One Way Heroics

Well, it's still on sale. I hope you've already grabbed OWH and the DLC by now.

Let's have one last One Way Heroics (Plus) thread for 2016.

Anyone want to try their hand at saving the world?

Other urls found in this thread:

i played the game once and it was pretty shit.

>i played the game once and it was pretty shit.

What makes you say that? Too simplistic?

ignore him, game is underrated and good. shame it never caught on.


But everyone says it's good.

Sell me on the game, what do you do? What is it?

Roguelike where the map gets consumed by The Darkness from the left, so you have to constantly move right.

Basic win condition is to defeat the Demon Lord to stop the Darkness from consuming the world.

It's pretty simplistic in terms of gameplay, you can attack things, use items, equip equipment, talk to NPCs, recruit allies.

One thing many people like about OWH is that even though it's a roguelike, there's only a small degree of bullshit RNG to fuck you over.

Another thing people like about it is that it has an interesting online system. The game is online, and players in the same World Seed periodically receives updates on how other players are doing. If a player dies, a ghost shows up in the other world and usually drops something from their inventory on death.

nobody cares one way heroics + plus edition developer

this game is pretty good
unarmed naked hero is best class

What is this and how do I get it?

I'm not sure I like the darkness scrolling mechanic, but the rest sounds pretty good. I'll add it to my backlog and never play it, thanks OP.

I already own it.

Haven't played it much though.

Get Parchment of Darkness
Get Dosey and get her 2nd or 3rd talk event
Defeat Demon Lord before Dosey transformed

I hope you're not obstinately against using the Dimensional Vault, because there's basically no way you're getting that one otherwise.

>have a Parchment of Darkness item in your inventory
>get Dosey's affection high enough to get her epilogue, but before she turns into a wolf
>kill the Demon Lord

It sounds simple, but that item basically doesn't show up before 2000km. They're a bit more common inside the Dimensional Passageway than the regular world.

But the dev is a jap, you know they can only type in moon

I'm surprised you don't already have it, it used to go on sale for less than 1 USD before the DLC came to Steam.

The forced scrolling mechanic sounds unfun, but it's very slow. You outpace the Darkness almost all the time, and it has to autoscroll to catch up to you. Getting caught by the Darkness basically only happens if you somehow get stuck in a dungeon and have nothing to break the walls with, or ignore the minimap and get stuck behind the terrain.

Just a couple hours into 2017 and this board is already more retarded than before.

Sure why not, soon as someone spawns a world

Never seen or heard of this before, this looks great. I think I might pick this up later today.

Anything else in the same vein as this? Not the side-scrolling element, but just, with this same sort of genre and general art style? This game looks charming as fuck.

Is this from the same guys as Half Minute Hero?

I'm still playing Mystery chronicles. Bought a bundle with those two and decided I'll not play OWH before I'm done with MC because Sup Forums told me OWH+ has more content than MC...

But I already picked up the DLC for sale, you're a bit late OP

The artist and the game creator are the same person. He's been making games for 18 years and this is his only good one, by the way.

A very similar game using the license was made by Spike Chunsoft, though I think people prefer Plus.

I'm fairly sure Mystery Chronicle has more content. There's more classes.

Similar name, but no. Completely different devs and gameplay. Also, if you're getting Half Minute Hero, get the second game bundle, it comes with both games at the same price.

>Sup Forums told me OWH+ has more content than MC

I think you got things mixed up, MC has way more content than OWH+ does. Items, classes, weapons, allies, endings, basically the only things it has less of is music, which isn't really fair to compare.

OWH+ just runs better, has better balance, is a bit more charming and less in your face lewd about everything.

>Anything else in the same vein as this

Pick a roguelike, any roguelike? Elona maybe?


They recently added a button to show traps in MC, so the game is a lot more enjoyable than before.

Oh yeah, it is.

