ITT: characters that suck the fun out of games

ITT: characters that suck the fun out of games

Why did they make Samus black? God nintendo is shit now.


That's not Hanzo, Genji, Mei, Roadhog, D.Va, and Zarya. Pharah is instantly made a non issue by any hitscan character who can half decently aim.



Learn to look up and not be shit. Play quake and learn how shooters work before playing one with so many varied classes. Or just play quake and don't play any other shooter.


I wish this is was black people looked like.

Wish they were nicer too.


But she's the only fun character in the game

She does suck, but not the fun if you catch my drift.


>confirmed half-leaf

Pharah confirmed a shit and worst girl

This little shit's wailing ruined the game for me.


That's not Roadhog

if you aren't complaining about ana then you don't know how to play this game

If you're in a pub and the entirety of your team walks blindly into sentries, sure.

If you're complaining about Ana then you need to stop taking the Mario Party of FPSes so seriously and grow up.

Pharah still has to land less hits (2-3 against 200HP heroes) on any of the hitscanners (sans Widowmaker) than they do to kill her. I'm not implying she's OP, she's just not fun to play against, especially not if Mercy is pocketing her.

Mei is the worst with her fucking freeze gun, walls and stupid ass self freeze fucking bullshit

Anas dart gun also puts you to sleep for way too fucking long

>tfw mei second most played character

wall is busted, it can't be broken and when it can, only one slice breaks and you can't get through

Sleep dart is stupid, but you wake up the second anything grazes you and Ana has to actually aim it

Mei is stupid as fuck though, I'll grant you that

I want to say Sym is dumb now too, but I'm torn considering she desperately deserved SOME kind of buff

She only sucks to play against if everyone on your team refuses to counter pick, and you're the only healer so you can't do it.

Maybe it's because I'm not completely shit at aiming but I kill Pharah's left and right as 76 / Ana, they are never an issue for me.

Roadhog is an issue because he just has to look in your general direction with his generous range and you're deleted

Mei is an issue because unless you are McCree or Reaper you are dead as soon as she presses M1

Hanzo is an annoyance because he is built around killing every character that's not a Tank in one shot.

Genji is an annoyance because Deflect's hitbox if far, far larger than its visual design and is extremely high reward for extremely low risk. And no I'm taking talking about getting killed by Deflect, I'm talking about the very threat of Deflect being an issue, if a 200 HP character Genji can just mash Deflect and if you're smart enough not to shoot he can Strike through you and M2 you to death. It is extremely annoying because you basically have to guess when Deflect ends because it has no cooldown animation and Genji has access to Strike immediately.

D.Va is an issue because she combines high HP, high mobility, an instant shield that cockblocks 99% of all damage types including Ults, and good DPS close range. If one team has a D.Va and one doesn't the team that does have her is at a massive advantage.

The sleep dart feels too long when you're on the receiving end of it, but if it was any shorter there would be virtually no purpose to it.

Evil Ryu.

Sym is fine but the sym buff ruined no limits

>Rocket character
>She can't use her rockets to speed around the map

GJ, Blizzard.

D.Va is hardly an issue. She has to be 2 feet away to do any real damage.

How the fuck do I get better at shooting that bitch down as 76? I get like 4 bullets on her, the spread goes everywhere, and I have to realign with her and by then I've already taken my first rocket and I'm 120HP poorer. I have no trouble shooting anyone else but her.

But that's not the Spy.

She can, though.

>boosts towards you

>600 health and infinite ammo

>shooting her = magic shield to delete damage

burst fire

That sounds like a problem for D.Va if she didn't have two ways to completely and safely approach any target she wanted.

>Sym is fine

Not really, because she's squishy and has no regenerating shield.

She doesn't even have to use her shield, she just needs to get up in your face so you're either forced to hold your fire or kill yourself with splash damage.

Burst fire.

One is fine, 6 is not

>mfw Junkrat can instakill people by looking at at then and pressing Shift+RMB.
>mfw Blizzard still refuses to fix this by making the conc work like the Demoman's sticky and having an activation delay to prevent this like in an ACTUALLY FUCKING PROPERLY DESIGNED VIDEO GAME.

It's amazing the difference in skill on hitscan characters. Sometimes I can rocket 76, Ana, Widow, McCree, etc with absolutely no problems, and other times all they have to do is look in my general direction and I'm falling limp to the ground.

Its now how you kill her fast, its how do you constantly burst her.

If she's far away, burst her so she backs down doing nothing, and if she's get cocky -- closing down on you, land 2-3 headshot and spray it.

why are people soo much better in QP than in competitive?
like all the dumbasses are in ranked.

True, but there's also her pushback which doesn't damage her and can still be used for mobility.

Best way to drive people into suicide over the Internet: play against them with a team consisting of:
It's guaranteed to work.

>gets ult seconds into a match
>can refund generators that haven't been destroyed for 100% ult

Yeah, I'm not even saying I'm a good 76 player, I just know how to handle people at range which is as simple as burst firing. I've fought against some 76's that just completely outgunned me every fight. Like you said I would just drop like a fucking log.

Sort of. It's not like Quake or Tribes, though. I guess that's what I really mean.

That's what I actually want.

I think that's what most Pharah players actually want.

