humanity v2.17 patch will soon be released
Any feedback or input before release?
Humanity v2.17 patch will soon be released
Yeah, why the fuck does Australia/New Zealand get the patch before everyone else?
Please include more good minigames
player from the Europe server here
it's fucking shit, don't bother
Let me reroll my fucking character already. Why is this the only game where Charisma is a good stat?
The pedophile class is griefing too much pls remove or nerf their wealth stat so police stand a chance in PvP.
for fucks sake, add a fucking fast travel system
>hurr durr muh 8 hour flight realism
it takes too fucking long to get around to places I've already been too, get on with it already
Why haven't you fixed this shit yet? It's annoying to see
Add more PvP zones besides the Middle East and Berlin please.
keep your shitty griefing zones to the holes they belong in please