>climbing simulator with 100+ cutscenes
Nice """""game""""" you got there Naughty Dog.
Climbing simulator with 100+ cutscenes
well it's the 4th one so it's pretty much all on you at this point
Its good though... whats the problem?
>Its good though
Not a argument
Neither is "it's good"
93 on metacritic... and I wasn't arguing dumbass
Op probably watched a video on youtube and decided to make a pointless thread. He should be b&
Not an argument
Probably never even played it, Like most PC cucks who make these threads.
Exactly, arguing would mean you actually having and point and me refuting it.
OP said climbing simulator with 100+ cutscenes.
I find it pretty comfy when I'm not looking for a challenge but I can see why it objectively sucks
Why do people, even Uncharted "defenders," always ignore the multiplayer? It's great- always been the best part of the series.
Have you played an Uncharted game? I haven't played 4 but the first 3 had some kind of ridiculous difficulty spikes.
The multiplayer/co-op was only good in part 2.
hi bleddit
It's angry joes GOTY. You can say whatever you want but as long as you don't reach as many people as he does your opinion is worthless.
too much game that detractors skip over
fucking kill yoursefl
>mother rippoff with memes
nice """game"" you got there
Co-op was best in U3 though
Nobody ever seems to make a sound argument against this franchise. They'll shit all over it but praise Metal Gear to the high heavens despite being conceptually the same thing. Same with that god awful Wolfenstein game that came out recently that Sup Forums seems to love.
doom was 'amazing' because rip and tear and meetttaall
Uncharted 4 multiplayer is 10/10. It's better than 2 imo. Uncharted 3 multiplayer was shit.
Uncharted 4 mp is garbage until they include story co-op missions. Where the fuck are they??
Your definition of concept is fucked m80
Pretty typical Sup Forums response, care to elaborate?
I wouldn't give much thought to the opinion of autists.
its the same shit as the last 3 games.
Kek, I thought so.
It's a great movie simulator nigga
Uncharted 1 & 2 where great.
Someone should put a bullet in the heads of the Naughty Dog staff for shipping this piece of crap that was 4. It looks pretty, but that' the only thing it has going on for it