New years /bsg/ battle station general

Battle station thread OP is a poor fag who is shit at wire management edition
that extra sticker left over on the tv drives me crazy but I can't get it off

Grab a thin, wide piece of wood and gently pry the sticker with it. It shouldn't cause any damage to the plastic if you're careful enough. Use a little bit of odorless thinner like mineral spirits or goo gone to get rid of the stickiness.

I spent the last 2 days reorganizing my garage and I am very happy with the result.

This is my battlestation/workplace.

It might not be the best or the fanciest but I am very comfy now.

Happy 2017 anons.

I have no idea why my image was posted upside down.

How are you spending your NYE/NYD Sup Forums? I'm getting drunk and shitposting.

thanks user, I'll give it a shot.

Gonna drink some eggnog in a bit and play some sleeping dogs

Mayonnaise, my friend. But don't take my word for it, google it for confirmation.



Got a whore earlier this afternoon. Gonna buy another hooker later tonight, then gonna buy some booze.

so this how austrailians live


Rate mine.

>Not having a shrine by your battlestation
fucking normies.

Someone get this EXIF data, we finally found the mastermind behind every massacre and assassination in 2016. He can't get away again!

There's a lot to comment on in this image but that's an SNES mouse on that desk.

that mask is the perfect touch



So /bsg/, would it be better for me to pick up three monitors in a combo pack somewhere on Newegg, or get three of the exact same individually?

Multi-monitor setups are a meme. Get two at most if you plan on using it for actual work or any multitasking, three is absolutely retarded.


No, I'm just not dumb enough to waste money on retarded shit. Surround gaming is trash, and two monitors are more than enough if you're using it for work, unless you're doing stock trades or whatever.

I just had 2 27' for 4 years then got an ultrawide, i multitask with them fine

Video games!

anyone know of a good desk you can adjust for sit/stand? with a keyboard tray

>sleeping dogs
>lets make an mmo

those stupid bongs had one job.