancerous than doge and should die like doge.

I came here to shitpost user, not burst into tears.

aw yis


So, just logged in to steam, did I missed 3 votings or what happened?
"Love/Hate Relationship"
“Sit Back and Relax”
“Better With Friends”

the last day had more than one, it had "boom" category and all the user ones

check this 5 faggot

join me, brother
let the tears flow

>frogposting is cancerous
>duelistposting isn't
really makes you think

>All my friends are in town, would hang out with them to spend the new year
>Except parents made me request off work to go to my dad's work apartment so my dad could go drink with his boss on New Years, and make my mother make dinner New Years day with my boring, formerly painkiller addicted "JESUS IS LORD" grandmother

So I'm sitting here in my dad's apartment house while he's out with my mom and older sister and my younger brother is outside vaping while I have a headache. Fucking rad New Years so far.

Partying fucking sucks unless the people are all great. Don't go just because you feel like you should if you don't want to. Stay home and get comfortable.

>Yugi has video games
>Pepe has... a shitty forced meme?

>about to have the last fap of 2016
How should I do it Sup Forumsros?

>tfw 5 hours left
What's the future like guys?

Jerk it to something you're embarrassed for enjoying but find great pleasure in

persona h

let fate decide who you finish to so long as it isn't mitsuru

Traps or /ss/. Anything else would not be fitting enough.

>celebrating the New Year
>in 2011+6


you need a hand?

Pretty good, my nigga. Having a comfy start to the new year.


i'm sure somebody's made a pepe video game user


Really thick.

Like slightly over your usual comfortable limit thick.

Idk user. I've been fapping like crazy too. Rarely got out of been.

Happy new years, let's try our best to improve

it's a fucking hellsacpe

Please, he should go MUCH thicker than your pic.

After all, thicc is the meme fetish of this year

use this pic haha it would be funny just for laughs

Search whatever you enjoy the most. Make it last for a long time to remember.

>drinks no longer hide the pain of being alone

Is there a pill I can take? I just want the pain to go away in 2017 but I'm too much of a coward to end it.

All I want is to be happy being alone.

I dunno dude I just wanna feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my life.

A literal fucking meme game. Yeah that's what we need more of.

How ugly/short do you have to be to have this attitude?

My last was to the Never Ever no Longer Forever xmas special. Highly recommend it.

>Is there a pill I can take

Is it worthwhile being at a party when you feel like shit?

i cant drink because of the pills i take

that's what I've been doing the past few days
but then I feel disgusted with myself afterwards

>because some 10 year olds repost memes it means its natively from lebbedit

Cocksucker detected

So what's your first faps for the year going to be?

Don't be jealous

Happy New Year's, everyone.

I'm planning on quitting Sup Forums for my 2017 New Year's Resolution, so this will probably be the last thread I post in. I have a very addictive personality, so Sup Forums eats up too much of my time, even though everything here has gotten stale to me.

But do the boyish moans turn you on instantly yet?

see you tomorrow

no idea, very open to suggestions though

You'll be back. You're here forever.

Who here officially on Sup Forums a decade as of 2017?

If you're not already here longer of course

Five hours until new years.

And I spend three hours with rimworld. Happy new year peps.

boyish moans? no
I'm embarrassed to even say it on this anonymous mongolian eagle-hunting forum

Good luck, man! Hope you are able to make it in life and that your hard work pays off in whatever you do!

Me too user. I'm also quiting junk/unhealthy food again which is really hard since I always eat when I'm bored and don't play vidya anymore. Probably will sell my collection.

Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do.

>mfw I've got all my best shit all ready and waiting
This is going to be a good one.

I haven't gotten drunk in six months. Kicked q four year habit. I was getting drunk 4-5 days a week. God I want to drink so bad.

>being this autistic

Trap robutts.

>ywn make a boy moan
why live

Don't do it nigger, you're doing good. Don't throw that shit away.

loli of course

are you the devil

Don't forget that you also don't want to drink. Be strong! You can do it!

Thanks. I have a goal set to try not to go back to Sup Forums until at least when I get a job and move out of my Mum's house. Because I'm currently a part-time student, it's way too easy for me to end up pissing away at least 6 or 7 hours of my time here. Hopefully when I get a job, I'll be more disciplined.

See you tomorrow

It's either feel like shit by myself or pretend I don't feel like shit with other people, so I might as well do the thing that our nature deems more acceptable.


tempting. do you have any character names?