It also makes me look at all those traps and think about how there's no goddamn reasonable way anyone would expect a trap to be on any of those spots.

yeah, everybody kept shitting on the sequel by the big dev because it had a bullshit trap mechanic where you couldn't carry flammable items or you'd step on a fire trap and be vaporized by your own inventory.

which, granted, sounds pretty fucking hilarious, but it just pissed people off after the first time or two.

also it ran choppily

You guys wanna save 2017HELL

>also it ran choppily

It still does. It's a real annoyance.

Sure. I hope this world doesn't start in a desert or something as deadly.

which one do I get?

>One Way Heroics + Plus Edition
>One Way Bundle

Not even 100km and I already drop an item. This is going to be a fun ride.

If you plan on playing with Sup Forums, + Plus Edition.

If you want two different games, get One Way Bundle.


Absolute madman.

2017HELL starts in Mountain terrain.

>play with Sup Forums

Fucking bats everywhere scaring the shit out of me. Playing with painless and Near-Sighted is the most scariest shit I ever done.

>walk into teleport door
>get teleported right next to a scorpion

At least I didn't die instantly, I guess.

Can I do it? I only have 3 Tourist Flash left and no Awakening

Absolutely not


I hope you have some decent escape items, at least.

I did it but I used up all my Flashes


Thanks for the Dimensional Gold Coin, I guess.

First encounter with the Demon Lord.

Easily avoided thanks to the building.

And then two of my Nayuta fruits went overripe the moment they left.

While Maniac makes the Demon Lord ridiculously beefy, I like how it makes enemies more predictable, since enemies being able to move just once then suddenly twice always seems to trip me up compared to being able to plan around lets say bats always moving twice and such, I just wish those fucking asshole tigers didn't get double move too though

Save me merciful stableman.

Once again, I've escaped thanks to the help of others.

Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

>tfw fast moving fast units
>3x speed

I think it's time to use an awakening or two.

Managed to get away at the cost of only one.

Once again, I'd like to take a moment to appreciate how much better the online feed is over MC's.

>page 10

Looks like the thread might die before I do.

>already starving to death
>still can't bring myself to eat overly riped Nayuta
Goddamn these randomized and useful party members

Dear Demon Lord, please kill this merchant so that I may steal all of his equipment.

Just like FTL, this game will be vastly improved if you are allowed to explore freely without getting rekt by the darkness.
Sadly there's no mods.

Oh god, after I used a scroll of confusion, the Demon Lord started to concentrate right when I was underneath them.

The 7/8 odds of avoiding it were in my favor, so I got past without an awakening.

Also snagged some jewels, a scroll of confusion to replace the one I used up, and 2 scrolls of lava. If only I could carry some more stuff.

>shame it never caught on
the game was a FOTM game for like 2 months on here, if anything it got more attention than it deserved.


More Dimensional Coins, plus 1 ST from the EXP bonus.

Well, the miniboss squad showed up again, and I instant killed them with lightning.

Force Users OP.

Finally found the loli.

And that's a wrap, felt like I had a pretty good start since I was lucky enough to get Albert early, and was able to buy a nice Firebrand, but one too many fuck ups, and a lack of shields to pick up or buy and that's that

Bought a cow, and it almost died right afterward.

Cow has survived to level 8, and learned Charge.

After playing it a bit more now that traps can be set to visible, I must say, MC OWH is far more difficult than OWH is.

Threw my fortune on this merchant, hopefully the Demon Lord can kill him in time so I can take it back.

Never played MC OWH, in what way is it more difficult than OWH?

Finally got enough VIT to learn Emergency Lifting.

More enemy variety and they're all dangerous, and all enemies have skills at the start. Bats at level one can use Charge, for example.

Some enemies have spear weapons, so two tile range. They also usually wear armor.

There's a common archer undead that pushes you if you get in melee range. Imagine if imps had knockback combined with the default undead physical resists.

Fucking living Elzite bombs. They don't die when they attack, and they multiply randomly. They're basically bats, so they got the high speed bonus too. God I hate these bastards.

