2017 is the year of Sony it is time to switch bois.
2017 is the year of Sony it is time to switch bois
I'm not clicking your anti journalism article IGNshillshitter
>God of War Dark Souls edition
>3 From Software game exclusive to PS4
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Gravity Rush 2
>Days Gone
How can anybody compete with Sony?
anyone have that driving wojack?
>time to Nintendo Switch
>20 fps
>not even stronger than the Pii U
Nintendo is doomed.
I've had PS4 since like 2014 and I'll tell you something.
I'm going to start a gun collection, but if that wasn't on the horizon, I would be buying a PS4 Pro.
>he didn't post the whole thing
for shame, OP
I don't get the Nintendo one
Looks like some 7yr old paint edit skills.
>any of those games
>low scores
At least 1 for effort considering your age
>u-underagee waaaah
Happy New Year user
But Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 are highest rated games last years.
When is Xboner's year?
Why are you crying?
Why does his crotch loook like apple sauce?
why does he turn yellow?
>all that shit
>suddenly near the end of the list
>motherfucking windjammers
I love these shit posting Wojaks.
He must be super strong to hold the entire PS4 library
Because only Japs buy Playstations
with the old xbox.
I will say that Sony has been killing it recently. Buying a PS4 on black friday might have been one of the best decisions I've made since building a gaming PC.
Feels pretty good man.
>yet another shitty console wars bait thread
I think I'm done with this board. see you faggots in another life
taking the piss from sony will do that to you over time
He should be a nigger
They call it the Switch because you switch it off.
>implying you can escape this
That's ok, I clicked it for you.
>new year isn't even a day old and Sonyggers already the most toxic fanbase on the board
off to a good year of shitposting boys!
play whatever you want retards
>baited by an old image
Jesus leave newfag
Cry me a river PCuck.
>God of War Dark Souls edition
You mean God of War The Last of Us edition
>Tales of Berseria
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
>Yakuza 0
Based superior nippon games. E1 2017 alone is fucking amazing
i don't like games anymore desu, just play old games I liked over and over and fighting games since they are all pretty much the same as one of 2 or 3 archetypal fighting games from the SNES-PS1 era. Enjoy your games my no doubt young sonyfriends.
>Tfw sold my Wii U and got a PS4
>lol baited u XD
PC gamer here
If you're still in denial about it you need to wake up, Sony has Horizon, Spiderman, Death Stranding, Crash, God Of war. Sony is competing and it's a good thing.
Let's talk about video games as a whole in the last four years.
So as I see it:
GOTY 2013 - The Last of Us
GOTY 2014 - The Last of Us Remastered
GOTY 2015 - Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
GOTY 2016 - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
And looking towards the future:
GOTY 2017 - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
GOTY 2018 - The Last of Us Part II
None of this even seems objectionable.
Why would you switch?
I can understand buying one IN ADDITION to a PC, (I plan to do so myself at some point this year), but trading in a PC for a PS4? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Yeah, I'd like to trade in my Space Shuttle for a Volkswagen Jetta because it has cup holders
Thanks for the chuckle
Long past.
Emphasizing PC pairity literally killed any reason to buy one if you've got a half-decent PC.
>none of this is objectionable
>TLOS getting game of the year twice in a row
>Nathan Drake collection
You could have been a little more subtle.
There is nothing worthwile coming to PC I would say it's old busted Volkswagen Golf.
If Sony announces Bloodborne 2 it's at that moment they won 8th gen before it was over even though they would have won it anyway.
I mean the PS4 just had strong Japanese support from the beginning anyway, Bloodborne, Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Dragonquest Builders
weak. step your falseflag game up
Epic shutdown
>Yes there is! Here's a list of PC exclusives!
>None of those count because I say so
There, just saved us both fifteen minutes
Then prove me wrong.
Is it too late to trade in my Xbox One? t. Increasing nervous Xbot
Always good to see denial is still alive and well.
So what is coming to PC in 2017? Aside of vaporware promised 6 years ago?
Xbone is so fucking forgotten that there are barely any shitty Xbox wojak memes.
How did MS fucked up this badly?
>Gravity Rush 2
horrendous pr prior to launch.
no superior japanese games.
halo is dead
no viva pinata 3
Not that guy but maybe, just maybe you're starting to realize nobody likes PC games and you're cling desperately to them because you want to justify your hardware when it can't even do that because 99% of those games are designed to run on $100 low end PC's thus indirectly exposing how pointless your rig is because you dropped 1k in it and get multiplats while PS4 literally gets it's own exclusive fucking library of AAA open world games.
PC gaming shdoulnt even be comparable to console gaming but cling to your low budget rougelikes and greenlight indies harder
I wonder if theres even a single person in this thread thats being 100% serious.
