What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

He didn't mean it as saying DKC is a bad game. He was closely into the production of the game and liked it a lot.

Check your facts beyond chips'n'fish

Replace mediocre with shit and art with story and it describes the majority of western 'gamers' today.

This meme used to be "as long as the graphics are good".



>western games
>good stories


Is Miyamoto the George Lucas of vidya?

Shit Miyamoto never said is Sup Forums's new meme?
Why the constant character assassination threads?

No that's Kojima.

That he was jealous of the success of DKC because he didn't make it.

>Well known statement for years
>A mildly successful youtuber makes a video on it
>people think he never said it

Seriously anyone who didnt know he said this is underage

For whatever reason, certain people here have convinced themselves that getting rid of Miyamoto is going to stop Nintendo from attempting to cater to the "unwashed masses" instead of focusing on its aging core audience.

It ain't happening. That ship has sailed.

people forget the high standards not just japanses but everyone had when it came to gameplay.

but wheres this miyamoto now? I'd love if someone like him would just shit on the modern DK games, cause they are not even close to as good as the Snes games are.

>there's no evidence to support it
>goes on to assert like 30 things in a row

This is an old meme spread around by EGM journalists who really fucking hated DKC for some reason.

The oldest source of the quote is some "History of Video Games" book written by Steven Kent who cites an interview from an issue of a magazine that doesn't exist he claims he had with both Miyamoto and Tim stamper in the same room (keep in mind these people live on opposite sides of the Earth and the Stampers infamously never ever gave interviews until after they left Rare) in which Miyamoto bashes a game he had plenty of input on and his own employer was selling and all Americans (despite DKC being a game made by brits) which Miyamoto now claims he never said in interviews people actually can find the source of.

Steven Kent made it up to spice up his stupid book, that's it.

>i have no proof. my ideas are mostly baseless.

I highly doubt Miyamoto "hates" Splatoon. He's probably not super happy about it though, either. The Paper Mario: Color Splash/Star Fox: Zero double whammy has cemented him as one of Nintendo's currently worst creative forces, which is shocking because he used to be bar none the best. I hate to use the "lost their touch" meme, but Miyamoto's work really HAS gone to garbage the last few years. He should probably step down before he releases another turd and brings down his image even further.

He wasn't even involved in Color Splash. And the state of Paper Mario seems to be devs going full retard whenever he makes a simple comment

>"Only use Mario universe characters"

>tries demo for Dong Returns. "Heh, it looks like DK is blowing when he turns around real fast and kicks up dust"

paper mario is over rated anyway. The obsession over the assortments of tumblr like characters is just autistic. I'm glad miyamoto specified just mario universe characters then they can just focus on gameplay instead of fanfic. Either way the general consensus is that they suck so i guess it didn't work out regardless.

He got blown the fuck out with Donkey Kong Land then

No, Lucas put out 4 good products before shitting out awful prequels. Kojima couldn't manage getting that far

That DKC's western popularity was largely due to its graphical innovations which shows that western audience care more about graphics than gameplay
He's since clarified that he didn't dislike DKC and he did work on the game himself in a supervisor role, just that the popularity of the graphics overshadowed the less than innovative gameplay

How are the Mario games any less mediocre?

dkc is shit

SNES Yoshi's Island has held up more poorly than DKC1. People who decry its sequels/reboots have a blind spot for how faithful they are to the original game's level design

Fuck off Larry.

>art with story
art with realistic graphics*

yeah I see people shitting on DS and I remember it just being more of the same, only slightly worse

That it's less guru Larry fact hunt and more fat cunt.

Oh, fuck off you weeb retard. You spend your whole life bragging about how your obscure weeb games are superior yet you judge western games using only the most mainstream and generic examples.

here you go buddy, let it all out. lmao

>Amiibos are proof that nintendofans will gladly throw money at everything you shit out
Is he right Sup Forums?

That's not even the best shit flinging quote Nintendo ever tossed out. From 1994:

>The most recent flap arose after a critical report in the Washington Post said both companies had tried to lay the blame for video-game violence on the other by feeding videotapes with controversial scenes from their competitors' games to Congress and the media.

>Sega responded to the article, saying it was "amazed" that Nintendo "would so irresponsibly drag retailers and the entire video game . . . industry through the mud in their efforts to slow our momentum."

>Nintendo's new chairman, Howard Lincoln, in a news release, retorted with a "personal message" to Sega President Tom Kalinskie: "Dear Tom, Roses are red, violets are blue, so you had a bad day, boo hoo hoo hoo. All my best, Howard."

But TPM and ROTS werent bad.

I want reddit letter media plebes to go

>He ruined starfox

Stopped reading your fanfic right there.

The absolute madman

Absolutely savage.

You would never see Reggie do something that wasnt advertise the latest mnediocre shitpile the fans didnt want and pretend it was what they wanted.

subliminal diss

>Miyamoto spent years making Pikmin 3 and no one gave a shit
>Splatoon team makes one of the best new franchises ever in 18 months

Shiggy Status: BTFO