If you're interested in buying a console, is there ANY reason you would choose Xbox over PS4?
Serious question.
If you're interested in buying a console, is there ANY reason you would choose Xbox over PS4?
Serious question.
My friends had Xbox
If you are american
You can cry windows 10 all you want but the versions of those games are all unoptimized garbage with dead multiplayer
basically same library
better online
better controller
dudebro detected
PS4 has better exclusives than Xbone though.
If you also want a 4K Bluray player, I guess.
And PS4 Exclusives dont run on PC at all
Skyrim mods. PS4 has them too, but they're severely gimped.
Hes right though. Also has backwards compatibility unlike sony where they make you pay to rent out old games
like what? inb4 weeb borderline h-games
>not keeping your PS3
Jesus Christ.
>where they make you pay to rent out old games
oy vey it's okay when Sony does it though!
That's subjective
Believe it or not but some people like RTS and Third Person Multiplayer Shooters more than Cinematic Experiences
Better online. I'm an idort and PSN fucking sucks compared to XBL, plus all my are Xdrones because we all used to play on the 360 so I just like XBL more.
>having an offensive name on XBL gets you a free name change and a warning up to 3 times, on PSN it gets you permabanned with no second chances given on the first offense.
Fucking this.
>bought a PS4 and have been regretting it since
>Not trading up your old consoles for a reduced price on the new ones.
Its like you like wasting money
Oh shit my bad
Depends on what games and controller you like better.
I prefer the ps4 and I think the controller is way better than anything microsoft can make.
They're fine if you've got console standards. Otherwise they're pretty shit compared to what is usually expected from PC games, yeah.
There's NO reason to get the HEXBOX, it's a pure SCAM.
Microsoft has made better controllers since before it even started making consoles
>basically same library
It does have advantages
>XBL is far more reliable than PSN
>Controller is more comfortable
>Game cases look better on the shelf
>The One S has a 4K Blu-Ray player
>The "exclusives" may be on PC but they're only on the Windows Store with multiplayer locked into that so you can't find anybody and they require Windows 10 so they might as well just be exclusive
I pay for PSN, XBL, and game on PC. I don't see a major difference between PSN and Xbox Live.
Naw bro all the dude bros went to PS4.
>those games are all unoptimized garbage
Is that what you tell yourself to justify wasting your money on an xbone?
You can like what you want but the elite controller is objectively the best video game controller.
I'd still get a PS4 because I don't care about anything except for Bloodborne and The Last Guardian.
I was given an XB1 as a gift a few years back, and it has served its purpose well.
>Sunset Overdrive was interesting enough.
>Gears of War and Halo multiplayer are a staple for when mates come over.
>Dead Rising games are fun, if you're into that sort of thing (I am). Same as State of Decay.
>Crackdown is always good
I am definitely getting a PS4 once Spider-man comes out. My girlfriend wants one for the Crash Bandicoot remasters.
Not really, in North America PS4 and Xbone are basically tied so there's still a major dudebro population on Xbox.
t. xbox one owners that has to look at the top selling games of CoD, Madden, and Fifa every time I open the store
If it had better exclusives, or just ones I'm more interested in I would probably pick it. Exclusives are pretty much the only reason for me to but a console, since if it weren't for them I could just build a monster PC that is superior to consoles in every way.
You really can't argue the controller point. You can try, but you'd be objectively wrong
>you like Halo
the new CoD did halo better than halo
>you like TV
xbone is for you!
They're very similar imo, PS4 has extra functions and buttons so games aren't as limited, Xbone is better in the sticks / core buttons. Rumble triggers are a gimmick.
I use the Xbone controller more because of PC
I played FH3 on Xbone and tried the demo on my PC and was pleasantly surprised to see it was able to do 2560x1440 on max settings at 60fps.
All your Xbox games will work on future consoles.
>you like TV
>xbone is for you!
That shit doesn't work outside USA.
Dualshock left stick position has always been a glaring weakness of the consoles. It was fine 20 years ago when games were still mostly 2D, but now it makes things uncomfortable
Whats it going to be like when you have your PS3,4, and 5 hooked up to the same tv?
>not playing it with hdr on
external harddrive support for up to 4 TB of storage.
This generation is weird. Their is barely any reason to own any of the consoles because everything is already on everything else.
I have a PC to play indie pixel shit that isn't on consoles and what little is left of strategy games
I have an Xbox for Gears, Halo, Forza, and superior shooter controller and not dead online FPS games
I have a PS4 for PSVR, Weebshit, Pixelshit that for some reason isn't on PC, and playing Planetside 2 on stable patches. I also have the Pro for multiplats that I don't want to run on my PC.
