How does Sup Forums feel about the current mods?
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they kinda barely exist and are even more of a scapegoat than they have ever been in the past
There are mods?
needs more porn
Theyre biased fucks who only delete threads they cant fap to.
Why can't they delete /vp/ threads. Why.
As long as they're free of charge, I don't mind them. Most are fucking awful though.
I should be a mod, not the current losers
I miss Snacks and his pedophile, randomly banning everyone ways
They do less than ever. Video game discussions are a thing of the past.
Sup Forums has been shit ever since moderation has taken hold of this place.
I'm sure there are some good mods who do what they do out of care for Sup Forums and do it well, but it's my view that most of them are biased, power-hungry, cancerous fucks.
>want to make it a better place
That's laughable. They do it to lord over the "plebeians" who are at their mercy. Read the leaked IRC logs and try posting that image with a straight face.
you tell me
Im not a fan but to be fair part of the problem are the shitty rules.
There's too many "I can ban you just because I don't like you." rules and unwritten rules even if you're technically on-topic.
>delete fun thread I enjoyed
>they did it for me
Fuck off mods
They've started actually moderating LOL threads instead of just deleting them once some dingus starts spamming the thread with garbage. Bad web comics are tangentially related to video games and LOL threads are good for a laugh. So I'd say it's a welcome change.
Them deleting threads that used to be allowed between 2006 - 2012 was the main reason why many here moved to 8ch Sup Forums
Google 8ch Sup Forums
At least he's got a nice podcast.
How do mods feel about the current Sup Forums?
>They do it to lord over the "plebeians" who are at their mercy
Eh? I get the impression that the mods have been mods for so long that they dont really care about the average user anymore and can't really connect with them.
>Bad web comics are tangentially related to video games and LOL threads are good for a laugh
No they're not, they're fucking awful and annoying.
They've never been funny along with fucking filename threads. Those threads and every retard who posts in them should be banned. They're Sup Forums's version of YLYL threads, they were just as cancerous on Sup Forums as they are on Sup Forums.
retarded faggots deleting the best threads on Sup Forums
It's not quite as bad as it was in 2010-2011, but it's getting there.
Sup Forums isn't modless. Theyre just biased.
Personally, Id prefer no mods over bad mods.
I'd take a handful of LOL threads a day over the constant and never ending Overwatch shitposting and pointless console war threads.
I don't give a shit about arguably-videogames topics like e-celebs and junk
I just want them to do something about people who post the exact same off-topic threads every single day.
Also I feel like we should have soooome kind of rule on political discussion, like, I hate seeing Dark Souls threads devolving into real-life racewars
Good, they can go too.
Overwatch belongs on /vg/ and console war threads deserve a ban regardless of which company it is.
Wojak images make me hate this board
Superfluous. Imageboards do not need moderation because everything is deleted on page 10 anyways.
That being said they're some of the worst we've ever had.
I'm just tired of them deleting threads that are actually talking about games. Then spend tons of time to delete every ecchi image in a thread started with an ecchi image and has zero discussion going on.
There are like 25 threads in the catalog RIGHT NOW that have nothing to do with video games, but remain up
I'm disappointed with the current mods to say the least.
Oh, so you'd prefer that every board on the site be Sup Forums?
Because that's what would happen if there were no mods.
Are they the reason the LOL threads arent around? thet were only reason i came here
>"I don't like what's on Sup Forums"
>Make a bunch of threads to purge all the slow ones
Gee, I wonder who would benefit from that...
before redditors like you infested the site every board was just Sup Forums with a theme
>le reddit bogeyman
Ive been thinking about doing that for awhile. This place is flooded with normie garbage day in day out. I have to wonder if shock images and virus links was actually a factor in keeping them out.
I see this often, thread is nowhere near falling off. Pop. Its gone. I never noticed that at all years ago, so numods are probably abusing.
Since Sup Forums is mainstream now I imagine they accept money from companies to allow shillthreads.
I like ecchi threads, but they do ban and restrict them often. And by reducing freedom of speech or expression you just see more and more of it, since porn threads used to be a regular allowed thing that people got out of their system. Now they try to force it onto other boards that dont want it and dont have the same traffic. Sometimes you want to look at lewd images while you talk about games, because its relevant to that particular game.
Porn and waifu and fetish threads are the most popular threads on Sup Forums.
