humanity v2.17 patch will soon be released
Any feedback or input before release?
Humanity v2.17 patch will soon be released
Yeah, why the fuck does Australia/New Zealand get the patch before everyone else?
Please include more good minigames
player from the Europe server here
it's fucking shit, don't bother
Let me reroll my fucking character already. Why is this the only game where Charisma is a good stat?
The pedophile class is griefing too much pls remove or nerf their wealth stat so police stand a chance in PvP.
for fucks sake, add a fucking fast travel system
>hurr durr muh 8 hour flight realism
it takes too fucking long to get around to places I've already been too, get on with it already
Why haven't you fixed this shit yet? It's annoying to see
Add more PvP zones besides the Middle East and Berlin please.
keep your shitty griefing zones to the holes they belong in please
Improve the A.I of 70-90% of the NPCs.
Also, when will you guys add more stuff to space and make it easier to reach space in general? I ain't got over $700 000 just to get a one way ticket there
Why was Hell&Heaven content cut? It sounded neat, but I started playing too late.
Fuck 2.17
>still no option to have a magic dick that grabs women by the butt
fuck God. He promised this in the latest patch note and now he says its coming in 2.18. Hope to fuck he's right.
This one is the worst
Obvious easily fixed LOD issue and it's been around just as long as paved freeways have IIRC
Fucking casuals picked trump as GM instead of Hilary now we're never gonna get our new Russian PvP zone.
>Finish the 12 year long tutorial
>You have to pay THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS if you want extra years of tutorial mode
This is stupid, why is this a thing? Some people don't have the money for it and now we have a bunch of people who are shit at the game because they didn't bother with the extra years.
just choose a practical class to start off with. Nursing just has so many job paths and I'm honestly not sure which one to choose at the moment.
>playing support
what are you gay?
i'm too scared to choose anything else desu
nursing is the most stable class I can think of. everyone needs a support, and it seems that a lot of other classes are getting nerfed into oblivion. Plus, it doesn't take as much time and energy to grind for the prereqs.
guys what are some good money making methods? and don't tell me thieving I already fucking tried that
Tried making a pro-gamer build this time, but all he does is shitpost on Sup Forums and jack it to anime porn.
when the fuck are you re-adding the magic branch
theres only so much we can do by checking dubs and praising a god that was patched out in fucking pre-alpha
Join a military guild. Just avoid the PvP centered ones in the middle east.
Jesus please ban me from life.
Unlike other mmos, support class in this game is fucking populated since 5 years ago. Enjoy yearlong queues for job progression
Less of a rollercoaster ride than patch 2016 please. Some of us just want to levelup in peace
if you're near a coast you can grind soda cans till you have enough for a fishing rod, once you level your fishing skill up you can pull in around $40 worth of fish every day, you can sell them at a farmers market
>nerf chad
Lol fucking git gud
>Can't open the game again
Man, fuck this. I was told my whole life that I get to come back as another animal or some shit after dying.
That's what you get for not pooing in loo!
STEM is already OP though.
When will you finally put in a "die in your sleep" option you lazy fucks
this "lmao you only get one character your choices really matter!!" gimmick was a mistake
when the fuck are they buffing mcdonalds??? they set it up as good early game cash but it gives fucking nothing
nerf sleep/fatigue system
8 hours of daily rest? are you for fucking real?
that's almost half a whole fucking day you fucking faggot, even more if rng forces you down some shitty physical labor-heavy job
Waste of fucking time I swear, if you wanted to showcase dream stage you could easily have put it on a switch or something for those who actually care or want some actual control over the sleep mechanics instead of shoving that shitty fucking system down the player's throat
ur game a shit
where's the unsubscribe button
>tfw just became a Bull class
>Tfw bugged anxiety debuff that won't go away
We're just beta testing, think of us like PS4 owners.
>no way to remove the cancer debuff
who designed this shit?
>accidentally TK
>lifetime ban
this is fucking bullshit
We're going to get sweet new raids in the Europe and Middle East zone aswell as a new low level area at the south of the US area
>It gets better later on
>It takes some time to get going
>fall for it
>Later on it gets only worse
>Too late to get a refund
>Keep playing just to not waste your money anymore
Fuck this game, I want A FUCKING REFUND
bermudas patch when
Look up the CRISPR mod. It looks pretty promising.
When are the requirements for getting a good job getting nerfed? There's been a retarded powercreep in that area. Players from patches 19.7 and before had it stupidly easy. Now, we have retarded shit like needing a PhD to be anything more than a useless fuck. I can barely farm money like this. Fix this crap already.
Hey guys, I know a cheat code to finish the game faster.
Aim this at your head, pull the trigger and you'll go to the end of the game immediately.
