Best Final Fantasy protagonist.
Best Final Fantasy protagonist
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Anyone who isn't a blonde prettyboy.
Is Tidus the only one to have an interior monologue in the series?
>nixing ffvii,ffx and ffxiii
Squall does braintalks all the time.
Tidus is indeed the best, but also the worst. At times his story was intriguing and heartfelt; at other times, he was just overly whiny.
Wait.. that is not Squall.
that's zidane, but tidus is up there too (not that this is an achievement, FF protags are shit)
Fuck off furfag
It's like you want to be spoken of in the past tense. Squall screams nihilistic edgelord it would of been way better if they portrayed him that way, especially since his views would align with the antagonists, they could of done like a self sacrificial anti hero thing ending with memories of his ...friends?
Ty, now go and fap on FF9
I like Cecil
Watching him triumph over his edginess was nice
I also like Zidane cause he's light hearted but reliable
Vivi a best tho
Not even close.
Cecil, Cloud, Zidane and Lightning beat you out. FF6 has no coherent main character so that is on a whole new level of protagonist.
But regardless, not even CLOSE to top 5 dude.
kill yourself she's worse than squal
Terra has a good arc, discovering her past and the origins of her power, but then kinda stagnates at the midpoint of the game.
I think Lightning is the only protag that is actually exciting to watch. Then again, I haven't played 9, but I've heard good things.
No, Squall was too much of a Cloud clone.
Lightning was way better.
>liking Lightning
I hate neo-Sup Forums.
Tidus was top 3 FF protags and FFX was top 3 FF games. Not liking them is one thing, to unironically believe they are bad is a sign that you need to seek counseling.
yeah X is the third best and Tidus is the second best, that's not saying much though
At least Cloud and Squall were kinda intresting, Lightning was so bland and boring like the whole XIII trilogy
Fuck off, you know it's true
No, Squall is just a pessimistic Cloud Strife. Lightning is way more interesting than Squall.
sorry dude lightning is unanimously considered trash, and one of the worst FF protags. Just think about what that entails, being considered the worst protag in a series that has squal and vaan
you can fap to her all you want she's still a bad character
That's not King Noctis
>sorry dude lightning is unanimously considered trash, and one of the worst FF protags
In your up your own ass imagination. In the real world, she's considered one of the best female charcaters and as the protagonist of FF13, she is therefore one of the best protagonists.
You can have your shit opinion, but that is what it is: Shit.
no one over the age of 14 writes like this, reported for underage
makes sense too, only way you can like 13 is nostalgia
I don't remember much about XIII so call me out if i'm wrong but Squall had character development and he became not so emo and in some way intresting but Lightning just stays Lightning for the entire game and stays pretty unintresting, and why we are at it, why is she the strongest protagonist by "Canon" like i've heard, genuinenly curious
I will never understand the "Tidus is too whiny" argument. The only, literally only times he whines in the game is at the very beginning, when he yanked out of his own and dropped into an unfamiliar world, and when he realizes that Yuna has to sacrifice herself for the final summoning. These are both super valid reasons to get a bit bitchy, and in both these cases, he mans the fuck up really quickly. Not only this, but he always just does what needs to be done.
>His long lost father is a giant monster
He just mans the fuck up and kills him. No breakdowns or anything
>He finds out that he is just a dream
Again, no breakdowns, and he decides to sacrifice himself for the good of Spira.
How the fuck do people think he's whiny?
It's popular to call him whiny, just like it's popular to hate Cloud and Squall.
What a garbage opinion. You really are just trolling for the sake of trolling now. Try harder to be far more critical and not be a fanboy.
Squall is too much like Cloud Strife but pessimistic.
>Try to be an overprotective mother to Serah but realizes that by doing so she is pushing Serah into Snow's arms for desperate comfort.
>Teach Hope Estiem how to fend for himself and become more independent. Eventually opening up to the child and treating him like her own son
>Forgive Snow for what he had done and even support his wishful (though childish) thinking back in the Vestiege and Grand Pulse.
>learn to become a leader in the group instead of a follower (like explained in that Flashback she had about her conversation with her commanding officer)
>Learns to work together with other people when Fang tells her to calm down in Palumpolum.
don't bother conversing with lightning fags dude it's not worth your time
So, about the ending where it's revealed he was part of a dream.
Was he based on a real person that died a long time ago? Or were him and Jecht both complete fabrications born in the fake Zanarkand?
Fuck off you shithead. You are the one that started this, not me.
Jecht is based off the guy who started the crusaders or whatever they're called and if you play X-2, you'll see that Tidus is practically a rip off of Shuyin, the villain of the game.
Nah, its Celes.
>I said Protagonist!
She is a protagonist. She's just not the main character.
yes he's based off a real dude but you don't want to know who, that would require playing X-2 which is fun but shit all over the story of the first
Tidus has the benefit of being a fish out of water in one of the dumbest stories ever told. Even Anakin Skywalker would have looked good in FFX compared to Yuna.
X-2 gameplay is the magnum opus of the turn based, ATB combat.
Too bad everything else about that game was literal trash.
He's based on a real guy, but he himself was a creation of the fayth. So he himself is not a real person but a dream.
