Duke Nukem Forever sucked

Duke Nukem Forever sucked.
Last Guardian sucked.
Half Life 2: Episode 3 probably isn't even in development.

Are there any games with ridiculous development cycles that have actually turned out GOOD?

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you can add FF XV to that list

Worse than XIII? XIII was originally a PS2 game.

been living under a rock, how did the last guardian end sucking?


Bad AI, bad camera, bad controls.

>Last Guardian sucked.
It's another Ueda game, what did you expect.

it's a mixed bag really

some love it, some hate it. it's mostly due to the AI of your dog bird pet

Long development cycles are bad because they always lead to overblown expectations.
Last Guardian was originally supposed to be like, early PS3, and it's pretty much exactly what I expected from a Team Ico game.

But people expect a game in development for ten years to print money, suck your dick, and convert your console into a 3D printer to make a cyborg version of your waifu to marry you.

People probably went into FF15 expecting it to be a 300 hour game with the deepest action combat system to date, control over each party member with unique playstyles, and an intricately crafted world with unique areas and creatures and cool car stuff.

Unfortunately bloated dev times seem to be a symptom of troubles with the development, not an excess of time, budget, and love.

I wouldn't know, because the last FF I played before XV was X.
The whole concept of a Final Fantasy game is lost I supposed. But the generic way XV is with MMO side quests e complete disregard to story telling is way beyond what I would expect of a Final Fantasy game.
That being said, I still beat it and 100%, but it was really disappointing still.

>Are there any games with ridiculous development cycles that have actually turned out GOOD?

i don't think it's possible.
seems like when a game takes forever to be released, half of those anticipating it will lose interest completely. those that still burn a torch for the game are ultimately underwhelmed by the gameplay, quality, or presentation in general thanks to over-hype and subverted expectation. and that usually stands to reason when one considers just why the game took so long to come out.

when it stays in "it's happening" status for too long and still hasn't happened, it's better if it never happens.

>Are there any games with ridiculous development cycles that have actually turned out GOOD?
Dragon Quest 7.

Last guardian was fine though. It actually managed to release with its original vision intact.


This was started in 2004 and will be the best game of 2017

I don't see how anyone who's played Ico and knew what to expect could be disappointed with The Last Guardian. It's a Team Ico game.

>Are there any games with ridiculous development cycles that have actually turned out GOOD?
Mother 3

Last Guardian was good though

was it really though? if you went back would you still pay 60 dollars?



Because people never played any of the other Team Ico games and so complain about technical shit that was present in those as well.

Came here to post this.

>Are there any games with ridiculous development cycles that have actually turned out GOOD?

Mother 3 is one.

Resident Evil 4 is another if you count the original build turning into devil may cry as a ridiculous cycle.

And Team Fortress 2 took like 7 or 8 years.

STALKER, Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 2 all had pretty crazy development cycles.

did they fix the camera and controls yet? ill probably wait till it drops to 40 dollars. which will probably be soon.

People only heard word of mouth about Team Ico games and never played one before.

I actually just finished the last guardian. I loved it but I would never recommend it to any of my friends.
Everyone has at least one game like that though.

people who didn't play or like ico are shocked to find game is like ico

He said that turned out good.


Doom had a rocky development history? I'm the OP and it was one of my top 2016 games. Absolutely loved it.

After this long its totally reasonable for people to expect a game better than ico, especially if those people played shadow of the colossus Last guardian is still better than Ico though, imhotbh.

>game in development for 7 years
>they need to patch elements that everyone complained about immediately after release

Fucking really? 7 years and they didn't figure out some stuff just needed fixed before release?

It didn't imo.

There were just a lot of frustrating moments.

Watch these youtu.be/PS6SBnccxMA

I liked it myself, but I can see what you mean.

>trying to get Trico to dive into the water
Took me about half an hour of tapping the same buttons

Does anyone know if trico can actually die if you don't pull out the spears or take too long platforming some areas? I never experienced it, I fell in love with the dog and never wanted to see it die so I didn't wait long enough to find out

>a ps4 game, that looks like a ps3 game, that plays like a ps2 game.
this is when i dropped TLG.

and it runs like a ps4 game

and the controls are from a ps1 game

are you saying the playstation 4 doesn't run well?

DNF wasn't that bad, actually. It disappointed, but mostly for the people who were expecting that they'd worked on it for 12 years.

Are there any reviews that aren't made by a lispy Dobson? I couldn't sit through 40 seconds of that shit.


>yfw the only way HL3 is made if Sony pays Valve to create PS4/PC game

It's called development hell for a reason.

So prepare for Beyond Good and Evil 2 traumatising you from sheer disappointment

it's fucking hard to be worse than Ico

inb4 Ico apologists

Last Guardian was GOTY
FFXV was great

>Last Guardian sucked.

You didn't even play it, did you?

DNF isn't terrible. I honestly don't know what people were expecting from it.

Can't wait for the butthurt from KH3.

Zero Punctuation sums it up pretty well:

>tfw TLG is my GOTY and in my top 10 GOAT
I'm so saddened that others experienced so much difficulty with Trico, my experience was almost perfect


Watching it on YouTube is a better experience then actually playing it. As an actual game, it sucks.

Tf2 was 9 years, according to Gabe.

>Last Guardian sucked.

I got frustrated so much during this game, I couldn't imagine the frustration WATCHING someone do those things. Plus it seems like just watching someone interact with the animal would inherently make you feel less connected with it.

hi jim sterling