FFXIV: Stormblood

Right, just hit 60 and finished the HW MQ where you have to raid ARF. Do I continue raiding ARF and get the i230 armor from them or is there a better way? I'm a bit lost.

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>game so boring you have to make your own

Unlock all the dungeons.

What the hell is this?

Keep going through the main story, do any 60 dungeons where you can so you can unlock expert/60 roulette. You can use lore tomes from ARF/leveling roulette to boost your gear a bit, since you'll need to meet minimum ilvl requirements to get into later story dungeons.


FF9 must've been a lot longer than I remember

That's pretty neat. I don't think I could sit through two hours and a half of players spamming emotes though.

fucking RPfags are the biggest weirdos on the planet

Which class that the most unskilled players?

I'm not necessarily asking what's; the hardest class to play, but the class that has a disproportionate amount of people who are bad at it

As flat as the real thing.

fuck all else to do in MMOs lately tbqh


>Doesn't even have the zidane outfit on

bard, whm, paladin and dragoon

Oh yes, I found something to watch tonight.

you could do that, or if you have money you could buy full 250 off the AH

In japan they eat KFC for christmas. It's some kind of tradition.

DRG may be the poster child for this but in my experience it's typically DRK for some reason

a lot of these fuckers don't even remember to turn on their stances

Check out the FFXIV reddit, they have a bunch of guides in the sidebars

Tough choice between BRD and DRK.

They're doing it again on Twitch tonight

Is that what is going on in that video?

Is her stomach made of concrete or did she take anything beforehand?

Take it to /vg/ you fucking mouthbreather.

Probably has some condition where food just passes right through her. Her shits must be cataclysmic though.

Start with continuing the MSQ and doing these dungeons/unlocking them in their order, you can find where to get the quests for them with Google, and then start the raids with Alexander. If you need short queue times just put up a PF and say that you need Alexander 1-12 and that lore bonus is involved.

Basically up your item level on your gear, and never EVER buy crafted gear from the marketboard like the 250 stuff unless you're gonna do savage but even then the time has passedf for that shit and you're better off with Alexandrian Prototype pieces and Lore stuff.

With all the video editing I really wonder if it's even. Pretty sure she did a similar video with fast food burgers.

>a lot of these fuckers don't even remember to turn on their stances
Most of the time they don't even forget, they just don't
So many times I've told a DRK his Darkside was off, and they just choose to not use it because it consumes their MP

Fucking embarrassing



>Chat is directing lalafels and female Au Ra to the front seats
>disability seating

I want to commit a crime

Final Fantasy, not Granblue Fantasia, fuck off.

What's the hardest healer to play?



SCH, despite what bitter WHMs/ASTs will tell you


SCH is the easiest healer to play because the fairy does all the bitchwork for you.

>Playing Male Elezen AST
>Leveling queue
>Puts me with a Roe PLD, and two cats
>Right out of the gate they start emoting at each other
>Silent agreement between tank and I
>We never stop pulling
>No breaks for anything
>We blaze through it and I quickly give the roe a commendation before leaving
>You got 1 commendation!

Cats and lizards are horrid, terrible things.

Not him but I've unlocked just about all the dungeons but haven't progressed much since. Mostly wearing ilvl 230 welfare gear from poetics. I assume I can jump into Alexander now? What kind of gear can I expect in there?

BLM spamming Physick, because the 3 actual healers are easy as fuck.

This one?

It does the bitch work sure, but you still have to micro it, even down to Embrace spam


So are roes, you just got lucky.
Hyurs and elezens, only decent races.
We wuz allagans.

Not even, but this might be worse. I don't even know what she's eating.

I can't comprehend how a tiny Asian woman can eat like that. I hope she posts pictures of the bulge in her belly when she's done, because I can only assume there is one.

>implying the fairy is going to heal savage content for you


Hyurs are garbage too though, Elezen only aren't garbage because nobody plays them
Everyone is just bad

>can't go in anymore
>it's like it never happened

if you're 230 then going into Alexander the Creator should be the next step, since that's 250 gear. But it's probably locked unless you did Gordias and Midas. Gordias has tokens for 190 gear, Midas has tokens for 220 gear, Creator has tokens for 250 gear. Creator is the only one that is still weekly drop based.

The stuff you'll turn in for Creator tokens depends on your job and what is best for it from there.

Father/Gordias requires 170 ilvl, Midas/Son 200, Creator is 230. There's also the alliance raids, Void Ark and Weeping City of Mhach. Void Ark gives 200 gear iirc, Mhach gives 230. They give tokens to upgrade the lore stuff.

You never have to do anything more than once or twice to get up to date.

You have a bunch of options for improving gear from here on. Best way is just to go around unlocking as much as possible (generally from the major cities, Rising Stones or Idyllshire) and then start with the stuff with the lowerst ilvl requirement and work your way up.

The six main branches of gearing content are:

-The main story
-Side dungeons
-The Alexander raid
-The Mhach raid
-The Diadem
-Palace of the Dead

All of them encompass duties of a wide variety of ilvl requirements.

The allagans fucking exiled the miqo'te scum, not very difficult to understand why.

Just starting playing.

Which job would be best for a beginner player: Summoner or Black Mage? Eventually, I will end up leveling both, but I'm looking for the easier experience at the moment. Any input would be appreciated.

