Time to settle this
Time to settle this
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Niggers tongue my anus
I really liked undtertale.
>I said GOOD games
Most releases I was excited for turned out to be for 2017, so next year is looking pretty great. BBCF takes it for me this year, spent more time on it than anything else. The content in it is ridiculous.
Was stardew valley this year? if so then stardew valley.
Yeah it was called NEW GAME, GOTY tbqh family
Shadow Tactics
Nothing was good, video games have been cucked.
persona 5
Dark Souls 3 was disappointing IMO but I'd still call it a good game
none this year is shitty and next year will be shittier
I still shill for Exanima.
Dishonored 2
Overwatch for the first month or two
Shadow Tactics
The Banner Saga 2
Zombie Night Terror
FUCK YOU if you disagree with any of these, tbqh fampai
Steins;Gate 0
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
King Of Fighters 14
Best game I played this year
>The easiest mode is hard
Oh boy i bet its packed with souls jokes
goddamn it, I wish my CC wasn't maxed.
pic very related
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
(except for the ending, it was super abrupt)
Uncharted 4
Pretty sad that a 40 dollar remake is the best game of the year.
That game wasn't released in 2016.
Dude Sex: Man Ass Deflowered
Pokemon: the new one
Shin Megami Tensei IV-2
Those were all decent. Those last two were the best. This wasn't a very good year.
>any of this garbage
Video gaming is fucked.
Holy shit, you have awful taste
R&C fan here. Most other fans of the series I've had conversations with regarding this game think it's a low point. Generally the PS2 series is considered the peak.
>Impliying people here are old enough in current neo Sup Forums to remember this.
The PS2 games are better, but the remake is still better than anything released this year.
lol so randum xD
I've been trying to get into this and I can't. I just beat E1M1. Does it get better?
I really enjoyed Ultimate Doom and Doom 2.
Best free game
You obviously never played it. It's really fucking good.
Plus there's something about playing as a tiny thing in real world settings like this, TM Small Brawl, Army Men, etc.
>it's a Sup Forums thinks hating everything means they have good taste episode.
No Man's Sky was actually a masterpiece, it just requires a level of intellect that isn't present 99.999% of gamers. Much like It's A Wonderful Life or Citizen Kane, history will vindicate No Man's Sky and see it for what it really was instead of bashing it for not being a Call of Duty shoot em up for 14 year old neckbears
The remake is better than the first game.
The remake is NOT better than the second, third or Gladiator.
t.R&C fan.
Citizen Kane was at least nominated for awards.
>Not 2016
This. The more normalfag opinions I listen to the more I realized Sup Forums is just a bunch of bitchy contrarians riding the waves of TORtanic
Deadlocked was only great with Co-op.
2 > Crack in Time > Co-Op Deadlock > 1 > Reboot > 3 > Tools > SO Deadlocked
For as bad a year as this was in general, I thought it was a pretty good year for video games. Number for number there were probably more bad games this year than there were last year, but there were certainly more good games by a considerable margin.
I don't pick up many AAA releases to begin with, so having Doom, Overwatch, and Dark Souls 4 drop within the same few months was more exciting than any quarter from the last two years, and both Doom and Hitman(™) turn out great in spite of everything working against them was a really nice surprise. Shadow Warrior 2 came out of nowhere and was just a load of fun to play with my friends.
On the indie side of things, it's been just an exemplary year. Furi was great, Banner Saga 2 was great, Shantae was great, Hyper Light Drifter and Brigador were both phenomenal, overall I'd say this was the first year I've ended genuinely satisfied with the output as a whole since maybe 2012.
If you're going to create your own copypasta at least make it taste good
Let it die
Deus Ex
>Dark Souls 4
derp, 3.
And XCOM 2! I almost forgot about it, since it came out right at the beginning of the year, but I'm still looking forward to playing through it on iron man once I get the time.
What was so bad about this year besides celebrity deaths and the presidential election?
Really getting tired of this OMG 2016 WAS HORRIBLE CAN IT END ALREADY
Not really specifically talking to you but your first sentence triggered it
good fucking shit
Not him, but for me, a bunch of family members died and my cat of 17 years
>presidential election
Here, have a festive (You).
Literally the only good game
>I hate NMS because Reddit told me to
I'm glad I've never been this adverse to other people's opinions. It's how I grow as a person. But you will always be a sad little sack of squandered dreams, releasing your pent up rage at a world you have no purpose in by trolling others on the internet.
I bet you thought Uncharted 4: Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull should have been GOTY
Nah it was trash.
Kirby thread?
>You obviously never played it
Except i fucking did you stupid shill.
[ ] not rekt
[X] rekt
>he likes something I don't
Check your autism at the door.
It's time to stop.
I don't own a console or care about male tomb raider, keep trying
This. so much this
I'm glad trump won, I'm just presenting the only two reasons why people keep claiming 2016 as the shittiest year ever
>tfw the only thing I enjoyed this game was rocket league, a re-release
I feel like a bitter old man.
I'm glad you had a good year. I hope we both do now, or I'll be at risk of actually finishing my backlog.
>Male Tomb Raider
Are you literally retarded? Please delete your internet
How is rocket league a rerelease? Just because the devs made a similar game before it?
Pony Island
Despite what you may think on first impressions It is literally, Anonymous versus Satan the game.
God tier low price purchase I tell you.
Mah nigga
Wasn't the playstation release 2015? I might be wrong, I am fucking pissed. Still, one game is not much. Makes me wonder if it was a bad year or if I'm just a bitter fuck who can't enjoy games.
None. It was all shit, like it has been every year since vidya died in 2007. It really saddens me to see neo-Sup Forums praising all kinds of shit as good games in this thread, if you had any knowledge about how good vidya was in the past you wouldn't list a single game released this year as good.
how does this compare to GRID and GRID 2?
rocket league released on all systems at the same last year in July
>An user died before he could experience NEVER EVER becoming a reality
Well it's open world but it's basically takes the best of most racing and rally games out there.
So it is better than GRID 1 and 2. Handlings are arcadey but physics based.
>tfw he is probably in better place
I think the remake is worse than the first game but better than the second
persona 5
>Fighting game
Diablo 2 1.14d patch...
I dont know man, I'm just streching it at this moment, all games were "meh" this year, and the only one that I still find fun is D2.
A 16 years old fucking game is far more fun than most games I've played lately.
>Let it Die
>Dark Souls 3
>Rabi Ribi
>Mother Russia Bleeds
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Dishonored 2
I'm sure I'm missing a few
Let it grind was shit
I felt this at the start too and it's my GOTY now. Early on when all you've got are the pistol and shotgun it feels lacking, but as you start picking up more weapons and your combat options start opening up more, the game gets really fucking fun.
For being the first genuinely fun singleplayer experience I've had in god only knows how long
Because I'm partially brain-dead and sometimes I just need to play a game meant for small children.
>Pkmn: Sun/Moon
For literally no other reason than the fact that they removed HM's this generation. (also see above)
>The Battlefield 1 open Beta
For saving me from pissing away $60 on the full release of the game
>Evolve 2.0 f2p open Beta
Because it was a novelty to be part of a game dying for the second time.
And lastly, because it was fun enough with friends, I will retroactively add Necropolis to this list when/if it's ever patched with enough content to justify the full $30 price tag.
Regardless, 2016 wasn't exactly a spectacular year in any regard, let alone vidya. Here's hoping next year isn't as miserable.
Project Diva Future Tone.