Tfw 8gb update on a steam game

>tfw 8gb update on a steam game

>data plans

>having a cap

What's Buttfuckistan like, OP?

Third world sack of shit.

>Bandwith Cap

>No longer an option to just play the game as is if steam detects there is an update.

If I am in offline mode then I don't give a shit if last time I was online you saw an update was available, I just want to play the fucking game. Why would you remove the ability to not update and just play the game? Fuck steam.

It's not really a cap. Comcast charges $10/50GB after 1 TB.

>data caps

>that speed
>fucking data caps at that speed

Jesus OP. Getting cucked by your ISP hardcore.

>unlimited data if you have unlimited money

but that's exactly what a cap is
if you want to download more you have to pay up

You know nothing nigga.

>if i exceed this limit imposed on me by my isp i'll be charged extra money
>b-but don't call it a cap

ok lad

>data caps

is this how xbox sells hard drives?

It fits the legal definition of unlimited so that's all that matters.

>that shit tier DL and UL speed
>managing to go through a terabyte in a month

I hope you have to share that with like four people, otherwise you need to cut back on the porn buddy.

>tfw apartments I live in provide 300 DL 50 UL internet, cable, etc in the rent
>only pay 500/mo because it's dorm style living, but you aren't responsible for other people's portion of the rent
>my only roommate just went to jail for murder
>won't get another roommate for at least 6 mos


why is this allowed


What thirld world shitholes have internet data cap?

>>my only roommate just went to jail for murder
Care to elaborate friend?

It doesn't even do that, you retard.

[citation needed]

Portuguese fag here, we have unlimited data*


>never had a data cap

I can only imagine what it's liked to be stressed out as you slowly creep closer and closer to the cap. Fuck that

tfw my cap is 250gb per month

tfw have to watch all youtube videos at 480p and refrain from downloading too many things or I'll easily go over it

fucking jews. sadly they're the only isp with decent speeds in the area.

>come home after work
>start dinner
>phone rings, it's the leasing office
>moshi moshi, what the fuck do you want?
>mr. user, please do not let mr. 9gag into the apartment if he comes by, he is not allowed on the premises anymore
>ok what happened?
>we're not allowed to release this information at this time
>uh okay
>look at news today
>mr. 9gag is charged with the murder of some hot girl

Fine with me.

i sincerely hope they were your only option


>moshi moshi, what the fuck do you want?

Made me chuckle user.

Oh no, my feelings are hurt

>he says in a bitchy reply


>75mb internet

I got time on my hands.

>use over 2tb of data a month
>comcast doesn't charge extra

get fucked user

>still replying even though he "isnt mad"
>adds a "u mad" image for good measure

Fuck off

i'm not him
or him

but you guys are both losers and i am not

t. cable executive

So you're a nosey faggot who posts shit and thinks he's funny?

How do you even use 2TB in 1 month?

I'm just clicking pics at random matey.
The best bait is random bait.

>this is why ISPs and phone networks can get away with the most absurd things

shut up, loser

Eat shit

I only have a mobile network with a 15.5gb cap and 5mbps speed at home

How you get 993 GB per day?
I imagine if this count since Dec 1, should be 32 GB/day.

>being cucked into only using 2TB a month

America and Trump doesn't believe in net neutrality so expect the ISPs to get worse.

How do I make my own internet generating device?

If I make one then I can just avoid ISPs all together.

How do I make one?

>Home Internet Usage
""""1st"""" World :^)

You need Prof fagot


If it was that easy there would be no such thing as ISPs.

>he isn't smart enough to make one

Reminder that Americans voted for a president who wants to remove net neutrality. They love being fucked in the ass by ISPs

You can but it's expensive and a hassle.

It's like trying to cut down trees to make paper when you could just buy it from the store.

Whingy faggot

is "Whingy" a word?

>tfw not a poorfag

>How do I make my own internet generating device?
Very simple. Just have your computer hooked up to other computers and have those computers also hooked up to wother computers :^)

In all seriousness, I have no idea how you'd go about starting your own. Hope that your county doesn't have some pseudo monopoly for the lines and then just tap into the lines while paying some people who own said lines off I'd imagine

Didn't some phone company get hit with a major class action because it doesn't?


>vote trump
>internet becomes worse than cable
>vote hilary
>is ignorant of technology and would allow all kinds of restrictions to be applied

Well shit

>americucks actually have data caps on their 10kb/s internet

I forgot who, but basically the plan said unlimited without a caveat to it yet they throttled heavy users. It was misleading

>b-b-b-but hillary
Every time

It definitely does not fit the definition of unlimited, it is the opposite of unlimited. I don't get unlimited gas at BP just because they will keep allowing me to pay for more gallons.

>b-b-b-but Trump

Hillary Clinton is a regular citizen in your country. Trump is the president. You can't keep deflecting to someone who doesn't even matter

>Tfw you hit your 1tb cap for the month


what the fuck is the point if you cant even use it


>i come to Sup Forums for politcal discussion because I was laughed off of Sup Forums

Why would someone willingly go to Sup Forums?

>i hate Sup Forums because im from reddit
- you

its ok OP

They added this shit last month and this is my second strike on the account

But Sup Forums is reddit refugees from The_Donald

>having a data cap
>in the year 2017
>being poor
>living in a third world country

Oh is that they say?


jesus this is leaf tier internet

We would just go over our cap so many times that they would "upgrade" us to the next tier. Eventually they ran out of tiers to upgrade us to and can just fuck off.

Though we're paying like $70 a month for this shit, it's essentially unlimited.

I live with six other people in a 20 bedroom house, so it's not that bad.

>Live in Arkansas
>Unlimited data cap because rednecks don't buy internet

>tfw poorfag coutry
>tfw have better isp than americucks

>living in oppressed socialist Sweden
can't get internet with bandwidth cap even if I wanted
thank god for for the US and their """"""""freedom""""""""

If I had to choose between semi-shit internet and getting cucked on a daily basis by blacks and muslims, I think I'd go with the shit internet.

>be american
>go over data cap
>get shot

>Be british
>Go on subway
>Get stabbed

at least i don't have data caps

>Be British
>Go to America
>Get shot


America is usually first at everything. Soon you'll get them to

first to caps

last to unlimited

Oh you think that's bad OP? In Canada the internet is so fucked that until 2015 my internet was capped at 320gb. Cheap internet that is unlimited is usually slow as hell.

Nigger even I have unlimited bandwith (slow as fuck though) in the shitty 3rd world country I live in (and pupusas)

>No data cap yet

I know it's going to happen soon. And it sucks.

>make everything digital
>incompetent devs inflate the filesize of their games

>make everything digital
Everything was always digital.

Phht, Australia was way ahead of you with data caps and speed shaping, also way behind you with even "unlimited" plans.
America is just copying our third world internet.