


Do your gif magic on this magic man



It's a win-win situation.

this changes nothing

but this is already true

Pressing that shit immediately.

Even if you are not a tranny you should press that button

Accept that you'll never enjoy games again and do something more productive with your life, like living off from selling those games.




So nothing changes?

But what if I'm already a girl.


my own game AND i get to play life on easy mode for the rest of my life? push that shit


Yes then i will finally get to have sex with a big black man.

What if I'm not a virgin? Can I undo it and still get the pizza? Seems better anyway, even if the pizza is cold, since microwaved pizza is god tier


>Pol adds maga hats to literally everything
Pol go away



Sup Forums is destroyed


you turn into a black girl

It looks like blue is happening

I'm not entirely sure if grey or purple, but both seems like great choices.


Go with grey, do you even care about Battleborn?

All suck but blue is the beat


>bloodborne gets a pc release
>battleborn is now ps4 exclusive

Who on earth gives a shit about on which platforms Battleborn is

Blue, purple, grey, and pink don't have downsides.
Nothing changes with Yellow.

that's already possible user

purple sounds great


but im already a girl

>want to create one
>gotta login or create an account to make one

Fuck that. Let's do it this way.

Every game (and I do mean EVERY game) is released on all consoles.


Not on PC.

The problem is that with green, we get a brand new platform to compete with those shitters.
So it might be a better option.


You get turned into a girl


You get transported to a random third world shithole

There are literally no draw backs for grey