Has any other game series pissed all over its most dedicated fans the way Smash Bros has?
They took a game that both casuals and tryhards could enjoy and tried to make it more casual.
Has any other game series pissed all over its most dedicated fans the way Smash Bros has?
They took a game that both casuals and tryhards could enjoy and tried to make it more casual.
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probably not. in the end who cares about meleefags.
its "most dedicated fans" only like one game in the franchise, so who gives a shit
Dedicated fans are fans who play the game no matter how shit it gets (Street Fighter)
Meleefaggots are toddlers in every sense of the word
Well in the defense of SSB
Sm4sh did an excellent work on making a balanced game that both casuals and "hardcore gamers" can enjoy.
The "camp and shield to win" is not an issue in the casual scene
And the metagame is evolving at a very healthy pace and only a handful of the top players play defensively nowadays.
Huh... You do realize that Meleefags are just a vocal minority, right? Most Smash players are totally fine with Brawl and Sm4sh.
They modded the game to the point it became bearable to play, I'd call that dedicated.
>Brawl Apologists
The only good thing Brawl did right was the Subspace Emissary cutscenes.
where did you see me defending brawl? all i was saying was that the "dedicated fans" don't like the series, they like a single game
that's fine, but don't pretend you like the series
I would love smash 4 so much more if air-dodges weren't infinite.
>The only good thing Brawl did right was the Subspace Emissary cutscenes.
Not just the cutscenes. Subspace as a whole shits all over Melee's Adventure mode. The cast is also more diverse than Melee's clones extravaganza.
I really wish Subspace Emissary wasn't filled with ORIGINAL CHARACTERS DO NOT STEAL when you have literally all of Nintendo's history to draw from and combine
It's good but damn those enemies sucked
Smash doesn't have a dedicated fanbase, i've literally never seen a dedicated fanbase that didn't pick up and move to the new game on release even when that game was vastly inferior, such as streetfighter and etc.
As for "what did brawl do wrong?"
I don't think removing wavedashing was a mistake, meleetoddlers like to cling to this one interview where they are like the dev team new wavedashing was a thing, and then from that extrapolate it was INTENDED, which is not the case. They may have thought it was a thing that may give some characters extra options in certain scenerios, there is no way that they were aware it would become the only viable form of movement.
On the other hand, they added a mechanic where in your character will sometimes trip... which is pretty stupid. Not sure about that one. And made shields pretty much unbreakable, which raised the importance of good grab game, but not in a good/fun way.
meleefags are real mad about wavedashing and tripping, and will just parrot "ITS SLOW" because no wave dashing and MUH RNG Because tripping and really don't have any other complaints. Ive never seen a fanbase sperg out over two relatively minor changes so insanely hardcore.
On the flip side now that I think about it though, at any time nintendo could have put tripping on/off and wavedash on/off in the options menu and completely appeased everyone nearly instantly, but ive never seen a company more tone-deaf than Nintendo.
that's not really fair
even as a casual player, brawl is just a generally much slower game than melee - you can literally just measure the time animations take and the character's speed
Don't underplay its flaws just because tripping alone destroys your arguements
I like the idea of original designs for enemies, but I didn't like most of the designs they came up with. They're like Heartless rejects.
>Third Strike to 4
>Third Strike to 5
it's the exact same shit as Melee to Brawl/4, it's just that Third Strike isn't profitable at all and Capcom would rather promote 5 and pay people to play 5
>Has any other game series pissed all over its most dedicated fans the way Smash Bros has?
>I like the idea of original designs for enemies
nah man, have enemies from nintendo games in a game that's supposed to be a nintendo celebration
smash run did this much better
So I get brawl but what's wrong with Smash 4?
it's not melee hd
it has some legit problems but it's a super solid entry in general
It could use a few more balance patches, but otherwise its haters are only meming
But then, Metroid's fan base is cancer incarnated
tryhards are absolute faggots that don't deserve the developer's attention.
Man, I forgot about this. Fucking Miyamoto personally ruined this game series.
