Vidya moments that make you feel.
Vidya moments that make you feel
felt worse than fucking aeris dying and it happens at the very fucking end of the game
dat music too, shit.
fucking aeris dying is shit tier compared to it
I really can't relate to this at all, sorry.
>i'm so tired, selan... let me sleep at your side
No, I'm sorry for you.
Darbi sucks large
>Lufia 2 had Capsule Monsters
>creatures you raise, evolve into stronger forms, and are stored in capsules
>an entire year before Pokemon even came out
How the fuck did they do it
Aeris' death wasn't even sad, or well executed. It's baby's first death scene, fitting for baby's first jrpg.
>first game spoils the ending of second game right at the beginning
I didn't feel like finishing Lufia 2
What killed me about this years later was that it's in the intro to Lufia 1. Even then I remember finishing 2 as a kid and being bummed out for weeks.
Meh. Lufia 2 taught me Selan's kind of a cunt.
>Introduces weirdest dressed faggot in the game
>Immediately portrays him as the biggest badass
>kills him off immediately
>Also kills off one of the most important characters in the plot but doesn't give you a body so you keep expecting him to come back
I felt like a bitch at the idea that somehow a bunch of monsters were somehow able to fucking stop that motherfucker.
You know it's going to happen
But you do it anyway.
You're missing one hell of a game. The journey is the reward.
Yeah, it hits like a truck
Why the FUCK would this vidya relationship make you feel anything??
Never before in my life have I ever seen a "relationship" that was shoehorned and forced in harder than that one. Those two never should have been together. The MC had a really nice girl he knew for a long time who wanted to be with him, but he decides that he's fallen in love with some retarded chick he just met??
Give me a fucking break. Worst video game romance EVER. You should be embarrassed for saying this even made you feel anything
>back to Candlekeep
>everyone are fucking doppelgangers
when it happen, she died to me, ok. only cloud seemed sad, no one else and his interaction with her was nearly falling on top of her and taking her 50 ft back to her house.
shit, besides that, you had the near same amount of time with her as everyone else did!
and even then, i almost NEVER used her and later found out that she had her lvl 4 limit break in the maybe whole of disc one, something that NO ONE was gonna get unless they knew and broke the game to get with abusing enemy skill materia and enemy encounters. then on top of THAT, its super fucking useless, yeah, it makes you invincible, but that early in the game and the time you have left with her, its fucking not worth your time getting!
i do hope the remake lets you get her back, just so i can use that shit at end game at the VERY LEAST.
t. Tia
Your waifu a shit
Ha ha ha, so funny, but really that fucking shit triggered the fuck out of me and I stopped playing.
Dude just meets this fucking women and decide he's in love with her, and they have a kid? Please. That game wasted my time.
I don't even like the girl from the starting village either. Selan's a cunt. Artea too.
oh yeah
fucking gustave had fucking steel equips, he would be fine. johan was dying from that assassins guild poison shit anyway, so he was a goner.
also, fucking Wil, fighting Space Egg in space with your grandaughter and other people i could care less about. did we find out who that fake gustave was? i really want to play SF2 now, fuck!
>you are missing one hell of a game
It was alright, but I was burned out by the time the last hero joined the party (I think I was heading into some mountain with dragons far into the game), might try and finish it some day.
ya know
its the EXACT SAME SHIT as FF7, but has a better death scene and came out 1 year earlier.
Fake Gustave was just random ass dude acting as the Egg's host, and the egg had accrued enough power to physically alter his body by that point.
Also the fucking novel has Wil marrying the fucking OTHER Wil's sister after his ass gets megalith beasted, cordy is just a note in the wind.
And the scorpion guild is somehow responsible for causing the monster hoard descending upon Gustave, not the egg.
No, it's not like FFVII.
It would be like FFVII if there was a timeskip during which time Cloud and Aeris had a baby and Tifa disappeared off the face of the earth entirely.
It's not like FFVII at all.
>The MC had a really nice girl he knew for a long time who wanted to be with him
That's what makes it genius. The game baits you into thinking Tia is the love interest, but Maxim actually never loved her.
Many many other deaths in video games are more impacting than Aeris.
What, your parents never said that to you OP?
