Shovel Knight and Shantae are friends

Shovel Knight and Shantae are friends.

It doesn't matter that one is better than the other.

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You do realize Yacht Club is composed of people who left Wayforward right?

Spike and Kat are friends.

It doesn't matter that one is lesser known than the other.

On good terms, yes.

damn thats a great shantae design

>It doesn't matter that one is better than the other.

Well, yeah, it kind of does. It means one's just riding the coattails of an already tenuous "friendship" because of close Kickstarter campaigns. Doesn't help that even the always-masked character has more depth and personality than the one whose games have resigned to putting the fan service over gameplay to sell copies.

also shovel knight already has a gf

Who's that?

Pirate's Curse > Shovel Knight = HGH with all content > GBC Shantae > RR = HGH current content

GBC is tougher than SK for the wrong reasons but SK's gameplay is not as good as PC but PC is way too easy.

>Who's that?
Ape Escape protagonist

You can tell that user is only interested in the /ss/ porn and not the games, since Kat's antigrav ability only works when she's in her transparent alien form, and it affects both her and everything nearly - not just individual objects.

What does shovel knight look like under the helmet?

Of course I know Spike, I meant that bitch next to him.

Shovel Knight is a manlet.

I think he would look and sound like pic related

Correct. So is Plague Knight.

>Implying she wouldn't fuck up without the gravity powers
>Implying she doesn't care about his safety



Half Assed Hero sucks and it's disgusting that Wayforward has the gall to demand extra money for you to get the rest of the game.

Why does Yacht Club love manlets?

Some people probably seriously think they're entitled to free DLC for a game they didn't back and that's hilarious

I backed it, so i'm happy I don't have to pay for the rest of it, but that does suck when you look at how Shovel Knight is doing it.

Can't wait to play as Bolo.

I dunno, but it gives me hope for myself...not really.

glad to hear it user

I thought they didn't make the bolo stretch goal.

I'm saying that the levitating popsicle in front of her is an inaccurate portrayal of how her abilities work. It shouldn't just be floating there while she walks around like that.

The artist didn't knew much about GR, that was a request


that /ss/ is some good shit


They hit it in post Kickstarter paypal pledges.

Post video game characters being bros

How's that? If you pick up an item, she does turn into her einy red self, but you can drop to the ground where she returns back to normal but the item does still levitate.

Source: Finished GR yesterday




You know I am honestly surprised there isn't a Shantae boss fight in Shovel Knight and a Shovel Knight boss in Shantae considering how close the two companies are.

This is a vidya crossover thread now

so, about that shovel knight co-op mode


Music for both games is god tier and both composed by jake kaufman.

Sounds good to me.

I want to do inappropriate things to Plague Knight!

Just remember Shancucks, she'll never be in Smash.

What exactly is the origin of this anyhow?

I really like the idea of Wario, Shantae, Bomberman and Ness being friends. It gives me a Wreck-It Ralph feel where they hang out whenever their games aren't being played.

Bolo is going to be so much fun, but I hope they take the time to explore what he can do.
Idk about Rotty though.

Same for Shovel Knight.
Or Quote.
No indie reps.

Eh, I liked decap attack back in the day.

I'm most excited for Bolo by far though.

dunno, I think someone kept requesting them in draw threads. It's a neat crossover.

Specter of Torment is also unironically the game i'm looking forward to most in 2017.

If any indie character gets Smash props it should be ________Quote

CaptainVideo got a trophy somehow.

Seems like it'd be from a draw thread.


Because they begged.


I like WayForward so I'm happy to pay for it. I'm having fun with HGH and feel I got my money out of it, the DLCs will basically be like new games to me. I'm just sad I missed the kickstarter.


What about Bomberman?

We could use a Hudson rep.

He's dead, and it breaks my heart too.

If I could add any non-Nintendo character to Smash, it'd be Bomberman.

>Half Assed Hero
This fucking guy again. Do you just make Shantae threads so you can repeat this shit?

>Cammy X Snake

Didn't know I wanted this until now. This contradicts with my Snake x Samus OTP but I'm okay with that.

He's not wrong.

It took three years to make that? It's even fucking finished.

I DEMAND all Shantae DLC for free.



Should've backed.

Alternatively, pirate it.

So Im eager to play Specter Knight but I wonder how they're gonna top Plague

It had a dance button.


It'll probably have a brood button.

Specter Knight's 2 flaws are he tries too hard to act cool and he's very sentimental.

I don't know if it can top Plague for me, if only for how fucking much I like Plague Knight as a character and how fun bomb crafting is.

...but it has scythe surfing and air chain attacks so it's definitely possible.

By the way I disagree the crab transformation is useless you obviously use it to collect the 5 squid sons or some shit. Underwhelming yes but useless, no.

>rating shame on content that isn't even released yet
Calm your tits, user

>It'll probably have a brood button.