I've been trying. No matter what I do I can't seem to adjust for her altitude and heading quick enough. It takes about 3-4 bursts to put her down outside of max range if my aim is perfect, and that feels like too much time before she removes me for my efforts.

Shoot the mine you retard.


Not me, I hate that shit! Thankfully, Pharah has plenty of mobility without it, especially post-buff.

You mean the pushback that can only be used ONCE EVERY 15 FUCKING SECONDS?

(I would like to remind everyone that Junk and Roadhog's literal wide range OHKO attacks have literally one third the cooldown of an ability that does hardly anything)

There's no SR barrier so might end up with a master and grandmaster on your team.

generally the bitch is far away so while the rockets are travelling she's getting hit scanned to shit.

stand in your biotic field and pharah cannot mathematically kill you.

>generators cannot be killed
>people even hide generators

are you implying that sombra is overpowered?

>Pharah """players"""
Woah there, trying to imply that Overwatch players are actually human beings.

>He doesn't seek out the pad and destroys it
Are you going to complain that people stay alive, if you don't shoot them, too?

Pharah is absolutely destroyed by Soldier, amount of hits needed is not a comparable figure in that fight.

ah thanks.
I think ranked should mayebe be like this. its a lot more fun in QP .

>seek out the pad and destroys it
he sure do, english second language man.


Widowmaker, or snipers in general.

They turn every game into fucking trenches of the Somme, and its particulary worse in OW with such claustrophobic maps.

>tfw watching Roadhog's panic as they miss their hook and I gun them down as 76.
>tfw they actually heal in front of me and give me more Ult charge


Makes it worse when both snipers have access to wall hacks.

I hate having to deal with snipers in general, they're always some of the most anti-fun classes.

And its even worse when 1 of them has tree trunk sized proyectiles that can headshot you around corners.


Here's the problem: her rockets are so fucking slow and have so fucking little splash damage that anyone can dodge them, meaning this only works against fully stationary targets. In order to actually hit people more than once you have to be right next to them where Pharah's rockets will kill her (or the enemy will since close range characters outright fucking vaporize her when in range).

Compare this with Junkrat who can OHKO non-tanks at close range without aiming and not take any damage since Blizzard are to incompetent to balance his attacks with his sticky jumps.

>I can't come up with a good counter argument
>I know, I'll make fun of him for a minor grammatical error, even though I can guess that it's not his native language
You sure showed me.

>tfw Roadhog hooks me in
>tfw ult

Just blasting him to hell while he heals himself is fun too. Roadhog players are fucking idiots.

Pharah's splash damage actually got buffed. I believe it went from a minimum of 18 to a minimum of 30.


>get hooked by Hog as D.Va
>just unload on his fucking head and kill him

>I believe it went from a minimum of 18 to a minimum of 30.

This. Overwatch is anti-fun the game. Not to mention how fucking casual it is. At least TF2 was fun back in the day.

They're only idiots if they're away from their team.

Is even worse when one of the characters that was specifically made to deal with snipers, gets fucked in the ass by them, more often than not.

>Charater's main weapon is a Rocket Launcher
>Other weapon only does knockback when there's another character that can knockback and do damage
>Small splashdamage

why Blizzard?

>Close range
As someone who plays Junkrat, his main weapon doesn't explode on impact of characters. Also his mine can be used another grenade but that's on a cooldown.

every single character in overwatch

If you play Quake you'll never play Overwatch again because you'll discover how garbage it is in comparison.

That's because Overwatch is a team game. Without a full stack you won't have fun. Even with a full stack you might not have fun, if you're a poor loser.

TF2 you could have fun when playing alone because it didn't force the strict interplay meta of SPAM ULTS TO GET PAST A CHOKE down your throat.

>D.Va standing there with her defense matrix, thinking she's hot shit
>Hook her into my team, where her meka explodes before she can get a shot off, and then gets stomped by 6 people
But to be fair, there are a lot of retarded Hogs out there.

In the half second it leaves his hand and then blows up in your face?

What's worse is when you have a shit widow on your team who refuses to switch.

99% of the people who play snipers are shit.

>MOBA elements in a FPS

The biggest flaw in Overwatch

>that one guy who only plays Reaper
>that one guy who only plays Genji
>that one guy who only plays Hanzo

Pre-nerf at least.

This is how I feel after playing Overwatch. I bought it so I could play with my brother, who is hooked on it, but I just can't figure out how to have fun with it. Pharah is about as close as I've gotten, but it's just ends up being frustrating when I get a direct hit with a rocket and it doesn't kill them. Level layouts don't seem very conducive to the whole jetpack aspect (or maybe I'm just not familiar enough with the levels yet), and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do with the knockback thing. In addition to that, it looks like Payload and King of the Hill are the only two gametypes, which is kinda lame for a full-priced game.

Honestly, the more I play Overwatch, the more I realize I'd rather be playing Quake.

>that one guy who only plays Mercy
>that one guy who only plays Junkrat
>that one guy who only plays Symmetra
the list goes on for every character

>his main weapon doesn't explode on impact of characters

please elaborate

>Widow on my team can't hit the broad side of a barn even with wall hacks
>Widow on enemy team head shots everyone, even through walls, single handed holds down an entire choke point

Every time.

>As someone who plays Junkrat, his main weapon doesn't explode on impact of characters.
What the fuck are you smoking. Direct hits explode immediately, in fact rollers that touch people explode too