I have seen significantly more bad cats than anyone else.

>Early Alexander
>Join queue for first floor
>Waiting about while tank runs to get a drink of water real quick
>Notice I'm the tallest
>Other tank and I are only non cat
>One links his fucking Furaffinity account
>Others start complimenting
>The emotes start
>Where the fuck is that other tank
>Whisper from Hyur tank, "i cant deal with this good luck"
>He leaves
>I quickly follow

How about you actually post a Roe?

Occasionally you have to pop out of cleric stance to throw out an Adlo or deal with a heal check, but Eos and her buffs can deal with most normal damage, meanwhile the other healers have to stance dance constantly to throw out pissy heals to keep everyone topped off. EoS is like having a permanent 2-300 potency HoT on the whole party.

Keep playing senpai

Black Mage is easiest until the endgame where your shit will get pushed in on any fight you don't know. Summoner is more involved but easier on fights you don't know.

Pretty sure I've met type B Roes

This chart is vague but also pretty spot on.

Both are fine, it's just Summoner is more mobile compared to Black Mage way later on.

>still no a12s kill
Why even bother

I was afraid that I jumped ahead in ilvl with the poetics gear but that's good to know. I don't mind playing the prior content to get a feel for raids.

SCH healing 60 and expert roulettes is really too easy.

The Allagans couldn't handle that tight c@ pucci, their women got butthurt because their men preferred Tia's more than them.

Deal with it.

A Roe can actually be both Type A and B.
Type A when talking to other roes, B when interacting with the other races (Might vary on highlanders).

Do I go back to Roe?
I fantasia'd to Au Ra when it came out because I wanted Bangaa and this is the closest we get
I also play NIN and will continue to do so unless they remove Trick Attack/enmity control

I miss my Roe though
This is all male, by the way


You cannot send/receive tells while in duty.

Nothing really wrong with Typa A Male Miqo'te tbqhwy, sure they like gay stuff but is that it?

I think you mean Lore gear dude, poetics is 120 ilvl stuff.

Yeah, that's a good outlook, and you're SCH, so it's very easy as fuck. Also when you start earning scripture, if you're interested in raiding savage or such, then buy what is in order of whats best for SCH - I mainly tank, so I wouldn't know, sorry. If you're more casual about it you can just get them in whatever order you feel would boost your ilvl the most.

How is Terra


Sorry I just can't feel any empathy .

Hey Sup Forums

I've been playing healer (ast), and I just started getting to extreme content and I'm a bit stressed

I want to DPS during fights, but I don't at all feel comfortable doing it. It seems like everytime I feel like it's a good chance to switch to Cleric stance, someone is getting hit by something. And then I feel like complete shit when I don't have time to switch back and heal them

How do I get over this?

Still looking for an e-wifey on Ultros.
LF irl girl pls and ty.

Do i get capes or cloaks for tanks eventually?
Just reached lv 40 as a pld

That's true. They probably wouldn't be no homo into my female midlander.


oh no i haf been found out

That story, barring the tells, is 100% true. Your race is terrible and you should feel terrible.

who /femroe ninja/ here?

>everything has to be about sex
Or maybe miqo'te were exiled because they're degenerates that bring absolutely nothing valid to the table. No scientific advancements, no high culture, no nothing. Just patriarchal/matriarchal societies, filthy flea-ridden hunters and prostitutes.
The Allagans should have just poached Miqo'te like the filthy animals they are instead of stopping at exiling them.


Berserker's mail and shire have a cape.

Just don't DPS until you know the fight well enough to know when it is and isn't safe to switch.

you'll get more comfortable with it as you do the fights more and as you/your static members get better gear

you also need a static that will actually allow you to DPS and isn't a team of mouthbreathing shitters

AST is typically main heals so you're not going to be DPSing as much as SCH anyways

How do the legs look in that ninja gear?

Is it possible to heal adequately on console / gamepad?

Sick of DPSing but not sure how well healing / party targeting works with a controller.

I do it easy enough with a white mage


I wanna stop playing WHM. What are the fun classes in this game?

d-pad up/down cycles through the party list. It's maybe not as fast as just clicks/mouseovers and hotkeys but it's still plenty manageable.

Only healer I think would struggle with a controller is SCH because of pet management.

You cycle through party members with the up and down arrow buttons to target people. It isn't ideal but it works.

I legit have more trouble targeting enemies with the controller than targeting my party.

I'd say healing is the easiest role to play with a controller

Being able to cycle through the party list with up/down is awesome


L1 + D-pad Up/Down cycles through the aggro list.
L1 + D-pad Left/Right cycles through party members in other alliances.

Targetting enemies would be easy if they provided a party enmity list that you could also scroll through. It sucks as is.

You answered your own question. Every Roe I know that switched to Au Ra during Heavensward release, regretted it instantly.

What do you guys think the ilvl requirement for Zurvan Ex will be?

What ilvl will the weapons be?

OP here. Thanks for that. As for the continuning the story - do you also mean doing the 3.1/2/3/4 stuff as well? Or just finish off 3.0?

I've also checked the reddit casual guide - for the 3.4, but it starts at i200. I'm i148 - do I just follow that guide?

Thanks y'all

that's neat, i love things like that but could never think doing it myself or even watch the whole thing

That was the job i had before WHM!