Xbox also has the best UI, Store, app support, and the best controller.
I keep forgetting the PS4 somehow doesn't have that; even the 360 and Wii U had it.
if you love playing fps online multiplayer games that are on both consoles Xbox is better since Live is generally better than PSN, is more stable.
Also, if your friends game on the Xbox, then play with them there, thats basically what I do, I play multiplayer games with friends on the Xbox and play single player games on my PS4.
>Believe it or not but some people like cinematic experiences and halo, halo, halo more than Cinematic Experiences
fixed for you user.
If Uncharted 4 is movie garbage then by pure definition so is gears of war.
It's because people are tired of the #4the player and #greatnessawaits memes that's why it's tied. You act like dude bros were hyped at the launch of the XB1.
Sony being dicks. I'm already running out of space on the 2TB.
going to have to get another PS4. maybe thats their scam. had to do that with PS3 also.
>the new CoD did halo better than halo
Someone who didnt play halo
Less noise better controller better free games crossbuy on some games backwards compatibility and a lot and more coming generally cheaper to buy with good bundles solid online service
forgot to add that, Xbox is also a bit friendlier with HDD, basically I love the idea that with the xbox I can just hook up external HDD and install my games there, so technically speaking I can just switch drives if I ever fill them without any issues, whereas with the PS4 you have to change the internal drive to a bigger one and once that one is full, though luck.
Fuck off Nygger, a game is a cinematic experience automatically if it's exclusive to Playstation.
Okay Xbox Microsoft shills, aside from the fact that the Xbox One controller comes with a hidden $50 yearly price tag through batteries I want some answers.
Why is Microsoft paying you to shill here? What is their end game I would really like to know.
I mean when you're not desperately trying to keep the Trashbox One Exclusive Left relevant by attaching it to the PS4 you do realize you're getting paid to post on one of the most degenerate cesspools of the internet and trying to convince literal neckbeards who like Japanese games to not like Japanese games?
How do you not come to the realization that what you're doing is utterly pointless and Japanese games are the only games good enough to offer people like us the escapism we want while still being better than 90% of western shit because it actually offers gameplay that can engage someone who was smart enough to have avoided your zero exclusives TV focused media TrashBox in the first place?
Do you honestly think you'll change our taste in games so much so that we'll unrionically consider playing garbage like Halo and Gears by sheer repetition of shilling and attempted brainwashing?
If your sole purpose to simply annoy people then you've succeeded in creating annoyance on the most pointless and meaningless level anybody could have ever imagined. Now fuck off and die with the Trashbox one.
t. Sony shill
Cool story bro
>in North America PS4 and Xbone are basically tied
[citation needed]
>sonycuck thinks he's fooling anyone with his concern posting
Yeah, I don't really care about the stick position personally. I'm fine with both controllers and maybe prefer Xbone slightly but neither one is bad.
>It's because people are tired of the #4the player and #greatnessawaits memes that's why it's tied. You act like dude bros were hyped at the launch of the XB1.
They were, day 1 the Xbone was competitive with the PS4 in North America.
Other than Gears all other games have cross platform.
yeah just wait for scorpio to put an end to sony.
No. If I had to get one, it would be a PS4 because I don't mind being a weeb.
i had a look at all 30 exclusives the xbone has on wikipedia
and when you take away kinect, indie, and Japanese games you're actually left with just 5
which are
Halo MCC
Halo 5
Rare Replay
Sunset Overdrive
and Forza 5
and since Halo MCC and Rare replay are ports/remasters, and Forza 5 is outdated now that pretty much leaves 2 new ip
and they're both fucking shit
>They were, day 1 the Xbone was competitive with the PS4 in North America.
Haha no
>When you take away most of the exclusives you're left with not many games
Gee I wonder why dude
this. i'm always playing with my friends on xbox. it's the only reason i bought it. nobody gives a shit about exclusives.
And when you do the same sorting with PS4's 110 exclusives you're left with about 29-30, my sorting system sorta fell apart with this one and i may have left out some good ones when i was counting but hopefully you get the idea.
point is i would rather be playing Blooborne and Ratchet & Clank, over Halo 5
>he had to buy a second ps3
>not just changing the hard drive to something larger
are you retarded user?
Cross compatability
Better media support
Windows Ecosystem
If you care about Halo & Forza, don't care for PS4 exclusives, prefer the xbox controller and all your friends play on the Xbone for whatever reason. Also
>multiplayer locked into that so you can't find anybody and they require Windows 10 so they might as well just be exclusive
>the versions of those games are all unoptimized garbage with dead multiplayer
This isn't an argument when they run even worse on the Xbone and have cross multiplayer