Sabertooth tigers, Jesus Christ. They have a skill called Desperate Act. Basically, this is the Ninja's Chaos Attack skill from OWH+, which is a guaranteed combo attack with damage bonus. Sabertooth tigers are also fast moving units, so if it ever gets in melee range, you automatically die unless you have ~800+ HP and heavy armor.

Oh, and golems and dragons are huge monsters that take up 4 tiles.

Also, in the original and OWH+, you can generally make out the outline of towns on the minimap, though it might just be an oddly colored patch of dirt.

The minimap in MC OWH gives far less information. Running into towns is basically impossible unless you have a town finding effect active, or something that can detect living units.

Also, non-combat oriented classes just generally feel weaker in comparison to the original ones, but that might just be attributed to the stronger enemies.
The classes feel more varied in MC OWH.

Oh fuck, my level 49 cow.

>The minimap in MC OWH gives far less information.

This is one of the problems I had when I saw stuff about MC OWH. Regular OWH, even in its simplicity, had a lot of information in a perfect place for you to take a quick glance and see what you need to see, and it wasn't annoying or took a lot of space imo so it felt a lot more comfortable in that way.

The enemy variety is a nice thing however, I'm at least glad their idea of difficulty isn't just them having more hp and dealing more damage, but I'm happy with the amount of different enemies in OWH so that's just a plus I guess.

Overall my main problem with MC OWH is usually everyone's problem with it: how it runs compared to OWH. I also can't help but feel that Spike was shoehorning their own characters in for no reason, I may be wrong but I can't understand why they would fit in the game, just like an anime kind of intro that I saw there

The Spike characters were originally DLC on the Vita, I think.
The Steam release just sticks them all in the game, minus one Fist of the North Star character that they couldn't include due to licensing problems.

Oh boy, found a Staff of Prayers.

Yeah but it still doesn't take away the feeling that they're simply out of place and they don't belong in the OWH world

I don't know what the point was, but if it was an attempt to advertise their games I'm not sure why they'd pick this game for that, as it is unfortunately not as popular as it should

>the OWH world

Eh, MC OWH is its own world. I haven't gotten all the dimensional passageway equivalents and such, there might be some fitting things.

But even in the original, you had Albert. Straight up, he's from an entirely different setting that doesn't have a Darkness encroaching the world. It's possible that the Spike classes are all misplaced travelers as well.

Found a Duke Galtz. Sadly, I have no Buddy Tablets.

Think I'm about to bite it, running out of healing and food.

Valuable lesson: Demon Lord's barrier blocks earthquakes.

I'd refund MC and just play OWH+ desu. I just refunded it myself after playing a few runs and realizing it's not as good.

I like to shit on MC OWH and praise the original a lot, but I wouldn't say it's that bad.

Then again, I might just be starved for content.

It's not that it's bad per se, it's just worse than the original. And if that's the case, why should I bother with it, you know? After all, it's basically just a rehash. If it were at least a better rehash I'd play it. But the only thing I can see that's better and actually matters to me is the art.

Well, at least they patched traps. I can't imagine how awful the game was before that.

Found a Holy Shrine, and I got nothing to open it with, I'm running out of everything.

Have any of you ever both had the Demon Lord recruited and found one of those Demon Lord Shrines which buffs them up?
I wonder what kind of special dialogue there is for meeting the guy who guards the place and Demon Lord's reaction too

If you're the Force User dude, then you can always brute force it with Force Flare

I just skipped over it, couldn't afford the energy cost, I have absolutely no food.

Someone asked this on the steam forums and found out. The guard doesn't act any different than normal, Demon Lord gets a small reaction.

It looks like shit.

Thank god I picked up that Staff of Prayers a while back.

Passed through a toll gate, but there were no merchants. Son of a bitch gives me a crystal of stamina for a souvenir.

Managed to find a Nayuta fruit shortly before the Demon Lord showed up, and the miniboss was set to spawn in a couple hours.

Ran out of healing items a while back, but I luckily had one awakening left, just enough to murder them.

And my prize was a common Demon Lord Estoc.