Which, I mean, fine, its human nature to like porn, but the rules regarding threads like those are so fucking inconsistent. Its really irritating.
There aren't any written rules saying waifu and husbando threads arent allowed. Its just entirely up to the whims of the mods.
It is factual that redditors are known rulefags and mod-enablers
losing the fight? scream REDDIT at the top of your lungs!
there's no fight
I'd have no problem if every board was Sup Forums with a theme BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT WAS
Fuck off nigger, you haven't seen the shitfest that were 2010-11.
lmao, you actually think 2010-11 was bad? I hope you don't think what we have now is good.
this nigger is correct
but it's a lost cause
r/Sup Forums is frequently on the front page of plebbit
it's time to abandon ship
Sup Forums is reddit territory nowadays
Except that's not how it was.
I'd know. I was there. You obviously weren't.
As a husbandofag its pretty annoying trying to squeeze in whatever husbando discussion I can get, watching the thread 404, and then going back to the catalog and seeing threads like
Like come on. Quit picking on me.
Yeah, they seem to ignore console war threads.
before any of you dildos say "It's video games it's allowed!" console wars are against the rules
Worse than ever obviously, if anything we need nazimodding again.
Thats a pretty silly rule. I dont see why we shouldnt be able to debate consoles. Humans resolve problems by arguing and killing each other. Preventing discussion will only enable the worse option
fucking this right here, either have them all or dont have them at all mods
and fuck nep threads those arent even proper games they should ban all avatarfagging waifufagging and image dumping, or Sup Forums posting where people purposfully type like retards like their poorly translated animes
They don't delete Pokémon threads even though /vp/ exists.
Threads about the Pokemon video games are still allowed in Sup Forums. It's other Pokemon stuff that has to go in /vp/, such as the Anime, which could technically go in Sup Forums.
Does anyone remember all those times that people said Sup Forums loves "X" and Sup Forums hates "Y" and someone says not all Sup Forums is the same person?
Im sure there are some shit mods but there are good mods too. If the recent firing was anything to go by then I trust Hiroshimoot will weed them out.
fuck off you degenerate piece of shit
do the world a favor and hang yourself
It's scary to think that the mods are like this too.
Hey mods what do you think of us?
>but it's my view that most of them are biased, power-hungry, cancerous fucks.
That's like 99% of mods everywhere. Sup Forums mods aren't as bad as many forum mods. The ones where they feel the need to ram their opinion into every topic, just to have their dick sucked by the community.
The actions of mods should be seen, but they themselves should never be heard.
None of those threads should be on Sup Forums in the first place.
Janny has been on a rampage lately. I can't count the number of times I've gone to post in a perfectly fine thread only for it to get deleted. He's been pretty quiet today though. I guess his mom made him come out of the basement for New Year's.
Tell that to
I wouldnt trust hiroshimoot. Hes a businessman, hes already selling your information to the highest bidder.
Its not a stretch to suggest that NOA and other vidya publishers buy stats to determine their demographic, then pay to have their shill threads exempt.
I think you're a faggot.
Where do you think loss edits became famous dingus?
Honestly, board culture is the only thing we have standing before complete subversion of our culture. You guys cant complain when reddit makes Sup Forums its new home when you get rid of the inside culture and abrasiveness.
That this is a thankless job and I only notice their work when they're pissing me off.
Well that's not entirely true, occasionally you'll get a thread when they're devoted to deleting some fetish fag's baitposts or Barneyfag's eternal tantrum instead of just deleting the thread. Those are good times, I appreciate those.
i personally don't care much for the mods but whiny little cockgobblers like you need to be gassed
The mods are ultimately controlled by us, ironically. Without us, these fucks have no one to ban, to control, to generally fuck around with. To any mod reading this, you know this to be true.
Funny, because it sounds like you'd fit right in the the mods with your "Theres no rule against it but I dont like you" bullshit.
spoonfeeding, obvious newfaggotry, normalfaggotry
just to name a few
they're running rampant
just another sign that this shithole is collapsing under all the retarded plebbitors infesting this place
I remember when the board was such a volatile environment that I didnt dare post anything for years. Now its full of normies that call each other faggot occasionally. Like fuck, most of these people dont even play video games. The same people bumping the fuck out of the latest normie targetted fps.
>I wouldnt trust hiroshimoot. Hes a businessman, hes already selling your information to the highest bidder.