SSE was fucking Deviantart-tier.
Melee's Adventure Mode was perfect. It was a way to allow you to experience different iconic Nintendo areas with any of the characters you had unlocked.
You still can't combo because airdodge isn't limited to 1 in the air, shields regen quickly, there is no momentum carry, and when you can "combo" it's off a grab and there is nothing creative about it.
also patching out glide tossing and making it basic sucks but i'd take that if the above was patched in
as a smashfag through and through, I have to agree. I enjoy tourney matches from all of the games but none of them give me that "holy shit that was awesome" feel that melee tourneys do when I watch them. And really it's all because of how fast melee can be played vs the other smash games.
>only viable form of movement
Whenever someone hints that Wavedashing is anything more than a spacing tool clearly has no fucking idea what it is or what its purpose is in the Melee meta.
>It's slow because no wavedashing
You really do have no fucking clue as to what makes Melee good. Stop posting forever.
I doubt Sticker Star would've been better with new characters or a meatier plot. The game is fundamentally bad
most of melee's adventure mode was just classic with a different coat of paint
it had, like, what, 3 adventure-only things?
It's not really that much slower when its slower, and it's not always slower, sometimes its even faster. Ayy lmao.
I didn't underplay tripping. It's pretty stupid, but there are plenty of competitive games with way more, and way worse rng than tripping that have fanbases that are willing to accept that there will be some small amount of random in their gameplay but in larger samples better players will do better more often.
i loved brawl desu.
watch literally any match, even casually, of brawl vs melee or even 4
it's slower, you don't need a full comparison video to find that out - it's not just animations either, it's keeping momentum throughout combos and ease of movement
>Using frame data of attacks to make a comparison
lmao you're a fucking idiot. Yeah that's a perfect argument.
Blazblue has similar frame data to GG but I guess due to that logic it doesn't play like it's underwater whereas GG plays like you're on fucking speed.
He'd have to have actually worked on it to be personal
Blame the actual moron who made it. And Blast Ball.
He came in, told them to remove dialogue and non-standard characters.
That's why Bowser doesn't speak and the game's fool of generic Toads.
>competitive games with RNG
RNG moves/attacks are perfectly acceptable to a degree. but tripping is RNG movement and that shit is unacceptable no matter what genre of game it's in
quit avatarfagging you fucking retard.
just a reminder that brawl is much more technical, advanced and complex than smash4 would ever be.
fucking genkidama of breast cancer.
nowadays smash is mainstream and the gods are e-celebs retards.
smash4 is a terrible game with awful stages and modes, the gameplay its fine though... but lets not pretend it meant anything competitively.
its just the game to play nowadays, and so was brawl, thats all.
You're really just overblowing it honestly. In the competitive scene the average matches duration in melee, brawl, and melee are all pretty consistent and nearly identical. If one game was truly tehlightsped and another was underwaterlimbo you'd think that timelimits would have to be extended or that most matches wouldn't end in stock-outs or that the time till the average stock-out would be much slower.
You guys talk about your feelings like facts like tumblr girls.
Oh no, I definitely agree with you it's really bad. I don't think it's "absolutely game ending would not buy" bad though.
Do you seriously thing any game is more or less than a game to play? If it didn't mean ANYTHING competitively than melee players shouldn't have any problems moving over. So it clearly means something.
A lot of small things.
>Custom moves all sucked
>Stages are shit for competitive play
>A few characters still aren't balanced well enough
>Most characters have a single really strong move they can spam
>For Glory in general
>Worse single player than any other game, even the 3DS version
>Dodging is fast as fuck and spammable
Most of these complaints affect everyone, and there's plenty more I forgot
>In the competitive scene the average matches duration in melee, brawl, and melee are all pretty consistent and nearly identical.
Gee I wonder why Melee/Sm4sh are similar even though the latter has half the amount of stocks. I wonder how long Sm4sh matches would be if they were 4 stocks like Melee? Wait, they would be insanely fucking long as a result!
You're not only moving goalposts, you're just a fucking retard.