I've heard a lot of contrarians hate on X on ALMOST seemingly legit reasons but this is the most idiotic thing I've heard.
X's story was great.
How is Jecht a protagonist? If anything, he's an antagonist.
It's almost bizare how fantastic they made the combat, yet everything else in the game was ridiculous. They completely throw the serious tone of FFX on its head, and I don't think it plays out well at all.
The best protags in the series are Serah, Yuna, and Lightning.
It's idiotic because there's literally no argument in it. He just says its bad, and says some shit about the Star Wars prequels. Either a moron or a troll
I want to smell the part of her leotard that covers her taint.
How is Jecht an antagonist? He isn't antagonizing the protagonists in anyway. If anything, he's guiding them to the end of the game so Tidus can kill him]/spoiler]
The church and Seymour are more likely to be considered the antagonists of FFX
I was really hoping they would have put the battle system of FFX-2 into the remastered version of FFX. It would be the pinnacle of the sakaguchi-era Final Fantasies.
He's at least right about Lightning being one of the best protags.
Lightning or Serah.
Is taint sniffing a thing?
I just started Lightning Returns, and for what ever the fuck reason, God has taken away her and Hope's emotions. She was already kind of stoic, why the hell would the devs do that? Does it get better?
Shieeeet I fucked that up.
Damn phone
I wonder how the dreamers would swing that one.
>Hey everyone, remember that one guy that nearly used a doomsday weapon to destroy all life as we know it?
>Sure do.
>What would he be like if he was a blitzball player...?
He antagonizes Tidus throughout the whole game via Tidus' memories of him. And he was unwillingly controlling Sin the whole time too, who definitely antagonized them.
Reminder this is canon.
>implying Squall 'Whatever' Leonheart isnt the best FF protag
>That massaging mini game in X-2
Or people just want to hate him cause he is probaly on of the "Most human" protagonists of the series and not cool like Cloud or Squall (even tough i like both)
IDK, if he is the best, but his sword is.
I've always assumed that Dream Zanarkand is just a collective of all the residents or perhaps Shuyin's mother/relative was also a summoner who became one of the fayth.
>Antagonized him through his memories
...That's a big stretch there. Jecht wasn't doing that, Tidus was. If anything, this makes Tidus's own mental state the antagonist.
>Sin antagonizing them
But he wasn't. He was trying to get them to destroy Sin, although he couldn't control everything about sin. Sin brought Tidus to the real world, Sin showed him how dangerous Sin can be, and on multiple times, Sin spared them and help lead them to finally defeating Sin.
Off my chair, Jester. The King sits there.
Joke's on you asshole.
Anyways, It's Cecil, Cloud, Zidane, Lightning and the FF6 no coherent main character thing that are the top 5.
I don't know if I should be embarrassed that I was wrong or be embarrassed that there is so many lightning fags here.
Alright, you've convinced me.
>dad walks in
The Tidus we see in-game is a summon of Tidus that died ~1000 years ago in Zanarkand.
>tfw can't switch back to Old Noct look
>Not naming him Tidus
I didn't either. If they worked the entire dialogue around them NOT calling by name, which was fuckign stupid desu, then I'm not naming him his default name.
I think he was Nigger for me
Why didn't you name him ReJecht?
Oh look, a shit opinion. Everbody knows it's true that Lightning is one of the best protaganists in the series.
Oh God no, it's THAT fucking retard from last thread.
He copypasted this bullshit back there too, word for words. Probably has it saved up to shit out whenever someone calls lightning garbage.
No one else can compete.
>tfw when the only likeable FF protagonist in the last decade isn't even in a main series game
haven't played 15 btw
Yes, it's a bitch he didn't get the recognition he deserves.
>Your pic
Definitely unrelated
I would say the protag of FF6 is A three-way tie between Terra, Celes and Locke with Locke being the best one
It's not my play through. I actually just googled "stop right there goers".
FFX is a masterpiece I'm practically crying you guys
Dude, it's easier to break your argument by copy/pasting it than just typing it out every single time.
Likable doesn't equate to good. Serah was below average as a protagonist in 13-2
There is a reason why Lightning is one of the best.
>Locke over Celes
How the hell is someone so wrong?
When the faiths created Dream Zanarkand they also populated it with people taking from a bunch of "sample" sizes of originally dead Zanarkand dudes.
Tidus was based off another famous blitzball player who lived back then. Since they had to recreate Zanarkand they had to recreate Blitzball and so copying Shuyin sounded like the obvious choice.
good taste user
Aren't direct sequels technically mainlines?
Anyways, to be fair, if Serah and Lightning had become one character, I think she'd be pretty high up there. They both have what the other lacks.
*shrugs* I dunno man, I'm a sucker for the charming rogue type characters and Locke's scenarios were my favorites in game.
To be fair, Tidus' interior monologue was really exterior, explained at the campsite near Zanarkand, but for all intents and purposes, it was pretty interior.
Ppffffthahaahahahaha hahah ha haha
way to start the New Year, thanks dude.
Lightning is shit tier.
Literally Nomurafag's version of Cloud Strife clone with a pink wig.
>mfw 10 years stuck in a crystal with bahamut
Best 13 girl