Works on my machine
>they still haven't patched the prison escape bug
at this point they might as well say it's intentional
>Israel/Palestine storyline STILL ongoing
stop dragging this shit out you faggots, it's boring now. Give it an ending.
>start playing
>eventually play co-op most of the time
>random event and co-op partner gets a game over
>they can't restart and join back up with me
this shit is retarded please fix
>still no option to reroll your character
Why did I choose the manlet and small penis traits
I thought agility was going to be beneficial in the long run
I'm sure it exists as a way to reward the clever and skilled players. I think it's fine as long as they aren't stupid enough to do more crimes afterwards
I know your feeling user. Just message them a PM and they'll tell you a cheatcode to get to heaven. Worked for me. Though it's really hot in here.
>Get companion after saving up enough money
>dissapears from inventory the next time i log in
Fix this shit
if the origin of a kill is the same player, the score takes a hit, some have tested it, either by accidental or indirect.You can, however, use suicide as an artistic mean to get fat score increases, like that nirvana guy or the jihad
On the bright side, we can form a dwarf-only guild
Don't forget the bonus to STR gain
>Implying the STR gain bonus isn't a myth
>Dump cha and luck as secondary stat.
There's nothing that gets me angrier than thsoe fuckfaces doing jackshit and smoothtalking their way out
Can they finally make it fucking easier to cancel your account already!? I'm getting sick of this bullshit
>manlet STR bonus
manlet racial gives a circumstantial cha buff with kids, its a fucking worthless trait and a ripoff
Unless you're rolling a pedophile, then its completely worth it, but you could do the same at a lower risk by farming through the early stages and starting a loli prostitution business in china or some other shithole
bring back dinosaurs fag
Thats what you get for not making a meme gimmick build.
I made a pure luck build and its great just being able to do whatever I want because I just get high luck rolls and the shit I want gets handed to me for little effort
>loli prostitution business
sounds nice, how much gold do you make an hour?
What happened to the aliens update?
It wasnt cut it got phased out with the fall of rome expansion. People expected tehcnomancy to become the big thing but the devs are lazy as fuck dude.
fuck that they were way too op. that's why they fucking removed them in early alpha
>This bug report has been labeled: WONTFIX.
>Reason: Working as intended.
You only need to grind out a few levels of general programming and algorithms followed by low level systems programming, some points in industrial design, and some points in dexterity to make sure the build is successful.
You can easily grind that shit out casually over a few seasons.
you guys weren't kidding when you said blacks were underpowered. fucking wish I could reroll.
>borders got nerfed
You're not running it right. Start investing in
Gibs me dat
Yo people owe my people
Why is the story so shit? I've never heard of anyone saying that the story is good.
>expecting story in a player driven world
That's(hopefully) getting patched in this update.
>picked black and is complaining it's too hard
>not going nigerian dirt farmer
>being this casual
I'll see you guys later after I finish reaching level 100 African Warlord.
>spend the first 17 levels grinding for basic skills before you get to the real game
Defend this RLfags
>still believing people will fall for the alt+F4 joke
they said that a few updates ago. I wouldn't get your hopes up
nerf nuke power, please
i don't want to die
The experience is different for everyone!
The character creator has been broken since release. will it ever get fixed?
How long do I have to grind to get to level 26?
Is there a faster way? I mean, I basically exhausted the random pig enemies and I am not high enough to go after gators.
>Finish the university quest
>Find a job quest appears
>Get the "student debt" debuff
>obtained the "diploma" item but can't find where to go next
Help me anons how do I continue the quest
>expecting a good story in a multiplayer game
Fucking retard
When can we expect the new Mars raid event?
it's randomized, good luck user
forfeit the quest and just play the minigames in your base
>level 100
>implying you could even move without a cane thanks to diminishing returns and stat penalties from playing too much
you'd think they'd want to reward customer loyalty
Pic related was the best expansion pack
The minigames have all been shit for a while anyway
I'm here to warn you that some people are going full pannenkeok2012 on your game with that em drive.
Who else here completed the incest questline.
I wish they would buff the rewards, its a hard as fuck nonrepeatable questline and the rewards are mediocre to bad depending on your luck.
and you can't even brag that you successfully completed it because nearly everyone else on the server hates it because the rewards are so shit
Can we talk about how fundamentally flawed the luck system is in this game? Some fucker drops out of the tutorial zone and somehow manages to make shit.oads of money, meanwhile I'm stuck in the advanced tutorial and I feel like it's going to give me a harder time getting started than if I had started after basic
It all went downhill when the Chineese expansion pack came around.
Australia was a nice one and gave unique (But frustrating) characters, but every other one past the Industrial expansion is shit.
You think you want this but you don't