This thread is about brawl friend.
I personally don't see the problem with infinite airdodges. I do see a problem with the little ending lag of the airdodge, since you can spam it. This is my only complaint
It's not about just Brawl but it still applies, there's more time outs in Brawl than there are to Melee. Look up different VODs from each game and the ratio is fucked for Brawl.
I was just pointing out the retard was using match time/Time Outs as part of an argument where literally there's a stock difference to make them similar.
then they modded it to make it less shit and were warned they were gonna get sued
then they stole a bunch of mechanics for the new one
>only viable form of movement
what kind of spastic only wavedashes?
you can literally just dash dance fsmash pivot with marth and completely disregard it.
>It's a Melee-fags bitches about Brawl for the 5 million`th time episode
>the only viable form of movement
t. Someone that doesn't play Melee
Wavedashing is only used for the primary means of movement by Luigi, ICs, and Ganon (wave landing more so for ganon) every other characters mostly uses wavedashing as a spacing tool, and out of shield option, and of course waveshining for spacies.
I liked Brawl
and melee
fight me
kircheis is NOT for avatarfagging
i liked all of them but i like melee the most
People still played Melee as a party game, they didn't have to remove the depth.
Yeah, Pokemon is a series dedicated to shitting all over fans.
>hate 1vs1 Melee but love party chaos mode
>hate party chaos mode in Sm4sh but love 1vs1
I can't be the only one, right?
Melee was arguably a better party game than Sm4sh. They introduced so many shitty items, and half the cast is jank.
Dont blame the entire fanbase
Sup Forums metroid discussion is really crap here, and started to ramp even more with Cody.
Also, the smash!metroid sub-fanbase with those retarded ridleyfags and the autists who hold Samus' personality to the highest point.
And the super purists who only enjoy anything that isnt super or just retarded fanhacks (ACfag is a good example of a superfag)
Only /m/ and /vr/ are last bastions of good metroid discussion without the *autistic screeching* Sup Forumsermins spew.
I just want another 2dtroid and better version of hunters dammit.
Warchamp killed PM
Brawl was fine because you can tell that a lot of honest hard work went into it with stuff like SSE.
Tr4sh was the middle finger to the fanbase where Hackurai clearly did not give a fuck and knew much of his fanbase would eat up what ever he shat out
They managed to make a Smash game with Mega Man, Cloud, and Bayonetta unfun and anti-hype. I'll never fully grasp how they pulled that off
>Smash 4 has a genuine all star mode like PM
>It's locked behind the worst gamemode out of every smash game
I just don't understand it. Why couldn't they let it be its own game mode as well?
question for the ages
I think melee has the best pokeballs in the series.
And has the highest item spawn rate. And best bob-ombs and motion sensor bombs.
Personally, melee is the best even to screw around and play with items set to max.
capsule explosions and breaking a crate in the opponent's face feel the best in Melee, too. Recoil and shit is fun.
Sm4sh has too many garbage items to be fun on max settings.
i'll never get over how bad of a sequel brawl was
like yeah its slow and floaty, but they went out of their way to ruin competitive play with tripping.
but at the same time brawl ends up being a WORSE party game than melee thanks to broken items. also i'm still not sure why they thought smashballs and dragoon parts spawning so often was a good idea.
The only thing Sm4sh did right with the items was the introduction of the MAster Ball. I've wanted the option for Legendary only games since Melee
Most Nintendo series did. Mario had the NSMB rehashing and that 3D World shit instead of a real 3D Mario. Zelda had Skyward Sword and Phantom Hourglass. Metroid, Paper Mario and Star Fox I don't even want to elaborate on. But you get the gist. It seems Nintendo will hate you and shit all over your dreams once you support them long enough. Fuck them.
To this day I will never forget the smack in the face that was Brawl. I can say that it is the biggest disappointment gaming wise that I have EVER experienced.
The look on my friends' faces after we got the game at midnight was just pure disgust - I would imagine this is what it feels like to walk in on your wife cheating on you.