Two "overrated" games that Sup Forums hates, that came out in the same year

>two "overrated" games that Sup Forums hates, that came out in the same year

which one is actually better?

>Out of these two turds which would you rather put in your mouth?
no thanks

I'd say the last of us is better because it wasn't gutted to shit and it succeeded in telling a coherent story with decent characters. Both of them are cop outs with their AI companions.

I haven't even played TLOU and I can tell you it's a thousand times better

TLOU is way better I would say.

same. Haven't played it but there's no way it's as much of a disappointing pile of shit as Infinite.

Ellie is the great thing about TLOU though. Other than her love interests, she's a great character. She got almost raped and survived all that harshness as a teen

>both have decent graphics and visuals
>both have mediocre and mindless gameplay
>one has a well-written, if clichéd story, while the other is nonsensical bullshit
Gotta give it to TLoU.

Both have Troy Baker as the lead. Coincidence?

>tlou is overrated meme is still not dead

The Last of Us since, although I dislike a lot about that style of game and the sort of praise it gets, it at least excelled at its goals. The story was engaging and emotional, environments had a lot of nice details to help the world feel more atmospheric, and the characters were likable enough that the forced walking segments weren't totally unbearable the first time through.

I'd only play it and the Uncharted series with friends around, but at least they are in fact decent movies to watch/play.

>both have mediocre and mindless gameplay
No, tlou is fine. Bioshock is dog-shit no matter what you do.

Def TLOU. Infinite was frustrating because of all the wasted potential. I kept playing to see if it was gonna get better but it never did. While TLOU was predictable, the pacing was solid and the narrative was pretty on point for the most part.

grappling hook vs the same stairs and box puzzlex3

The only people to call it "overrated" or even "bad" are buttblasted PCucks

>le TLOU is a bad game meme

TLOS is a better game, Liz is better fap material


Both of them came out during a period of time where I rented games, so I tried both. TLOU had that online Sony pass crap so I didn't get to try the multiplayer, but the base game was alright.

Infinite, however, felt insulting and pretentious. I didn't even buy it and I still feel like I got ripped off.

OP here, TLOU is a great game imo, but Sup Forumseddit hipsters love to shit on it because of its acclaim and popularity, dont deny that

TLOU online is really good

TLoU by far.
It's a 7 (perhaps an 8 because of the surprisingly good multiplayer) that was hyped to be a 10. Overrated, but a good solid game.

Infinite was a step back in every way from Bioshock 1+2. In itself it's a very bland shooter, but the way they handled story, setting and characters made it worse.
It's a 4 hyped to a 9.

I really like the game, but it is overrated. It's not 10/10, it's not gaming's Citizen Kane. It's "just" a pretty good game.

>mediocre and mindless gameplay

Say what you will, but TLoU has great gameplay, especially regarding its mechanics. It works wonders for the MP component.

Hell, it's more unique and thought-out than any Halo, at the very least.

>It has a strong story so it's a bad normie game XDD

Literally the only people that hate on TLOUR are Sup Forumseddit

Both are trash, but TLOU is better. It's still trash, though.

I liked them both very much imo.
Elizabeth will always be my waifu and I would never betray her. She is UNMATCHED in beauty...fucking perfection.

Sit down and relax coolguy45
I bet you main reaper too

>a-am i fitting in yet guys

i played both and tlou is definitively better

Well I wanted to finish Bioshock Infinite, as oppose to The Last of Us, which I had to force myself to play.

That being said as far as DLC goes TLoU wins, because Infinite's dlc is the equivalent of playing a superman game but him just being Clark the whole time and you go do reports about the news.

youtube comments are cancer

>don't like triple A game
>"go back to cod xd"

i actually loved Infintie DLCs, unlike the main game

> Sup Forums hates BI
Fuck off sonygger.

The Last of Us.

Also fun fact: I work in a tattoo shop and there's this girl who is a regular customer who has a Bioshock infinite themed leg going. So far she has a portrait of Elizabeth and some of the icons for plasmids or whatever they're called (I only played BS1), and some other misc. tattoos from the game.

>im dumb butthurt pctard and ill ignore the wholre thread so far where Sup Forums shits on bioshock

is she hot at least, or just some fat blue haired tumblarina?

>fun fact
>actually doesn't list a fun fact

Yeah, I'm sure you did.

The Last of Us is much better. You get a decent-enough story with some touching moments. The world is pretty convincing. Good conflicts. Good ending. Winter season best season.

Bioshock 3 has a pretty fun universe and a laughably simple story that it actually follows through with. But the characters are very unconvincing and a lot of the imagery feels shallow. It goes through with this extremely simple science-fiction story, though, and I respect that. But, fails to discuss the social and economic elements beyond "witchunting is rampant. Haves/have nots. :(((" which would have added some richness to the world.

They're both cinematic experience trash but Bioshock Infinite made great contributions to the advancement of SFM porn.

The Last of Us had mediocre gameplay but the story and writing was pretty good. Bioshock Infinite had a terribly written clusterfuck of a story but I legitimately found the gameplay more fun.

So Infinite wins in my book.

eh, i guess im just a sucker for Rapture, and i had a nostalgia attack in the ending, but u really liked them

She's a tumblrina but she's actually really thin. Still has dyed hair (it's like pink/red) and is a total tumblr twat though, but she's like rail skinny. I know, it's strange, but some people just have specific body types I guess.

is she fuckaqqble?

I kind of like ugly girl porn so I'd fuck her but I wouldn't date her.

>actually enjoyed Infinite's gameplay

What is wrong with you? The shooting is shit and that's all there is.

Bioshock Infinite was a legitimately shitty game, most of the hate Last of Us gets it completely unwarranted.

>most of the hate Last of Us gets it completely unwarranted

this shithole is literally the only place the game gets any hate