Tell me Admiral
If the Colonial Fleet is so great, why are there no good Battlestar Galactica games?
Tell me Admiral
Battlestar Galactica Online was fun during the beta and its first months after release, before cash healing and cash ammo. Shit, but fun.
It's too easy to read that in Saul's voice
>when the brown QT shoots herself
Is it still going?
would you a cylon
I'm working on one right now, made with Unity.
You control the Galactica and you issue orders to the civilian fleet etc.
You have jump and search for fuel/food whilst trying to evade the Cylons.
All the civilians ships have their own needs/morale etc.
Shit will be more complex than dwarf Fortress once I'm finished.
No because I'm not a race traitor, unlike
>pic related
Abso fucking lutely
i would choke a cylon
any BSG fans wanna explain the ending
the gaius and cylon girl ghosts were actual angels?...
was Starbuck an angel? why did she disappear?
The board game is pretty fun.
In every concievable way.
I would make Boomer's skin color two shades lighter if you know what I mean.
How long to completion?
It'd better have Pegasus
would love an FTL inspired BSG game
post yfw you realize you're a cylon
A long, long time. It will be randomised.
A set number of people will be Cylons at the start and will sabotage the fleet throughout the game.
You have to allocate resources to certain areas.
You can strip civilian ships for parts and crew if you wish.
You will have to replace pilots and stuff.
You have a finite amount of people.
You will find random stranded ships.
A rare even would be if you stumble across another Battlestar like Pegasus.
Pegasus > Galactica
But Diaspora is already out and free
post yfw ziggy is a cylon
What about space jesus?
Different political movement amongst the fleet, one of the Cult of Baltar!
In the early stages of the game, obe of the R&D projects will be the Cylon Detector if you choose to go down that road.
There will be fleet policies, such as suspicious behaviour will mean instant air lock treatment.
But obviously civilian support would drop.
>You can strip civilian ships for parts and crew if you wish.
Godspeed with it user
No more mister nice Gaius
penitent gaius is best gaius
>whatever you do doesn't matter because god did it
Thread Theme
BSG was at its best when it stuck to sci-fi
I know the original series also had religious roots and what not but its not what made the modern series great.
did anyone else cry
>not Storming New Caprica
Frakking faggot.
That was the show's gift - when it was good, it was fucking elder-god tier
how hype where you when this happened?
I shit my pants.
>not Prelude to War
true thread theme
this reveal was so dumb i had no choice but to love it
Am I wrong or is Doc Mitchell from Fallout NV voiced by Saul Tigh?
Yeah it's him - Michael Hogan
>how i gogl pls
That's him, as is Bailey from ME2
Shitheads betrayed the fleet and paid the price. Adama did nothing wrong.
Ziggy says there's a 97.21% probability that Dean Stockwell was the best Cylon on the show
>suspicious behaviour will mean instant air lock treatment
The Pegasus episodes were the peak of BSG and anyone who disagrees is a cuck.
Diaspora time
He was great but I always like Leoben Conoy more since he was all about mindfucking people.
>Hmm if we get close to the planet we wont have time to launch the vipers because we'll be blown to bits
>lets fucking jump into the atmosphere!
>That scene where the Cyclon Athena beats up and then gags/ties up the other Athena, then fucks her boyfriend while she is in the locker and watching
Cucked by yourself
That's a PC game isn't it?
>Not Something dark is coming.
Get some taste.
Oh I remember that scene.
this was great watching.
>not Pegasus
Its like a dream..
>literally no one has mentioned diaspora, the BSG viper flight sim
Are you fuckers serious?
Context? After SPOOKY GOAST STARDOG I put the show out of memory.
They stage a coup and fuck it up so they're killed
who /passacaglia/ here?
It is a dream
i stopped watching around season 3 i think
when it got to religious for my liking
would have been fine with politics and action but not religion bullshit.
>4 of 4
fucking faggot.
After the Coup Adama executes Gaeta and Zarek.
Honestly, fuck Zarek but Gaeta had a hard life. At least he found some peace before he died.
Literally all those posts where posted in the time it took me to take the screenshot and upload
t. aussie
Thanks guys. Man I cant think of another show with such a poor ending that I forget the rest completely.
Feels bad man.
Fuck that time to re-down diaspora again.
I had the opposite reaction and dont remember anything after the Galactia rams the Cyclon base.
>mfw consolefag
Sorry to hear that doc
god damn vipers are sexy
How were they able to repair the Galactica throughout the series? It was really fucked up by basestars during the whole New Caprica thing.
its just that fuckin sturdy
They didn't
There were some plots threads in Season 4 where they showed that Galactica had some major structural damage that they needed Cylon technology to repair
Spare parts from the civilian fleet. Plus wasnt it a big plot point in the later seasons that the Galactica has been fucked up so hard its beyond repair so they throw some cyclon cum on it?
they weren't
at least not properly
they patch up holes, keep the engines running, scrap non-essential sections for parts etc but by the end of the series the ship was on its last legs which actually became a major plot point
They fixed her backbone with cylon goo for a while there. (same shit what basestars were made out of)
But after they rammed the Cylon homebase with galactica it was fucked beyond repair.
RIP Galactica. We'll never see her like again.
it was fucked up way before that though
the only reason they even considered the ramming tactic was because the galactica wasn't going to last very long, her structure couldn't handle the stress of jumps anymore
And yet she managed to make that final jump like the sturdy bucket she was.
Lads, you have to remember that the Galactica was 40 years old when the series started. She was about to be decommissioned when the Cylons attacked.
Remember how the crews called the Battlestars The Bucket and The Beast?
We saw her in full glory in Blood and Chrome. I liked that she was shown there in FULL war mode. Unlike in series where Galactica was museum - stripped clean and even her armor taken off from her back.
Tho blood and chrome had shitty FX
thanks for my new phone background
I actually liked Blood and Chrome. I want a Ghost Fleet Offensive RTS.
I really, really like the idea of that
But at the same time, I really really hate RTS games
Shit, is it even possible to do a BSG game that wouldn't be RTS?
Gaius fucking Baltar?