That shouldnt be your barometer of a trustworthy web admin because as far as I know every website sells your information in some capacity. Big data barely disgusts me.
>wah wah why can they post their cancerous garbage but I can't be cancerous garbage too?!?!
that's what you sound like you whiny little piece of shit
my advice
Kill yourself
I mean, I feel like the "off-topic discussion" rule allows too many mods to take liberties and ban anything they don't like.
But that's a perfectly legitimate question. Like am I supposed to apologize for your own lack of empathy? Fuck that.
looks like it's time to post this again
If you want Sup Forums to improve, you have to do it yourselves. Don't blame the mods. It's all your own fault.
But the mods should be banning some of these false-flaggers.
Sounds like the poster in the image had a huge vaginal rash
people pretending to be retarded has always been a thing
what killed Sup Forums is simply popularity/infamy
Hahaha, okay don't be naive. This site is a business now, it makes a lot of revenue. You and I dont control shit, because they have everyone herded into the same bins. There a handful of top sites that hold most of our demographic's web traffic. Reddit is one of the others. Reddit evolved and appealed to normies, and then the normied bled into Sup Forums when it became mainstream. There isn't that many places left to go. And you dont stop playing your favorite multiplayer game just because the population is now 80% faggots you dont like. Because the a portion of the original population remains, while the rest tries to absorb and emulate the previous culture and destroy it going forward. They control us because the alternatives arent there.
Bigdata is disgusting, they've begun to control free thought and discussion. They hide ads in every website. Most news sources are no longer trustworthy, and im not talking about the election. Look at this image
Sup Forums cant improve, because the current residents are brainwashed by all the other media sources they browse every day. We need a better solution than that. I cant cull the normies myself.
How does it feel to know you're the cancer?
some are furfags and need to be removed
The furry part of GR3 needs to be removed or rewritten.
>b-but I dont like furries
I dont care, you dont have to like everything, but its a stupid ass rule that gives people an excuse to shitpost perfectly legit threads about anthro games or game characters.
Sometimes as falseflagging by spamming porn, or sometimes as just going on and on about how furries arent allowed and drowning out discussion.
>I can't cull the normies myself.
WW3 can't come soon enough
you know it was brought in because of how bad furries were with spam? They havent changed as they still do it all the time, and they dont really fit in here regardless
>allow furfag posting
fuck off you autist, furfags are the ones who ruin those threads
>Bigdata is disgusting, they've begun to control free thought and discussion. They hide ads in every website. Most news sources are no longer trustworthy, and im not talking about the election. Look at this image
The problem with discussing big data is its very broad and I cant generalize it for its downsides because Id then have to say torrents are bad because of piracy, another generalization we consider untrue.
I think its fine to aggregate data across demographs but unfortunately there are sites like facebook and google who wish to consolidate free thought. Best we can do is keep the pros of these systems and fight against the cons whenever we are infringed on.
>They havent changed as they still do it all the time,
I keep hearing this and asking for evidence and I never get any.
Like ok, sometimes there will be an obvious shitpost thread with a furry pic once or twice a day and thats about it. One those probably aren't made by real furries, and two even if they are they're hardly common enough to quality as spam.
I can tell you're the type of person to go out of your way to enter and ruin and anthro thread and say its their fault.
>The furry part of GR3 needs to be removed or rewritten.
Do you want them to invade Sup Forums? The rule is fine, and they have /trash/.
It's not fine. You would know why if you read past that sentence.
They're sjw niggers
We dont need a WW3, but we do need people to become aware of what the fuck is happening. "The information super highway" wasnt just a nostalgic meme. The internet has literally shrank as businesses and big data have learned how to control it. They have most demographics right where they want them absorbing the same information regurgitated by the social media machines and information aggregation websites. The reason people are so restless and lethargic is theyve been consuming the same thoughts and ideas for too long, and the human brain is realizes how boring it is, even though its painted a million different ways. The video game industry is exposed to the same poison. The devs cant come up with as many new concepts and ideas because theyre being fed the same bullshit the rest of us are.
Fucking faggots
Literally everyday this happens.
Just because youve been around for a good day doesnt mean it hasnt been unbearable. A lot of anthro shit are just magnets for autism and our moderation of furshit is why we arent just another DeviantArt.
Before we started making containment boards for autism (/mlp/) it was far worse.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
Nintendo shills who won't tolerate any criticism of Nintendo.