The only game thats on PS4 that interests me is Persona 5 and thats also on PS3 so I have no reason to get PS4. Automata is on PC too.
How much do they pay you? Don't you have another shitty infographic to make to post in every thread?
>that comic
This is what sonybronies actually believe.
how come he turne yellow?
Xcom and Deliverance aren't even PC exclusives anymore, this is hilarious.
>Still no reason to buy a current gen console
>Still mustard only
Maybe this will be the year you guys finally ketchup
I'm so glad I didn't fall for the trashbox one exclusive left meme last year. I was actually going to buy ont to play sunset overdrive but now it has no games
What is coming to the PS4 besides vaporware promised 10 years ago?
Why they are so mad?
Nintendrone here
OP's shitposting but he's also right, PS4 lineup looks fucking great in 2017, bought me a PS4 and I'm hype.
>80% anime games
I'm not into that.
I unironically love falseflag wojak threads and look forward to more of them this year
Can you answer my question? Why deflecting?
Same. I was 3DS+wiiU only until last year, bought a PS4 and will never look back. Sony has console gaming on lock down, there's no reason to go anywhere else, it just gets every single game you could possibly want on it.
>you can carry all the exclusive PS4 titles with only 6 hands
you used the wrong image. its supposed to be the games showcase that changes each year after you find out the games are either delayed or crap. but this year for sure...right?
this entire console generation has been a massive disappointment, its not even worth doing console war shitposting when hardly anything good has come out
>everyone that thinks Sony is doing well and has nice games coming out is a shill
You'll be back
We're all stuck here
You're not wrong.
But multiplats on PC are almost always better than the console counterparts.
Also, the basic user experience is UNIVERSALLY better on a PC. No retarded load times, no weird hardware hickups, no waiting for a game to install, just to run the game and wait for it to install AGAIN, use any controller and any control scheme you want, literally the only platform available right now where you can listen to music, watch movies, communicate seamlessly with friends and teammates, stream the entire thing to an audience, and still play all games at a rock-solid 1080p (or higher!), 60fps.
Getting a PS4 at some point this year is a good idea, but not already having a decent PC first is fucking retarded.
Also, it's a retarded argument anyway, because you've already got a PC, why wouldn't you make it the best it can be?
What you post to Sup Forums on, your fridge?
most people now are dumb phoneposters
That's only here, xbros are mostly non-existant here. Only back in the 360's heyday did we have some of them. I assume most went PC over the years, and that's microsoft's fault for moving all their exclusives there. There's literally no reason to be a consoleturd in this day and age,
Because the library IS the weak point of the PC as a gaming platform.
It doesn't have much in the way of exclusives, but it makes up for it by having the best versions of literally everything else.
I mean I'm sure I'll get a switch for Splat2n when it comes out and I'm excited for Zelda but I'll be damned if I miss out on Automata and Gravity Rush
>wasting 800$ for multiplats
Is this bait?
I was thinking of getting a PS4 since they're $250 right now, and all I really play is weeb games.
I'm not poor, I don't see why I wouldn't pay to play multiplats at their best.
>Wasting $300 on sub-optimal versions of multiplats
Fair enough I don't agree with everything but those are some valid points, actual console sucks especially in the eyes of PC but I do think it has some high profile must play software that completely redeems it and justifies it's hardware and price.
I personally disagree but I understand that everyone has different opinions on what games are most valuable.
I'm pretty hype for Yooka Laylee, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Dark Souls 3 Definitive edition senpai.
You'll say that those will end up on PS4 as well, but i'm not interested in PS4 exclusives aside from BB. Ninty has got more interesting content than Sony, sorry to disappoint you
>getting best games from every system as well as games not available on other system is wasting money
>300$ is much
Paying this much money to count couple frames more in some games is waste of money for me.
And browsing, 3d modelling, audio editing, video editing, rendering, drawing, print design, engineering modelling and simulations, programming, hosting a server, running virtual machines. A PC is an investment that lets you do what you want to do with your time. A playstation is a bloodborne machine.
Besides, you can't play shooter or RTS games on consoles, they just don't work properly.
my phone famalam, its superior to pc becuase i get to choose wether im banned or not.
Wojakfication of gaming platforms is unironically my favorite Sup Forums meme.
All you mentioned are PS4 games already released so still no answer to my question. I think it confirmes my point.
You realize there are a shit-ton more "exclusive" games on PC when compared to PS4, right?
Like, by orders of magnitude.
>implying you do any of those things
I never really got the point of these threads, to be honest. A decent PC costs about 1k, a PS4 costs 250 to 350, not counting monitors or televisions, is the majority of Sup Forums really so poor that you can only pick one? Hell, OP talks about switching, you really need to sell a console you own to get a new one?
I don't get it. Who are you trying to impress and what are you trying to prove?