It's not genius. It's fucking stupid. He JUST MET THIS WOMAN. I'm supposed to believe that they're in love?
It's romance for fucking idiots is what it is.
you know what i mean tho
He deserved a better ending
Never liked Mother 3. It was too in your face with the emotional stuff
M-my popcorn...
You've never been in love, user. That's how it happens.
Or you're a woman. I wonder which is worse.
>That's how it happens
No it's not, you fucking retard.
>20 years old game
Wow get a load of this retard who thinks his dick getting hard means he's in love
Saria really cares about you, and you leave without even saying goodbye. She sacrifices her life later to become a sage, so that's the last time you see her alive.
>She sacrifices her life later to become a sage
>last time alive
Tia plz leave
I never felt that bad about Aeris dying, i was never able to understand the emotional connection there.
Maybe it's because I was spoiled, but there have been many other scenes in jrpgs that made me feel.
The one that really fucked me up was that scene in Xenogears where it shows Fei failing to protect Elly multiple times over their reincarnations.
It really made me feel like I wanted to give them their happy ending.
>tfw your party cared enough to try using healing items on you unlike SOME video game characters
>Even then I remember finishing 2 as a kid and being bummed out for weeks.
Because you actually journeyed with them, had experiences with them, Maxim and Selan married, even had a son, and yet you saw tthe two of them die and there was nothing you could do to prevent it. Hell, you even lead Maxim to his death as he puts all of his life into the dual blade. Even as they die, they still love each other and just want to see their son again.
To the player: In Lufia 1, Maxim and crew are just some great heroic icons. In Lufia 2, they are people you turn into little hoochees- I mean, those heroic icons.
I remember being kinda annoyed that Maxim cucks the shit out of Tia, who is cuter and wa with him all along.
Should've left that bitch Selena at home and picked up Dekar.
Dekar was a real nigga and stronger than everyone in your party. He should've been the protagonist. Your god-slaying party is like "oh god, all these monsters are blocking our way! We're fucked!"
And then the motherfuckin Dekar shows up and is like, "These things are fucking babies!" and just destroys the shit out of them.
You should've traded places with him and gave him the Twin Blade. He could've just jumped out of their fuckin palace and lived.
A shocking scene in that was Hammer gunning down Elly's mother.
Seeing Hammer just pull a gun out of nowhere and see he was a traitor was fucked but him sorta showing regret and almost giving up before he just guns down Elly's mom was more shock.
Then later on he shows up and is literally a monster that you get to put down.
She's a sage now and assumes spirit form or whatever. She might not be dead, but she's something like dead and has to leave her old life forever.
Huh, Square really ended up stealing a lot from Lufia 2, even Limit Breaks!
And then Square stole Lufia. And killed it.
Dekars return was fucking awesome in Lufia 2.
Last you see him he was left to die in the Gades tower since he held the thing open and saved everyone.
Then you think he is dead all game and at the end he returns riding an giant octopus into battle and fighting an entire army of monsters, and he won.
Does feeling immense pride count? I was so amped at this point. I was very young, and it took me forever to get to this point and I thought it was the end of the game.
The remake on DS has Tia and Dekar hooking up. But the character redesigns just suck overall in it.
Lufia was never good. The writing was shit. The dialogue was shit. The characters were shit. The gameplay and story were shit. The puzzles were annoying.
Wow, it's almost like you aren't even trying to hide that your a contranian faggot just for attention.
Now that's how you do a twist.
>I thought it was the end of the game.
I almost wish I hadn't read the comic before I got to the third dungeon, because I already knew that the Dark World was coming.
Charles did nothing wrong.
Not at all. Even for someone who grew up with SNES RPGs, who views the SNES as one of the best eras for RPGs, the lufia games were just too low quality for me. They did nothing particularly well, and there were a lot of black marks that make the games clearly not as good as their contemporaries. It's amazing to me that anyone looks back at lufia and thinks that it made them "feel something."
>Cool older lady
>Constantly taking charge, getting shit done
>Cutely blushing around her ex
>Saves everyone
>Accomplish the impossible to have a chance at saving her
>She dies despite it all
I bet you think FF"3" is the best SNES RPG ever.
