Age of Empires II

Age of Empires II
>released in 1999

Team Fortress 2
>released 2007

Civilization V
>released 2010

>released 2011

>released 2011

You have 10 seconds to explain why games that came out 10 and 15 years ago and are still played today lost the test of time award to a game that came out 5 years ago.

because normies

>pc mustard race

Is Terraria really that old? Did it become more popular recently or something?

>PC """"""master"""""" race

Skyrim and its remake combined have barely more players than Civ 5 and don't even come close to TF2, which is twice as old.

Cause brooo that game was my childhoood mannnn you don't get it duuude

I'm guessing steam's userbase skews pretty young, maybe I'm wrong but I can't see many people 20+ years old looking at that category and voting something that new for it

The game is still being updated with A LOT of free content. The game at release probably had less than 10% of the content it currently has.


Skyrim was a childhood game to a lot of users on Steam

Which means it's biased.

Normies ruined everything.

>there are 14k people RIGHT NOW playing Paladins

No shit.

Because the majority of people who voted were no older than 18.

That and older users dont participate in this sort of thing. Anyone over the age of 18 is doing shit other than voting in shitty online polls, like actually playing vidya.

this one had me scratching my head the most. I mean AoE2 is coming close to being 20 years old and its still getting new expansions

Yeah, it's pretty cool owning a PC. I don't have to pay to replay any of the old games I own, unless I choose to for convenience sake. And even then, it's like a dollar or two at most.

>there are people

OP this is why you never let people vote for awards because the majority are retarded.

Because people didn't stop to think about the categories and just nominated and voted for their favorite games.

>popular game wins popularity contest

fucking outrage

>Giving a shit about online polls unironically
This is the lowest Sup Forums has sunken to.

Who gives a fuck?

Skyrim - Nov 2011 (5 years)
Terraria - May 2011 (5 years)
Civ 5 - Sept 2010 (6 years)
Team Fortress - Oct 2007 (9 years)
Age of Empires 2 HD - 2013 (3 years)

Tf2 is really the only "old" game really.
For a game that got a remastered version, it shouldn't have won though.

>played AoE2 when it was first released
>mfw discovering howdoyouturnthison

>Age of Shitmpires
>implying anyone gave a fuck about it before it got it's HD remaster
Literally fuck off, skyrim deserved it

>Tf2 is really the only "old" game really.

It's fairly old and still one of the most played games on Steam. There's no reason Skyrim should have beaten Team Fortress 2.

>You have to own the game to vote on it
>Normies and reddit macro who are completely oblivious to anythong outside their feed

The entire thing was a valve cocksucker (underage failed normies) game popularity contest. Half the nominations were rigged from the start (may as well have a best use of cake jokes in a game award with portal and three zombie shooters nominated) and the other half had literal whos pitted against AAA titles with immense popularity.

Who fucking cares anyway?

TF2 looks like shit and plays like shit, only third worlders slaving themselves to earn random drops every 10 years play valve's """"""""""competitive"""""""""" games anymore. That's plenty of reason. Withstanding the test of time my ASS.

The outrage is that neither CIV 5 which legitimately looks better than CIV 6 or AoE2 didn't win.

Age of Empires 2 did not deserve to win.
Skyrim didn't either as that will not stand the test of time, but that doesn't change the validity of my first sentence.

>Civ 5
>came out 5 years ago
>only being played while people wait for Civ 6 to go on sale

Kill yourself.

>age of empires 2 didn't deserve to win
>still played by thousands
>still getting updates and expansions
>almost 20 years old
>somehow this is not standing the test of time

>only being played while people wait for Civ 6 to go on sale

I hate casuals

I really like Civ5

> I don't have to pay to replay any of the old games I own

which platform does this?


>5 years ago is still too recent!

You must be 18 years old to use this website

>considering 5 years old to be recent makes a person young
>not old

t. 14 year old home for Christmas break trying to remember the rules

It's a popularity contest. And normies love that elder scrolls tolkien shit.

First thing that came to mind when I saw that Skyrim had won.

So this is the power of the master race?