Dammit Yacht Club why do you give us this shit for free. I want you to get more of my money.

How the hell did it become that the people who deserve to charge for DLC the most don't.

Nickle and dimming DLC is exactly what a AAA experience is ironically, and it's genuinely sad to see that infesting indie games and getting celebrated.

Buy another copies.

Samus goes for either Master Chief or Doomguy

I agree, but the thing is though, Half Genie Hero is roughly as long as Risky's Revenge which was also a 15 dollar title and that never even got DLCs.


Okay, you're being a shit, but I do think people are spoiled by Shovel Knight.

Shovel Knight goes above and beyond with it's DLC and gives it to everyone that purchases Shovel Knight at no additional cost, but I wonder if that would've happened if Shovel Knight were not as successful as it was. Shantae will probably not see even half of the sales Shovel Knight has, so i'm not shocked Shantae is doing this.

Does this come down to Shovel Knight being a better game? I dunno, maybe, it's more marketable I think with the retro thing going on, and I personally think it's a better game, but Wayforward barely got to make this game and are constantly staying a float with licensed shit, so they probably figured if they wanted to keep supporting HGH to the level that they promised, they had to charge.

They're wildly successful.

Also, between multiple copies for myself and gifting Shovel Knight to others I believe i've bought it 10 times, on top of merchandise and this shit.

I feel good about how i've supported them.

Did they confirmed Spectral Knights is going to be free too? That's awesome if they did.


shantae is so awful that they have to ride on shovel knight's success to pretend to be relevant at all
it's like pretending you're friend of 50 cent because you used to live in the same ghetto

>Half Genie Hero is roughly as long as Risky's Revenge
That's a negative though. It's a straight downgrade to Pirate's Curse.

>By the way I disagree the crab transformation is useless

Well I don't think any of the forms are "useless" so much as they're just redundant.

Yeah both Crab and Bat have their own individual purposes by they feel tacked on. You use the bat sonar like once and and the crab was mostly just used for grabbing the occasional fetch quest item.

With tighter design you could just make it so you only need to use the mermaid to get the sunken souls and if you're not gonna fully utilize the sonar there's no purpose in having it at all.

In a lot of ways I feel like HGH's problems where the exact opposite of MN9's. WF promised us too many forms and while they did deliver on them it came as the expense of using them to their fullest.

All of Shovel Knight's DLC is free for everyone forever.

>People actually like shovel knight
It feels like you are a fat guy that hasn't moved in years ice skating. The game is too clunky, at least Shantae feels good

Agree with that, I guess the HD resources took a toll on their creative process.

Still, at least it is better than nothing

All of the remaining Shovel Knight content is free updates.

I still kinda regret not backing Shovel Knight myself, but it's really cool to be getting the extra Knight's.

Met Yacht Club at PAX, extremely cool folks, they gave me a Specter Knight pin just because I was wearing a Shovel Knight shirt, even though they were pretty much just pimping Gunvolt 2 there.

You can use the bat to bypass the platforming section in your second trip to the desert tower level.

>I never played NES games: the post

Yacht Club actually has a donation button on their website if you wanna just give them money for the updates

That's a bad thing though. A power up shouldn't eliminate the game play, that whole section is rendered moot.

I bet Plague Knight concocted a potion to make himself eternally /ss/.

At that point the bat is a bonus thing. It is a reward for exploring the previous level thoroughly. It's no different from the mist thing in Symphony of the Night, you only use it once to go through a grate then never again.
Besides if you think it's cheating you could just choose not to use it.

>preferring Totally Not A Mary Sue: The Game to the NES bliss that is Shovel Knight.

>the mist form from Symphony of the Night

it's a platformer, not a naughty dog "game". Why would you care that a character is a mary sue?

Dunno why it's hard to like both.

HGH is not nearly as good as Shovel Knight. The best of Shantae can't really compare, but they're solidly built games, Pirate's Curse and the GBC game especially are a lot of fun, the characters are charming and funny, and the music is great.

Shovel Knight is on a completely different level than Shantae, but that by no means makes Shantae bad.

>Besides if you think it's cheating you could just choose not to use it.

That doesn't make the design good though.

And as for the mist form, well there's a few grates and the mist form at least has an attack. The mist form can move up and down the help you move through the level faster.

Bat just skips that one section and then never gets used

Shantae is waifushit and HGH is ass. Yacht Club abandoning all the waifushitters really helped the quality of their game.

It's fapbait for neckbeard pedo virgins.

>rating content that doesn't exist


> goodgame and free DLC for all

> very short decent game with SEVEN (7) planned DLCs.

Inb4 kikestarter defense force

You don't need an attack when you've collect enough hearts to fill up the entire inventory bar. You can just tank through shit.
Also first you complain it's useless now you're saying it is too useful? Would you make up you're mind?