>You have to go, Klonoa. Back to your OWN Phantomile.
The fuck are you talking about? What twist did did BW have?
>tia crying and she doesn't even know why
sad ending
I'd like to see what you considered better than it at the time that wasn't a square published joint. While there's a ton of RPGs on the system, alot of the stuff hitting the english community on it was just typical shit being pumped out by Enix's turn and burn publishing.
It was certainly a hell of a lot better than the pile of crap they called lufia.
Never played the remake, glad I dodged that bulet
>land filled with cutesy toys
>The puzzles were annoying.
Found the oligofrenic
Sasuga, shitposter-kun.
N is literally a feral child groomed and programmed by Ghetsis to be Plasma's figurehead and to contact one of the legendary dragons. After learning this, N seems to contemplate suicide.
Yeah I'm posting a bro FPS that nobody played, but the part where they're in the house that's getting destroyed piece by piece and they know they're probably all going to die
Do you unironically believe LUFIA was better than FFVI?
this fucking track is so fucking good
man lufia 2 is amazing because it subverts expectations of what is a game
you play a game to win, but you know from the very start of lufia 2 what victory is going to mean
it's even more poignant if you actually played lufia 1 and know what happens to guy and artea.
All the stats in Lufia 2 work correctly, for one thing.
That sounds made up.
Saria didn't die. She became a Sage, which means she gets to reside within the Sacred Realm.
It's kind of like being friends with a guy who transcends to the next plane. They may as well be physically gone, but they're not annihilated.
>game makes you hit the button
That's the worst part.
>Amanda loved you but still wanted to save her brother
It was also curious that she can actually hurt and, potentially, kill you if you walk into her.
Man, I will never not be pissed at the idea that Ark got a raw fucking deal in the end, like even his final day is just complete fucking garbage hung in his face like it's god laughing at him.
"Oh hey, you got to go, but here, go hang out in the town you grew up in one more time, despite everyone being fake as fuck and none of them were ever real people to begin with, and they'll all be gone when you die as well."
Also the whole reason he "had to go" was because of his body being the dark matter shit, but didn't the whole reincarnation thing earlier put him into a normal fucking body?
Actually, now getting reminded of the creation of the "ultimate weapon" in Gran Stream Saga, and boy oh boy is that a kick in the fucking gut with the decision being posed of you.
I don't even know what to say to this kind of retardation, I'm sorry, user. You didn't deserve to be born this way.
We knew N was ghetis's puppet, it was obvious.
Underrated classic, to be honest.
I'm actually contemplating making a complete remake of it, from scratch
I think a ton of fucking games are better than FF6.
What an overrated pile of shit, especially compared to 5 and hell, even 4.
The only thing the DS remake got right was the music.
>I will make you proud, mom
>... you already have
The only feels moment in the entire Ratchet and Clank series. They tried to have feels in the Future series, but it was forced and not impactful at all.
I remember starting Lufia 2 and going "Who's his bitch?" at the beginning.
It really is a game about spiraling to your end, and cucking a bitch.
that scene in the ending where Tia is tearing up, but she doesn't know why =(
>Seeing Curly's body in the ending if you didn't figure out how to save her
>Better than 6
top fucking kek, FFV is the worst of the SNES-era final fantasies, and it's not even close. Everything about it is boring and generic. Literally the only interesting thing about it is the job system, and that gets boring fast.
Does gran stream saga actually relate to the gaia trilogy?
What's even worse is when you go back to see Milo after completing the forest temple.
>"Oh, I see. Saria isn't ever coming back."
>"But I...I made a promise to her."
>"If Link ever came back...I'd tell him...Saria had been waiting for him."
>"Because Saria always...really...liked..."
>"Hey you. If you see him, tell him for me."
>"And also..."
>"I'm sorry for being mean to him."
You're talking out of your ass.
The only thing FF6 did wrong was making Magic too fucking good and turning everyone into a Red Mage.
FF5's issues stemmed from the fact that the class system was broken as fuck, and with some simple grinding/thought you would be completely ridiculous.
FF5 did have Battle on the Big Bridge though, which was an awesome scene/theme. Gilgamesh was an all-star.