When does this game get good?
When does this game get good?
Play New Vegas instead, 1 and 2 are outdated as fuck
You dumb Fallout niggers said this was the best RPG ever made. I want an explanation.
I did play NV. It is exponentially worse.
>I want an explanation.
Hipster contrarians who weren't even alive when Fallout 1 and 2 came out bust constantly espouse is as "THE BEST RPG EVAR xD" because they can't stand the thought of not being a special snowflake.
They're alright at best. The writing and interactions are enjoyable but this is in spite of every backwards, tedious system and gameplay mechanic.
If you didn't like New Vegas then why even bother playing the first two? They're not any better, at least mechanically speaking
when you time travel to 1998 lmao
Fallout 1 is the only good Fallout game.
Now there's an opinion I can agree with
I can't play Fallout 1 or 2. I was never into isometric games when they were an active genre unless they were some kind of RTS and now I just can't get used to the mechanics.
>interactions are enjoyable
Hardly. There are very few of them and they lead you into fairly linear and short adventures.
>tedious system and gameplay mechanic
Monotonous would be a better word to describe it. All I'm really doing is clicking on things to kill them. Click. Die. Click. Die. Click. Die. This is ridiculously simple for a turn-based game considering the time period it was made in.
I feel like STALKER achieved everything the Fallout franchise set out to do and failed at.
Holy shit this thread is depressing. If you can't handle RPG elements, go play Brotherhood of Steel on the ps2 or xBox
That is the game I am playing, though. It is better than 3/NV, but it isn't great. I've seen you retards say it was better than BG2 on multiple occasions.
>If you can't handle RPG elements
It doesn't fucking have any. That's the problem. Character building and quests have been Skyrim-tier so far.
It doesn't hold up to the kings of WRPGs but I think people find it appealing because it's more simplistic at its core. Once you get past the interface and controls the game is rather easy to play. For classic RPG fans it's worse off for it but for entry level fans coming from modern games it's better.
>Holy shit this thread is depressing.
Pretty much this.
Explain to me what disliking it for being simple has to do with not being able to handle RPG elements. Calling me a casual isn't going to make this go away. Put forward an actual argument.
Well thanks for confirming this to be a shitposting thread
They are better mechanically though. Even the combat is way better than NV despite being shit.
>a winter sale baby bought classic fallouts: the thread
I have no idea what your arguments are or what your opinion is and since it's no longer [current year] I don't particularly care. I just said this thread was depressing. If you don't like the picture, feel free to downvote it.
But they are. I don't have to specialize in anything, I get tons of skill ups for multiple skills solely from vendors, and I can change what I'm dumping points in at any time. Most NPCs have nothing useful to say and are copy-pasted and every single quest has been like 10 minutes long tops and the only varying ways to solve them were just shittier ways that felt like I was just being punished for not solving it the 'right' way.
The exploration in STALKER is far too dumb and unrewarding to match up to Fallout 1, and the quests/world design are far too simplistic to compare to Fallout 2. I do prefer STALKER but it's a different game that doesn't do the things FO 1-2 excell at nearly as well.
>Most NPCs have nothing useful to say
Name games where most NPCs have something useful to say
you are just nitpicking at this point.
I don't even get what you want from RPG games. If you want the real RPG experience, go play pen and paper with your faggot friends.
Matthew, is that you?
ITT: we trigger Sup Forums some more
I feel like newcomers should start with Fallout 2 and Gothic 2. And get F1 and G1 only after finishing playthroughs
Torrented and played up to the point where I dropped the water filter off at the starting vault. Not bad but meh. I care more about the lore desu and the wiki describe a good deal of the old school lore.
Got fallout tactics on GOG though. Why did that game get so much hate its decent so far.
>I don't even get what you want from RPG games. If you want the real RPG experience, go play pen and paper with your faggot friends.
not him, but isnt simulating that exactly what cRPGs should be aiming for? and obviously FO1 does a better job at this than any earlier dungeon crawler or w/e, but still isnt anywhere close to the real deal.
That's a shit suggestion. Fallout 2 pretty much assumes that you've already played the first one and it's an all around more difficult and punishing game.
And no I'm not OP
>The exploration in STALKER is far too dumb and unrewarding to match up to Fallout 1
That sounds exactly like the exploration in Fallout 1.
>Fallout 2
We're not talking about Fallout 2.
>Name games where most NPCs have something useful to say
Gothic 2 NOTR
the original fallouts were great at the time but when you compare them to modern games there's a big lack of content, detail and balance
>obviously FO1 does a better job at this than any earlier dungeon crawler or w/e
I am the OP and it definitely doesn't do a better job than Wizardry or the Infinity Engine games.
>That sounds exactly like the exploration in Fallout 1.
Nah it's pretty solid in 1. It is lacking in content but the exploration is pretty damn good thanks to a lack of hand holding and the point and the way skills/builds work. Even in the early parts of the game where you're railroaded it's done in the most organic way possible. STALKER's exploration just boils down to following objective markers outside of a couple genuinely useful unmarked stashes
>Fallout franchise
>not talking about Fallout 2
Yeah ok.
emulating tabletop games being a good thing is a meme pushed by obsidian
video game rpgs should move away from tabletop and do what they're best at (this doesnt mean abandoning freedom of choice)
Never, the combat is boring as shit. Super slow too
I started with Fallout 2 and had no problem understanding anything
Only problem was I couldnt go back and play Fallout 1 because it felt like shit in comparsion, it's such a small game with no content
fallout 1 came before the first baldurs gate though
necropolis is the best part of the game
i enjoyed the fight for Adytum
no, I completely agree with you, I was referring to emulating the "real RPG experience", and thankfully many RPGs after dnd began moving away from a wargame-centric, number-heavy approach
1 and 2 are more about understanding the lore behind common factions these days don't get why people take the games so serious
>fallout 1 came before the first baldurs gate though
By only a year, maybe even less, but fine, how about this then? Darklands did a better fucking job than Fallout 1. I had more fun playing Darklands than this.
>implying wizardy 8 wasn't RPG perfection specifically because of the quality of it's RPG systems
darklands is nice and gives the player more agency than any other game released in the same time frame afaik, but any game that makes you create and play a party of people cant be said to accurately simulate a RPG, in which every player can obviously only roleplay one character, unless he is a schizo I guess
Right at the start, senpai.
wizardry 8 was a fine game, y'know, except for the lack of it being a complete game, and actually having some kind of skill available for use other than just rng as a whole, i mean i know that's what rpgs are for but damn
dont agree, but it's fucking fantastic and not dated at all, fuck the haters. i only played it for the first time this year. very immersive, i only wish all the NPCs were interactable
M&M 6/7 and wizardry 8 are what rpgs should have become but instead now we just get half baked action games where you can change the outfit of your character
>actually having some kind of skill available for use other than just rng as a whole
git gud
>very immersive
Gunna need you to expand on that.
STALKER isn't an RPG though.
You equip yourself as you please, you can interact with NPCs in a wide variety of ways, you're free to take quests as you please, and you can complete them in a variety of methods. Its more of a roleplaying game than most games that claim to be RPGs today. Mind you, I've only played Shadow of Chernobyl.
why are you killing all the ghouls in Necropolis
they're basically niggers
gets it.
>any game that makes you create and play a party of people cant be said to accurately simulate a RPG
RPG systems are certainly a huge aspect of the RPG genre, also most people just roleplay as the leader of the party.
I'm really getting sick of killing rats.
Whelp, turned the water chip in. Guess the thread is dead.
Fallout 1 and 2 are very easy once you get used to the mechanics